At the door, Zhang zhandong is pacing back and forth nervously. He knows that it's a bit abrupt to come here so suddenly. Chen Ge may not be happy, but he must come too. After all, he hasn't seen her for many years, and Chen GE's whereabouts are always erratic.

Miss this time, may not see Chen Ge for a long time.

"Brother Chen Ge!"

Just as he looked inside the manor, he saw Chen Ge coming out.

Zhang zhandong immediately appeared a smile on his face. He quickly walked two steps to the manor, raised his hand and waved at Chen Ge, then quickly took out a packet of cigarettes from his pocket.

"Why, what can I do for you here?" Chen Ge then he handed over the cigarettes, light smile asked.

"It's nothing. I just want to see you. If I miss this time, I won't know when I'll see you later." Zhang zhandong lights a cigarette for Chen Ge and smiles honestly.

"I thought there were instructions." Chen GE has always had a good impression of Zhang zhandong.

"Brother Chen Ge is really joking. What instructions can I give you? As long as there is something you can use, I will try my best to help you!" Zhang zhandong also laughed.

"Come on, go in and talk." Chen Ge gathered up her coat. It had to be said that it was really cold in the early morning of late autumn. Even Chen Ge, a strong practitioner, could feel a hint of coolness.

Zhang zhandong did not drag, immediately followed Chen Ge in.

Chen Ge didn't take him to his guest room, but to the reception room. The servant was cleaning it. When Chen Ge saw the guests coming in, he quickly backed out.

"I made a special inquiry with the Erye people who cooperated with our consortium. After knowing that you lived here recently, I came here in a hurry. Won't it disturb you?" Just sit down, Zhang zhandong some can't wait to ask, for fear that will give Chen Ge left a bad impression.

"No Chen Ge shook his head.

"If not, I thought you would be annoyed!" Getting Chen GE's reply, Zhang zhandong grinned, "five or six years later, I thought I would never see you again in my life. I didn't expect that I had such luck."

"It's a little strange for you to say that." Chen Ge frowned slightly.

"Ha ha, I came here today not only to see you, but also to say something to you." Zhang zhandong flicked the ash and continued.

When he spoke, he always looked at Chen Ge and even leaned forward.

"Can I help you?" Chen Ge raises her legs.

"I want to give you 30% of the shares of our Yuandong consortium." Zhang zhandong shook his head and said.

"Thirty percent?" Chen GE's eyebrows.

You know, Yuandong consortium is one of the top five large consortia in Japan. It can be ranked in the whole Asia. It is said that 30%, that is, 3%, can make a family have a good life.

30% of the shares are worth at least 10 billion yuan.

"Yes, I've always had this idea over the years, but if I can't find you, I'll put it on hold. Now it's hard to see it. Please go through the formalities with me. I've acquired some shares of the consortium, and then all of them will be transferred to you." Zhang zhandong nodded, his eyes burning.

It can be seen that he really wants to give these shares to Chen Ge.

"Aren't you afraid that after I get these shares, I will slowly swallow up your consortium?" Chen Ge waved his hand with a smile.

"What's the matter? You saved my life. If you hadn't saved me from that kind of ghost place, I'm afraid I would have been reincarnated now. There's no such thing as the Far East Consortium, and I don't believe you would have done such a thing!"

Zhang zhandong took a deep breath and said slowly.

Although several years have passed, he still can't let go of it. Even when he goes to bed at night, he often dreams about the original situation. He dreams that Chen Ge didn't rescue him at the last moment, and his head was cut off by terrorists with an axe.

Every time he wakes up, he will sweat and sit in bed for more than ten minutes to relax. Just like this, his gratitude to Chen Ge does not dissipate with time, but gradually increases.

"I did nothing to save you at the beginning, and I won't take your share now. If you insist on giving it to me, I can take it, but I won't see you in the future." Chen Ge made himself a cup of tea, sipped it lightly and said faintly.

"You..." Zhang zhandong obviously didn't expect Chen Ge to say that.

"By the way, one more thing, you honestly tell me, now the Erye family, can meet the requirements of your consortium's cooperation?" Chen Ge waved his hand, not to let Zhang zhandong continue to say, but a change of the subject, the road.

"Not really." When it comes to serious matters, Zhang zhandong looks more serious.

"What's the difference?" In Chen GE's expectation, if the Erye family had cooperated with the Far East financial group before, it would have been ruined for several years and almost wiped out by the moths in the family.

The ability of the family must be greatly reduced. In addition, Zhang zhandong definitely gives a big contract for his own face, so Chen Ge will worry about it. Although it is an opportunity for the Erye family, it may also become a burden for them.

It will even affect the Far East Consortium.

This is what Chen Ge doesn't want to see. He doesn't want Zhang zhandong to damage the interests of the consortium because he wants to help himself.

"I'll tell you the truth." Zhang zhandong cleared his throat.

"No problem. It's just the two of us here. We can say whatever we have to say." Chen Ge nods and answers.

"In fact, it's a little worse. I worked with the Erye family a few days ago. I vaguely remember that their family still had certain abilities at that time, but since the two days of contact, I found that their family was in great decline."

Zhang zhandong sighed. If it wasn't for Chen GE's face, now the Erye family has no chance to cooperate with them. As long as they know a little, they will be completely ruled out.

"In fact, we can give them some simple contracts, as long as we can help their family recover, and we can give them normal contracts later." Chen Ge groped for the newly grown beard on his chin and said.

"I thought the same at the beginning, but I've already said hello to my secretary. I usually relax my requirements. In addition, I'll select a group of technicians and company managers and send them to the company of Erye family in a few days to help. It shouldn't be a big problem." Zhang zhandong continued Chen GE's words.

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