"Oh? What does the Colonel say I have in mind? " Chen Ge picked to pick eyebrow, didn't expect to be able to say these words from his mouth.

"Don't get me wrong. As the person in charge here, of course, I have to be vigilant all the time. Not long ago, when you were in South Vietnam, you stirred up the war department in South Vietnam. Even their leader disappeared and replaced Lu Chengkun."

"I'm afraid you'll think the same about our war department."

Xinweitian stares at Chen Ge. He has the most basic vigilance against Chen Ge. He knows that this is a very dangerous task. If he suddenly runs away, I'm afraid everyone present will not be able to live.

"Hahaha, it's understandable that Mr. colonel is on guard, but you don't know me very well, do you?"

"My grudge with South Vietnam is only because they hijacked my friend and threatened his life. In this case, I think Mr. Colonel should be able to respond, too?"

Hearing this, Chen Ge laughs and explains.

"I've heard of it." Xinweitian has no doubt. After all, what happened in South Vietnam is too serious. They all know something more or less. What they know is almost the same as what Chen Ge says now.

If his friend is hijacked by the War Department of South Vietnam, he will try his best to save him, but without Chen GE's strength, he will choose other ways.

"I only choose to help your war department because I'm more congenial to Mr. Noda and I'm bored here. If the Colonel thinks I'm dangerous, he can refuse. I don't want to talk about anything." Chen Ge stood up and said in a low voice.

After hearing Chen GE's words, Ichiro Noda's expression changed obviously. He didn't dare to say anything and could only stand in the same place.

"It's about you, Ichiro Noda. It's nothing to do with me. I'm just making routine inquiries. Of course, he should be responsible for anything." The Colonel waved his hand. He didn't want to Miss Chen GE's strong man.

Maybe it can really help them pull those people out. Moreover, there is a recording system in the office. If there is any trouble, it is also the responsibility of Ichiro Noda, which has nothing to do with him.

"Don't worry, Mr. colonel. Chen Ge and I will arrest all those people as soon as possible!" See letter end field say so, Noda Ichiro claps chest to assure in a hurry.

"That's good. I'll wait for your good news."

"However, Chen Ge, you are from China. It's hard to say if you work in the investigation team of our war department. I'll give you a temporary identity so that you can be more convenient." Xinweitian nodded, then opened the drawer, took out a sign from inside and handed it to Chen Ge.

"Interim inspector of the investigation team." Chen Ge picked it up and took a look.

"Well, that's what you are now. Fortunately, you don't have any position or official position in China, and it's not against your law." Shinoda nods“ Then you go to work first. I have to go back and watch the competition. By the way, no matter what happens, you should inform me immediately. Don't forget. "

Finish saying, the letter tail farmland then left the office.

"Brother Chen Ge, it's up to you to help!" Shinota's promise makes Ichiro Noda completely out of his mind. He believes that with Chen GE's participation, this matter can be solved in a very short time.

"It's nothing. It's just boring time." Chen Ge smiles and shakes his head.

"Let's go to the office. I'll call all the members of the investigation team to meet you. By the way, I'll tell them the details and let them see you." Yoshiro Noda stretched out his arm and put it on Chen GE's shoulder.

"Can you talk while eating?" Chen Ge touched her stomach.

"Of course, you know where my office is. Go and wait. I'll go outside and buy you something to eat. Let's talk while we eat." Ichiro Noda agreed. Now let alone eat, even if Chen Ge wants a plane, he can rent one from the war department.

Half an hour later, all the members of the investigation team arrived at the office. When they saw Chen Ge inside, they were all curious.

In their impression, Chen Ge is the suspect of Chen aping's disappearance. Although there is no evidence up to now, Chen GE has a motive to commit the crime.

When they saw Chen Ge sitting here, they thought Chen Ge had voluntarily turned himself in.

"I bought some roast chickens. Let's share them first. Let's eat and talk." Just as they were thinking, Ichiro Noda came in with several bags. As soon as he entered, the whole room was filled with the smell of roast chicken.

He put one of them in front of Chen Ge, and then threw the remaining three on the table in front of the others."Cough, now that everyone is here, I'll say it directly." Sitting in the first place, Ichiro Noda took a drink and said, "Chen Ge and I have just come out of the Colonel's office. Mr. Chen GE has been a temporary member of our investigation team to help us investigate the two cases of South Vietnamese special forces killed."


"How could he be a member of our investigation team?"

Yoshiro Noda's words sounded like a heavy bomb in the office. Everyone looked at Chen Ge with a very incredible expression. They didn't know what was going on and how a suspicious target suddenly became their colleagues.

Compared with their shock, Chen Ge seems very calm.

Sitting on the chair, tearing at the roast chicken with both hands, he kept putting it in his mouth. He didn't care about their eyes or what they were saying.

"Chen GE has been excluded from our suspects. If he did it, we should have caught clues in the past half a month. Now there is no evidence to point to him, which is enough to prove his innocence."

"And Chen Ge only helps us because of her relationship with me, so let's put away our emotions, tell us all the information in your hands, and try to solve these two things earlier!"

Seeing their emotions, Ichiro Noda said in a low voice.

"I understand!" No one dares to disobey the words of Ichiro Noda. Seeing what he said, he nodded his head and agreed. At the same time, he put all the information on the table.

"Next to you, just tell me what you've found out in the past two days." Noda Ichiro drank a water again, light says.

Under the order of Ichiro Noda, everyone gradually told what they had found out. Compared with their serious report, Chen Ge was very casual, with her legs crossed and eating roast chicken.

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