To tell you the truth, Zhang yingzi makes a good whip, and immediately changes his attack moves. He uses the distance of his long whip to attack Honglie, and can't let Honglie close to him.

Chen Ge, who is sitting outside watching everything, is also shocked to see this scene.

Chen GE has never seen Zhang yingzi use a whip. Today, it really surprised him a little. I didn't expect Zhang yingzi to use the whip so skillfully and fiercely.

This let Chen Ge know, it seems that Zhang yingzi is really ready for the contest.

It's just.. Just one thing, Chen Ge deeply knows that although Zhang yingzi is very skilled in using the whip, she is still not Honglie's opponent, because Honglie has not played her real strength yet.

Chen GE's heart is like a mirror and knows it like the back of his hand.

From Honglie's moves, we can see that Honglie has always stopped, and has never let go to fight with Zhang yingzi.

So this makes Chen Ge believe that once Honglie lets go, Zhang yingzi has absolutely no room to fight back.

It's not that Chen Ge looks down on his apprentice Zhang yingzi, but it's just a fact.

At this time, Honglie began to show his real strength. His long sword turned into several sword shadows and attacked Zhang yingzi.

Seeing this, Zhang yingzi takes back her whip and immediately spins in front of her. She wants to form an air wall with a cyclone to resist the fierce sword shadow.

But it's a pity that Zhang yingzi is still a step late, and the whip in his hand is directly chopped out by the sword shadow of Honglie.

Zhang yingzi was suddenly shocked. She knew that she had lost her advantage.

Once she loses the advantage, it means she has lost.

"I lost!"

The next second, Zhang yingzi took the initiative to admit defeat.

Zhang yingzi is not a person without self-knowledge. From the moment Honglie used her real strength, she knew that she was not Honglie's opponent at all.

Fortunately, Honglie didn't use much strength, otherwise she would not be standing in the same place now.

"Miss Zhang, the whip you used is also very powerful. I hope we can have a chance to learn from each other in the future!" Honglie puts away his sword and looks at Zhang yingzi with a smile.

Zhang yingzi also gave a knowing smile and nodded in response: "of course, thank you very much for your kindness!"

With that, they bowed politely and respectfully to each other and walked out.

"I declare that this battle is won by Honglie, the eldest son of the sword family!" Then Ling Zheng immediately came out and announced.

Back to his own area, Zhang yingzi sits back to Chen Ge.

"Master.. I'm sorry, I didn't win. I'm ashamed of you! " As soon as he sat down, Zhang yingzi lowered her head and apologized to Chen Ge.

Chen Ge showed a smile and comforted: "don't apologize to me, because you've tried your best, and I've seen the strength gap between you and Honglie, so it's not your fault. It's normal for you to lose and win in the martial arts competition, strong and weak!"

What Chen Ge said is true. Originally, Zhang yingzi was not Honglie's opponent. How could Chen Ge blame Zhang yingzi.

"However, yingzi, is the Hongjia family of Jianqi very famous in Xuanqi kingdom?"

Then, Chen Ge looks at Zhang yingzi curiously and asks.

He is still very curious about this sword family.

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