"Mr. Chen Ge, can we talk?" Ichiro Noda stopped. He really didn't know who to talk to. He couldn't talk to his colleagues, but there were no friends nearby.

"Of course, I'd love to be your listener." Chen Ge nodded.

From the mouth of Ichiro Noda, you may be able to get the clue of the man who assassinated the South Vietnamese special forces, and you can also know whether your actions that day were discovered by the Japanese War Department.

"This way, please. Recently my family sent me some good tea. Please have a taste!" See Chen Ge agree, Noda Ichiro face immediately appeared smile.

Go to his office together, Noda Ichiro let the secretary make tea, then quickly asked Chen Ge to sit down.

"Mr. Chen Ge, you don't know that on this day my whole head is big, and one after another things are crowded together. I don't know where to start the investigation, but if I don't investigate now, I'm afraid I can't keep my job!"

Yoshiro Noda sighed and said helplessly.

"It's true that a lot of things have happened in your Japanese training ground during this period. What's the matter? Have those two people found any clues?" Chen Ge nodded.

"The first one hasn't yet. I really think it's very strange. It's half a month since now, and we still haven't found any clues. Not to mention Lin aping's body, even the man who started the attack didn't leave any traces. In my opinion, there should be no way to find out."

"The second one is under investigation. We have found the bodies of the special forces and sent them back to South Vietnam. We are also investigating according to the clues left by the murderer, but it is not certain when we will find out."

Mr. Noda continued.

He knows that Chen Ge is not a member of the war department and has nothing to do with this matter, so he should be a friend who can listen to him and feel depressed. Otherwise, he will feel very sad if he keeps these words in his heart.

"I hope it can be found out as soon as possible, otherwise it's not good for you." Chen Ge nodded thoughtfully.

"Who said no? The Colonel has given me an order that I must investigate all the two incidents, otherwise his position as a colonel may not be guaranteed, and I'm afraid the leader of the investigation team will have to step down."

"You don't see that the training ground has been surrounded by soldiers of our war department. I'm afraid that similar situation will happen again. To tell you the truth, it's OK for the special forces who died in South Vietnam to say that it's just a gift to compensate."

"If something happens to the special forces in China or the Western Union, or even in Europe, we will be in great trouble!"

After receiving the tea from the Secretary, Ichiro Noda gave Chen Ge a cup, and then continued to say that he was shaking his head and sighing when he spoke. I could see that he was very upset at this time.

"By the way, didn't you investigate the hotels and hotels nearby? Since there is a person's height and body shape, it's impossible to say that this person has lived or is living nearby. If you investigate, there should be some gains."

Thinking of the breath of the cultivator that she felt last night, Chen Ge casually reminds her.

"We have practiced what you said for a long time, but it's useless. The day after the incident, we started to investigate around and didn't find anyone similar to him."

"I suspect that he left immediately after the attack."

Mr. Noda continued.

"Are you sure?" Chen Ge frowned slightly. All along, he suspected that it was the hand of the Chen family's cultivator. In his current situation, only this person can have such strength.

But he clearly felt that this man was nearby, but the Japanese War Department did not investigate.

This makes Chen Ge have some doubts.

"Of course, the investigation is not confidential. I'm sure I won't keep it from you." Said Ichiro Noda, waving his hand.

"I hope you can make an investigation as soon as possible. For the sake of our mutual affinity, please let me know if you need anything. I'll help you." Chen GE's face is still wearing a faint smile.

"Mr. Chen Ge, are you joking or are you serious?" The expression on Noda Ichiro's face is stiff, rise to ask a way.

"It's true, of course." Chen Ge laughs.

"That's really great. Your strength is so strong. If you help me, I'm sure I can catch that person in the shortest time!" Ichiro Noda is very excited. He knows how strong Chen Ge is. A man who can turn the War Department of South Vietnam upside down, how can he be bad.

"It's a deal. I'll help you!" Chen Ge reaches out her hand.Of course, in Chen GE's mind, it's not unnecessary to make trouble for herself. Instead, she hopes to use the hand of the investigation team of the War Department of Japan to find out the Chen family's cultivator.

As long as you are with these people, the other party can't show the strength of the cultivator, so you can only compete with yourself.

"But Mr. Chen Ge, if you help us, you will not only waste time, but also your strength. You won't get any benefits."

After the joy, Ichiro Noda asked curiously.

"Ha ha, I told you that I'm in favor of you, and Bai Xiaofei is competing. I have nothing to do in my spare time, and my hands are itching." Chen Ge waved his hand and found an excuse to prevaricate him.

"Anyway, I thank you for your help on behalf of the investigation team of the war department. If I can catch that person, I will ask the leader of the war department for credit!" Ichiro Noda reaches out his hand to Chen Ge. Now he likes Chen Ge very much. He can help him at this time. In his heart, he treats Chen Ge like a brother.

"Ha ha, let's work hard together and try to catch that man as soon as possible!" Chen Ge reaches out his hand and holds it with him.

With Chen Ge agreeing to help, Ichiro Noda doesn't hesitate to take Chen Ge to the Colonel's office. When he hears that the case is likely to be solved soon, the Colonel doesn't even look at it, so he goes back with his secretary.

In the office, Chen Ge is on the sofa.

Ichiro Noda is standing in front of the office, and the Colonel reported all the recent situation.

A few minutes later, the Colonel got up from behind his desk.

"Your name is Chen Ge, right?" He stared at Chen Ge for a long time and then asked.

"Yes." Chen Ge gets up and nods.

"I'm the captain of the War Department of Japan, Shinoda." The Colonel nodded and continued, "just now Ichiro Noda said that you are willing to help our War Department investigate two assassination cases. I am very happy, but I doubt your intention."

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