"Yes, I can. But you owe me a favor. I'll get it back when necessary."

After listening to Chen Ge, he agreed directly, and then he put forward his own conditions to Mu Yuhan.

Muyu Han after listening, is also slightly a Leng.

But she also knows that Chen Ge agrees. As for human feelings, she owes Chen Ge.


After a pause, muyuhan agreed.

After reaching cooperation, muyuhan left Chen GE's room.

The next morning, it was Zhang yingzi's turn to compete today.

And Zhang yingzi is still telling the truth. This is the first time that she has participated in such a big competition. In the past, she participated in some very small competitions.

"Today is the duel of the practitioners. At this time, Ling Zheng came forward and announced loudly.

After the announcement, immediately enter the game.

Zhang yingzi and Hong lie walk into the middle of the duel field. They stand opposite each other and stare at each other.

"Miss Zhang, I can't believe it's the two of us

Honglie smiles at Zhang yingzi and preaches.

"Ha ha, I've heard that master Hongda's swordsmanship is very good for a long time. It's my honor to see it today. But please show mercy to me, master Hongda. How about we order it?" Zhang yingzi after hearing, light however a smile, first is toward Hong strong praise a, then open mouth to propose a way.

Originally, it was just a martial arts competition. Friendship Honglie and Zhang yingzi belong to the rich families of Xuanqi country. Honglie is a good person in Zhang yingzi's impression, at least not too much of a rogue.

After they reached an agreement, they showed their weapons at the same time.

Zhang yingzi uses a black whip, while Honglie uses a sword made by himself.

The Hong family is a sword family of Xuanqi kingdom. It is not only famous for casting Qi, but also for its sword technique. The sword technique of the Hong family is so changeable that people can't understand it. So few people can compete with the Hong family, and it's hard to see the real sword technique of the Hong family. So today Zhang yingzi feels very honored to be able to compete with the eldest son of the Hong family After a contest, even if you lose, you will be satisfied.

The voice falls, two people rush toward each other at the same time and go.

Zhang yingzi takes the lead in taking the initiative and pulls out her whip. The whip cuts through the air and sends out bursts of thunderclaps. She feels that the air is broken.

Honglie, of course, is not so simple. He quickly cuts out Zhang yingzi's whip and shakes it away.

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