The Plunder of All Things

Hundreds of things plundering Chapter 982

Both the eyes of Bachelor's eyes have passed a golden light, which is a witch to predict the future spell. He witnessed the scene of the mad three after two seconds. She transferred the damage to the shadow, and the body was put into the shadow and put the cold gun in the dark.

Seven plays (ZAYIN)!

As long as this shot is in playing, the time will be stationary, let the big magic king can't open the evil eye!

Mad three self-confidence: "My sister will stop."

A shot of Ben is running out, and immediately killed a horse. Liu Haifei, his gun tip first greeted the bullets of the sneak attack, there is a needle tip to Mai Mang, [Seven Sports] Hard students were cut into two halves.

"Ping -"

"Sorry, I can also predict the future." B is smirked, "I predict your pre-judgment."

what? !

Diji mad three did not win. ........... The most evil elf in history, is just a weak woman in front of the Demon of Ben.

The mad three simply threw the gun and said, "I have been filled. Bestei Jun, your guns have grown. Do you want 'Qi Meng Meng to get a girl's heart, or let your sister spend?"

"A people who can't die are very difficult to find." Baki said.

The girl suddenly came up, and the distance was too late.

"Are you worried about me? Because I was killed in Chongqing, do you feel bad?" The mad three smiled.

Both Biece face, said: "There is no harmful suffering, don't forget that we are enemies. Almost harm the weave account, I haven't followed you yet."

"My sister and my girlfriend fell into the river. Who do you save first?"

What is this a proposition?

B is boat: "Of course, a girlfriend. The righter is gone, I will recognize one, anyway, I am a sister mad."

"I just will be jealous. I met again. You even got a few girlfriends. I also gave some women called my sister. As long as I eat them, I can get the brother's pet."

Diji mad three light scholars lips, the face revealed the sick smile. At this moment, she is like a brother.

The girl saw the strength of the big magic of the big king, and wandered him to fight [phantom] is the most wise choice. More important than swallowing the five corridations, or the experience between my brother is more important. However, she still started with my brother's girlfriend.

One intensive Bad end of the black firewood. "My sister is a sickness", pitiful, weak and helpless ... still is still awkward.

Buffet: "Are you serious?"

"As you can see, I am a bad girl." The mad three grinked.

This woman is simply a beautiful devil.

: "Are you Fujiang?"

"Who? It sounds the name of the girl."

"The horror comics of the Ioun Second, there is a beautiful man named Fujiang. Any man will not be able to fade with her, produce the impulse of the dismembers. They share memories, each cell can regenerate new individual."

"Are you talking about? Xiaoyu ~"

There are countless letters from the shadow, and the mad ocean hugged a Biquo, it seems to be dragged him into the country.

Ju Shibao!

Both of Both bloom white light, illusion, one way. Every one can inherit his 50% strength, which is far better than the madness. Two fresher have collided with the tide, and each holy gun has been stringing a "Diki Mad 3".

"Is it? This trick is also. Do you like being killed?"

In the hurricane blood, Baki and mad three are far away, ignore the killing of the week.

"I still killed by a man. I didn't have a person who was fired. I didn't shoot the qualifications." The mad three smiled. "Sure enough, we are the same. You will use the gun, I also like to pistol." Your eyes are as good as me ... "

Black long straight girl reaches out, gently touching the right eye of B. Her oblique Liuhai, the left eye is a golden clock. The sight of the two is intertwined.

"That is just your wish, you don't know what I really do."

After finishing, Baki has an [], illusion of a dark monster.

This is the power to kill the Devil Barrow. [The world's evil eye] and [Aion Barroll, the evil eye of the time and space ", which stopped the world's evil eyes. No [Warcraft creation] can summon the dark creatures.

The ideal country in the fog is swallowed, and it is a dark Tiangong City. Seeing the mad three army is dragged into the darkness by the monster.

The world is clean.

In the form of the beast, Baki has a mad three, showing the squid, and flowing the saliva. He pressed the beautiful chest, and his head was opened, and the dense numbness was full of evil eyes. This talents gorgeous, but let Dhai mad three more embarrassed.

"It's very cute. Are you a child, show your sister, happy toys? Although men are animals, beast O is not."


The mad three smiles: "Bai Shijun, how do you want to revenue me? Hundreds of people who have been imprisoned and kill it? Or justice kills, then kill O, repeat one hundred times ..."

"It's really defeated."

, [] Do you still can't save this woman? He dispersed the Darkness and exposed a handsome face.

"You are shaken. If you want to take my angel, you can get your hand. Why do you want to play now?" Timei madman said, "Do you like me?"

Based on the mouth: "I can't see your [Emperor] ..."

"Brother Jun Jiao, really cute."

B is full of black lines, saying: "What is this kind of childish title?"

" " and the perfect combination of "younger brother".

"In addition to the spiritual power, you can give you all the people."

Diji mad three eyes blurred, reached out to the neck of Baki. The woman has the instinct of Muqiang, which has already been discounted by this powerful and overbearing gesture. Dark than dark, more deep than the universe, than she wants to distorted monsters, and is worthy of the big devil.

I am not afraid of death, how can I be afraid of falling?

Black long-term girl pulled the Big Demago into the shadow, like a natural bed, another sense of roller sheet.

Isn't this a mad three sister?


"Sister's precious virginity is to give you brother. As compensation, instead of your girlfriend's obligation, can you forgive me?" The mad three licked the cherry, "my [three bomb (gimel) can make Object grows. "

Bullets have been on.

Both Sakuya is accelerating, no one can resist the charm of this woman. He is to practice the gun, [Holy Gun in dusk] has taken the past by Turia mad three, and finally played the first person shooting game. [Aleph] allows the target to accelerate, [Two bombs (BET)] makes the target slow down. Double tubes are neatly, and they will be lost to [God speed].

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