The Plunder of All Things

Hundreds of things plundered Chapter 869


Under the hood, if the silver hairdresses are hidden, it is a beautiful man. I don't know why, everyone thinks that he and the ancient Ryphia have a bit like.

"I didn't see the wrong. Kyoto street is like a woman's woman, it turned out to be you. The female Wu of Nordic is a good collection."

Roth Vweear is struggling: "I don't understand what you are saying!"

"This man is very strong ..."

The mysterious people are snected: "Do you think of it? Sierra Far."

"Who are you?" Saravale is headed.

Silver haired man breathes and anger.

"It's really noble. Hey, that woman is too weak, will be lost in the battle with you. The position of the devil is not you. I will take back the glory of Xifeng."

After that, the silver hair man disappeared with Roth Veir's transfer array.


The girls watched the teacher and rushed.

Jienoweia said: "The color and family of this magic array are a bit more eye."

"The ancient Relfia's adult ..." Ilina exclaimed.

Sierra Fer finally thought of this man. That is the battlefield of the Devil's Civil War, the little Gelphia was identified by the younger brother.

"Was the lassi Fisi family of the old devil?" Sarah Far is full of color, "things have become troubled!"

Difficult Kyoto, a wave of uncertain wave.

PS: Buy an illustration to send a novel, this Roth Vweiter I I I. Is the three-pointed triangle? Is it absolutely airspace?

Chapter 519 Ice Princess, Raviya

Lushan Scenic Area, tourists are bustling, including students in the school. At this point, everyone should not hide the identity, then delete memories.

The blonde Little Witch rides a broom and took out the Holy King Jian from the magical array. Only a sword cuts the space.

Lefei said: "I can track the space trajectory and catch up!"

"it is good."

The girls enter the battle state, open the wings of angels and demon. Sierra Fer is the highest position in the field, and it should be commanded by her to take back the chasing battle of Roswi.

Cang, asked: "Sister ..."

"I understand." Sierra Far is rare.

In strict sense, Luo Weisi did not have any relationship with her, regarded as "exchange student" from Northern Europe. Once the god of Wushen, once they died, it may trigger the conflict between the Bible and Nordic, and the peace treaty is abortion. What's more, the woman is a teacher of my sister.

Sierra Fer said: "Destroy your sister's mechanics travel, you must not forgive."

"Is this a focus ?!"

"Rescuing Luo Rowser before Biece. Otherwise, God will be angry, I will be assigned with Xiaoma."

I shouted: "It's just!"

Everyone is going to transfer to the space, only feeling slow. A cold container is covered, and the frostburned Debuff is added. They returned to God, all tourists were all frozen into ice crystals, and they did not hurt. Another sense of "dispersing idlers".


A blonde is going to the bridge. She has a long hair of waves, and the body is the same as adding a hundred columns. In contrast, the Ou Pai is more resolute, and the body is slim.

"Does the enemy?"

Jienowei's temper is hot, and it is not rushing up, and the Durano is shoveed. The blonde beauty lifted his hand and cooked the shield of ice, such as the ice flower bloom. Only listen to the "", the ice shield is broken, and the holy sword is not refundable.

Glitting Cang Na's lens reflective, flashing with a wise ray, analyzing the enemy's ability. The artifact of the ice is manipulated ... Heroes, is there a partner, or said Lucygegs?

Blonde is eyebrow: "The Sword? Angel ... There is also devil, find you."

"Sure enough, it is rushing by us."

Selrafale launched a changing magic, COS magic girl. She waves the pink wand, and the cold is sprayed.

"My name is Ravi Ya Ren." Gold Hair said, "You are also ice-based ability? The gesture of magical girl is Sierra Fariitan, which means the magic of the words. ? "

Sarah Full Cold Sound: "I have never heard of the name. Do you want to launch a 'Dagger Action'? Hey, caught you again."

"No, I am inadvertently ..."

Raviya has never been to talk, Sierra Fer has attacked it. She handheld a wand, broke out the magic of the magic king, frozen the entire lake in an instant. The sparkling lake is smooth. Everyone jumped from the killy bridge and fell on the ice.

Ice and snow, cold winds.

"It's so cold!"

Ilina, Ilina, Into, the double horses should be frozen.

The girls only felt that the face was covered, and the face was covered. This level of ice magic is confronted, there is no way to close, you can only look at Sella Fer

Devil's Wrath!

The glasses of Cang Na and Zhen Luo Ji greenered a layer of white fog, one person analyzed the opponent's ability.

"The Ice Magic of Sierra Far is the strongest in the world. It will not be an ordinary artifact with the devil, it is probably ..."

"Yes, one of the thirteen demonstrations, exquisite [Absolute Demise]!" Cang Na is secretly shocked.

The cold passed over.

Raviya said a bit bite: "There is no way. Forbidden, the silver world will always think!"

The blonde has a three-meter cheeper with a three-meter cheeper. It has a six-point arm, which is different from the second day, which is an unique artifact. Only hit, frozen the mountains of the entire Lushan. The world of ice crystals shines in the sun.


In an instant, the cold surpass the King's ice magic, hit Salah.


When I said it was fast, a lightning was checked. A black shadow drops from the sky, and the ice is crushed. Ice is flying, the clothes are flying. Not someone else, it is . Next second, the embarrassment of the embarrassment of the embarrassment, the binding of the mermaid and the demonbird crimped the princess of Ice.


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