"This picture belongs to our Hai Dong people." Tuoya only took a look, then took a deep breath and said, "but this is also the word handed down from my ancestors. I have never seen Haixin map."

"Well, how to find the specific location of Youlong island and how to get on this island? This island seems to be floating on the sea, and can only be determined by special methods."

"It was occasionally shown on the chart before, but it hasn't changed since then." Chen Ge slightly frowns and looks at the picture of Haixin.

"Youlong island is indeed the island where we used to live before. It's just a long time ago. I don't know the way. But don't worry, little brother. If you help our family like this, I will try my best to help you."

Tuoya felt his beard, and he thought about everything he knew about Haidong and Youlong island.

After thinking for a while, he went to the front of the bookshelf and began to look at the books on it.

"I never knew what the Hai Dong nationality was or what the Youlong island was. I never heard of it." Flying catkins in the side as if some can't digest, of course, she also some lost, after all, Chen Ge is not for her own, but has a purpose.

To help her and the family is just to achieve that goal. Although it's too much to think so, it's true.

"I don't know if it wasn't for this." Chen Ge shook his head with a bitter smile.

"This is the family history of our family. I don't know if you can find what you need on it." Before long, tuoya came back with a dusty book.

"Let me see." As soon as Chen GE's eyes brightened, he quickly brought the book carefully in front of him and began to turn page by page.

But as Chen Ge turned, the smile on his face gradually disappeared.

This is indeed a family history, but there is no useful information written on it, and even the words of Youlong island have not been mentioned. The time of the whole book is only five hundred years forward. Presumably, by that time, the Hai Dong people have evacuated from Youlong island.

"Is there anything else?" After reading the song, Chen asked Xiang tuoya.

"No, I only found this one. Isn't it what you're looking for?" Tuoya shakes his head. Every book in this book is marked with its own content. It looks like a lot, but most of them are important books handed down from the ancestors, and it is impossible to record things about Haidong and Youlong island.

"No, it's just a record of what happened in your family." Chen Ge shakes his head and feels a little depressed.

"There's nothing I can do. All the things handed down from the family are here. I just know that I'm a descendant of the Hai Dong nationality. I've heard my grandfather and father say something about Youlong Island, but I really don't know how to find it and get on it."

If he can't help Chen Ge, tuoya doesn't feel very well either.

"Could it be miss Feixu's Pendant?" The ghost operator looks at Feixu. From the very beginning, he can see that it is a special pendant of the Hai Dong nationality, and according to principle, the special thing is often the most useful thing.

"This one?" On hearing this, Feixu quickly took off the pendant.

"I just recognize that it's a special pendant of Hai Dong nationality, but I didn't find Youlong island. It's just a guess."

Said the ghost operator, shaking his head.

"It's OK. Don't worry. There must be a way. It's just a matter of time." Tuoya lit a cigarette and said.

"Now I've told you about my situation. Please don't tell me about it. It's about the safety of my parents and sister. If there's any accident, I won't let him go." Chen Ge clenched his fist and said lightly.

"I see. We won't say it casually." Tuoya and Feixu nodded.

After sitting in the secret room for a while, several people go out together and talk for a while. Chen Ge goes back to his guest room, and ghost operator and Bai Xiaofei follow him.

Close the door, Chen Ge some decadent sitting on the bed.

Originally thought to the Japanese, find the sea Dong, will be able to solve the secret of Youlong island.

But now it seems that I think it's too naive. Thousands of years later, even if I find the descendants of Hai Dong, everything about Hai Dong has been submerged for a long time. Even if I still remember the identity of my ancestors, I don't know anything else before.

"Now it seems that the Erye family can't help us find Youlong island and board it. It's likely that we will waste our time to continue here. Do you want to leave now or wait?" As soon as Chen Ge sat down, the ghost operator quickly asked.

"Wait a minute." Chen Ge took a deep breath. Now, he doesn't know what to do.

The clue that I managed to figure out was broken again.

"What if I still can't find it?" The ghost continued.

"Then you have to solve all the problems of the Erye family before you can leave. As the saying goes, if you help others to the end and send the Buddha to the west, you can't leave half the way." Chen Ge lit a cigarette and took two mouthfuls before saying.

"That's all right. It's up to you." The ghost operator can guess that Chen Ge won't leave. The reason for asking is just to confirm.

"Let's get rid of the Jinchuan family and Hanoi family as soon as possible, so that we can have time to investigate Youlong island." Bai Xiaofei also gives some advice. Knowing that Chen GE has broken the clue, he is also very uncomfortable.

"Let's see." Chen Ge gave a bitter smile.

Now I don't know how my parents and sister are living on Youlong island. It's really hard for the enemy to live in the dark. Chen Ge even wants to pretend to be caught by the people sent by Chen Wu and take herself to Youlong island.

But even though they can get on the island, they may not be able to save people. Who knows how the people in Youlong island will imprison themselves. If they can get in, there will be no hope.

Seeing them off, Chen Ge lay in bed thinking about it.


The next day, Chen Ge was awakened by a knock on the door.

"Mr. Chen Ge, the chairman of the Far East financial group came back to our family with us and asked to see you." The man outside knocked and whispered.

"Zhang zhandong?" Chen Ge rubbed his eyes, rolled out of bed, put on his coat and pushed the door out.

"Yes, we have to come back with us. We dare not refuse him. We can only agree. Mr. Chen Ge, you'd better go out and meet him. If we offend him, we can't bear the responsibility." It's the same clan that tuoya ordered to hand over to the Far East financial group last night. Chen Ge seems to remember his name as tuoshu.

"Show me." Thinking of Zhang zhandong's great help, Chen Ge can't refuse.

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