The Plunder of All Things

Hundreds of things plundering Chapter 870

Brutal suppression!

Ice inch is broken. The princess of Ice was stepped on the foot and sent a sorrow.

what? !

Ravi Ya lived. This "World of Warcraft" is five or six times the princess of Ice, like a beautiful ice demon. The third power of the ice system? This boy is ...

"Ice Age."

,, The momentum has reached an absolute zero - whether Selrah is still there. If the blonde of the waterfall climbs the cold cream, Raviya is frozen into ice beauty.

"how come?"

Biece is fascinated by Red Dragon Emperor, and there is a late blue light wing. This is the most common battle form. Ravi Ya pupil, it seems to be recognized.

"You are……"

Next moment, Basaki had Yuyi hand through her chest, no pity and jade. The enemy treats this difference, not to mention the artifact of unknown origin. Raviya has no resistance, only the humiliation of "attacking chest".

"Your God has, I accept it."

It seems a bit subtle in the girl. The cage of Baki dyed the dark-[spell glove] and took the black hand. The jade peak of the blonde is "God,", so that the poverty triple group is very envious.

Raviya breathes, fell forward, just pressed in the shoulders of B. She is just an ordinary magician, and she will die. The blonde is bleeding, and it is a wind candle.

"You just use this trick, take away the white dragon emperor of Valley ..."

"Do you speak Warley?" B is slightly frowned, "Aysia, treating her."

"it is good!"

Aysia is easy to symptuous, even the enemy wants to treat. What's more, the other party is such a beautiful woman, it looks like a bad person. Laughing contributed a bottle of fake and shoddy tears. Double tube is unique, this hangs a sigh of relief of Raviya.

"Eternal ice ?"

When the embarrassment of the embarrassment, the princess of Ice lowered the arrogant skull, and it was tamed. Both Saki didn't put it in your heart, put the gods into the crazy, the princess of Ice was released. Ice is already very strong, and the same property of the same property is just talking.

So, I have already got six episodes, plus the [hanging world of the world], and the number of collected is over half.

"Sure enough, this imitation is also effective. That is to say, the local and tears I don't know is producing a lot of tears." Laughter has set off a stormy waves.

: "What do you mean?"

The two parties meet and exchange a relationship. Both sponsor, there is this, and the number of tears is not right. There is a batch of tears from the black market flow into the meditation.

Gu Leffia said: "I found it when I was checking. I reported to the Saze people."

Laughing bite the lips, red eyes, and the bottom is full of grievances. The most suspicious is the big devil, kill and slave her brothers, and put them into tool people who only secrete tears?

"Not I do, you believe me."

Both Sakura is holding her shoulders, pair.

"Do you want me to believe in you! How can I explain to my mother? I am a big brain daughter, blind love, my family and everything, why not let me go, you Do you want to bully me? "Laughing cried pear tape.

Both spokes did not speak, low below, and kissed the tears of Lady at a little bit. When everyone's face is too shameful. The blonde "" is red, it is the best woman.

"I don't want to see you crying, so I will never make the tears of Phoenix." Bai said softly.

"... um." Laughing finally believed.

It turns out that there is also a mitigator in the middle of the world? Smuggling tears, everything is spooled. More importantly, everyone heard that Lu Rower was taken away.

"Do you say, the European miles?" Gu Lifia stunned.

Selrah said: "Yes. The man is back."

Both Sakura and Gu Lipfia have a look at the problem of problems. The enemy was recorded in accordance with the official record of the midst of the Devil's War. Gu Laia suspected that he was still alive, and joined the disaster.

"Ofs, do you know?" Saki quickly asked.

Black-long straight-loli is like a schoolmaster autumn tour, has been following the most of the team of studying.

"Dad, silver hair is very like silver hair mother." Ofs is old, "I gave him 'snake', conduct evil dragon research. Don't be clear."

Ophius's mind is only three years old, and it is impossible to expect her useful intelligence.

Raviya is weak: "European Mili Luthefs, I am tracing this man. He is the person you are looking for?"

"Who is this woman?" Lily was confused.

"My name is Raviya, is the righteous sister of Valley."

"Hey?" The girls were shocked.

"Isn't this the relationship between the ancient Relfia?"

Ravi Ya is bitter. She looked at the "Bai Longhuang's light wing], there is a priest, just like to see the priest. Who can think of it, not only can I save my brother, but also lost my gods. The bad guys who have been robbed to the younger brother toys are chest ...

"I am a member of the Gray Magic Association. The disaster is not a warning of the Magic Association, which has been abused the magician. I was sent to investigate, and I won the European."

Ban recalls that the female magic martial arts cultivated by the old magic prince is all received. In a sense, it is a black and white.

Sierra Fer is surprised: "Gray Magic? What is your relationship with Merfsto Ferre?

"He is my teacher." Raviya said.

Lily is afraid that B is unknown, explain it. Merfsto Ferres is an ancient big devil, free from the foreigner, once signed a contract with the first generation of Faust. Glorick holding [fog] is actually the descendants of the first generation of Faust.

"According to the convention, the devil will sign a contract. The human magician has transplanted the magic circuit of the devil. As long as the phase is enough, it will play a plus a big than two magic."

To put it bluntly, the human magic is food, and you can summon the devil without the need. Similarly, Baki can sign a blood embarance with the nine tail, which is convenient for summoning the fox demon. The power of the Devil is too strong, and the project with the human magician "one pair of poverty alleviation" is not mentioned.

Raviya is an excellent graduate, which is likely to sign a contract with a certain girl of the Devil. It's really a big water rushed to the Dragon King Temple.

"Ah, playing the wrong person." Sarafpel knocked down his head.

Bright Black Line and said: "Don't try to use the sold Meng Meng, you have never reliable!"

"I also have my own selfishness. I heard that the things happened in Kyoto, the disaster group is coming." Raviya sighed, "I just want to contact the high-level high-level, redeem Warley."

Under the teachings of Assis, Walley is being closed.

: "His current situation is very good, participate in the new people to choose the pulse, and meet new friends in the middle of the world. Recently, I have made a piece with Cera O'Go."

"Yes?" Ravidian lived.

: "I will let you see her. The enemy's enemy is a friend. Tell me, the information you know."

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