The Plunder of All Things

Hundreds of things plundering Chapter 983

That night, they grew a lot.

Such as the shadow of the ink, blooming a enchanting blood, like a fire red, the misery, like a bride's wedding dress. Turia mad three faces with tears and remains in the long run.

is that a lie? Although I have already felt, the fighting power of the big devil ... All "I" will also be defeated.

The girl is full of face, saying: "Brother Jun ..."

, sigh: "I admit that I am a sister. Why can't I hate it?"

Eat people's mouth soft, take short. I can only choose to forgive her, I can't pull the gun.

Diji mad three questions: "When did you start like me?"

"Last life."

"Truth meat numbness, but ... I like it." The mad three play tastes, "The younger brother is an experience. So far, how many girls have you already drilled with guns?"


Timei mad three hearts. The younger brother's virgin, too delicious! This is an unprecedented kill, hunting billions of little life in the past night, swallowing into the belly.

"The family between my brothers will come here soon. Another 'I', you can't really want to say that the younger brother will welcome my sister after growing up?" Suddenly a cold female voice suddenly sounded.


Just listening to a gun, Tudai mad chest blooms a blood, splashing on the boy. She exposed her expression, fell to Biece. The girl is half-open, and it is a beautiful "female corpse", and a bounter is printed in the chest.

Blood is like. Blood and falling red fused together, the same is blocked.

"Sorry, you can give you a child's god to you before you die. This is not a regret."

The girl smiled and smiled and the vitality was quickly lost.

At this moment, B is aware that the mad three is not acting, and the love confessed is not lying. This mad three is just a difference. In the moment of falling in love with the big magic of the big magic, it has lost its own qualifications.

Another wild three said: "I am not mature during this period. The body that has been tarnished is not necessary to recover, become my nutrient."

Both Sakuya did not send a girl, and the palm of her eyes emerss. He launched [healing], so that he will solve it to rescue Diki mad three - have a righteous sister of a night drop.

The mad three body is: "Why, how much is this branch?"

"you shut up!"

Both Sakura looked back and let her see terrible eyes. Mad three mood is complicated, is it better than the body?

"I like it is the same as my sister. Not you, dreams."


Timea mad wounds rapidly healed, restored the shallow body. The wounds were cured. She woke up, I don't understand why I am still alive. It is always used by the body casually, and there have been countless times.

"Welcome to come back." Bai Sheng said softly, "I don't hate the evil." The sister "has a serious brother's complex, there is no way."

The girl was moved. Obviously it is just a branch, I am willing to betray you, will you recognize that I am a sister? I may ... I will not have a better man than you.

"Brother, are you willing to accept me?"

B is seriously said: "Of course. Since then, I don't allow anyone of the mad three to easily die. Even if it is the one's will, it is not qualified to determine their life and death. No one is born in order to be killed."

"What joke? This is my body!" The mad three is anxious.

Bachelor of Magines is too tidal.

The body is drawn through a hint. Take a boss, first stabilize this man. How to kill people after leaving, I have said it.

: " ....

"why is it like this……"

Timea mad three faces. She is already in love with the power of high purity, and the piral O is addictive. Leave this "younger brother" can't live at all, just want to be injected into more spiritual power.

"I know." The girl and a bit bite.


The confrontation of the two came to a paragraph.

There is a very clear, and the Siki mad three will not fall in love with anyone. In order to achieve his own grief, she has given up human feelings. Every time I will kill myself, stand in an invincible place.

"We are a total of people who have been eliminated in the beginning of the source of the spirit." Said that B is faintly, "You can go out."

"Brother Jun ..." The girl is reluctant.

: "Three three, if you are bullied by this woman, you can come to me at any time."

As a sister, what should I ask for your brother? You can't say that you still want it.

The real world, Timei mad three came out from the fog. They have been sent to Biece to leave, such as the world. Leaving the dark Tiangong City, ushered in the sunrise of Tiangong.

"We lost it."

There is still a softener, hugging your body from behind.

Diji mad three pupils, thoughts such as electricity. As long as the memory touching another timeline will share memory, it is a heartbeat memory that is a joy. I can't believe that I will expose such a new expression, like a kitten like a love period.

Thousands of Baimei.

"Doggy style, try it. In front of your brother, we are like a kitten ..."

This is the Nance of the cat. As in the original, when the name "Xiaoyu" and "Three Three" were mating, she helped adjust the position. Adjust the feeling of the ballistics, very strange.

"is that a lie!"

This is not like being strongly pushed? Obviously, it is still a virgin ... From then on, it can only be tarnished by separation.

Already, it's broken.

Diji mad three feels that they have riped. They were oppressed by the body too long, listened to the one who had a pleasant, while emit this devil.

"No one is born in order to be killed ...?"

If B is still, you will definitely remember the "20,000 hometown" of the school city. After the midit of the mission, there were many mad three sisters. It's a gratifying.

"I really want to talk to your brother's judge."

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