"There is no such peace on qingjiao island. There is only one way to want peace, that is to improve your strength. When you are strong enough, no one dares to fight you. At this time, it is peace for yourself."

Zhou Yuantong sighed.

He has just received an urgent notice from the three elders for this matter.

Moreover, in order to ensure Chen GE's safety, the three elders specially dispatched a family group of practitioners to protect Chen GE's safety.

Although Chen GE has a nine turn yuan God, after all, all the people who come here have good strength. With Chen GE's strength, they are not necessarily their opponents.

Zhou Yuantong's task is to pay attention to the surrounding situation. Once there is any danger, report it directly, and the Zhou family will do everything to protect Chen Ge.

"You have a point." Guo Lintian nodded. It's hard to disagree.

"Why doesn't the organizer care?" Chen Ge asked curiously, "can it be said that the island is so chaotic?"

"In fact, it's not. The organizers want to manage, but they can't manage. They can't help one party and offend the other. After all, they want to have a foothold in the cultivation world." Zhou Yuantong shook his head. This situation is no longer a secret in their Zhou family.

"How did you know?" Bai Xiaofei asked.

"I guess so." Zhou Yuantong coughed awkwardly twice and decided to think about it later. Otherwise, it is likely that he will reveal his mouth.

"Your boy won't be the person of the organizer?" Bai Xiaofei suddenly stared at him.

"Of course not. If I were the organizer, how could I sit here." Zhou Yuantong quickly explained.

While talking, the auction has begun. Everyone is staring at the auction table to see what kind of auction items will be brought out.

After all, Sima's animal shaped tripod has caused a lot of fluctuations in the morning.

You know, pills and soup medicines are indispensable for practitioners. They can not only improve their strength, but also heal quickly after injury.

But ordinary people have no way to refine pills and medicines. With an animal shaped tripod, as long as they get the prescription, they can self refine pills and decoction. To put it back 10000 steps, even if they don't use it by themselves, they can get a steady stream of income as long as they use the tripod furnace to buy it.

When everyone stared at the auction table, Zhou Wanjiang and others were staring at Chen Ge.

"The more the boy looks, the better he feels. Third, have you arranged what you are asked to do?" Zhou Wanjiang crossed his legs and smiled all the time.

"Not yet. It's too abrupt now. I'll talk about it in the evening when the auction is over." The Third Elder shook his head and told the truth.

"That's OK." Zhou Wanjiang nodded.

"What's the matter?" Zhou Min felt that every word her father and the three elders said was about her and Chen Ge, so she wanted to ask clearly.

"It's nothing. I asked the three practitioners who were killed today to dispose of them as soon as possible at the end of the auction and bury them in the back mountain." Zhou Wanjiang said casually, don't look at lying, but his face is not red and his heart doesn't jump. He even speaks very smoothly.

"Really?" Zhou Min doesn't believe it.

In the past, he also attended the auction. His father never asked about these things. Why is he so concerned now.

It was originally solved by family disciples, but now three elders are arranged to manage it in person.

"You girl, when did dad cheat you?" Zhou Wanjiang knows that his daughter is smart, but he can only use a killer mace.

"Yes." Hearing what Zhou Wanjiang said, Zhou Min stopped asking.

Indeed, Zhou Wanjiang never lied to her from childhood, either telling the truth directly or not.

The afternoon auction was boring and boring.

Everyone thought that after the appearance of the beast shaped tripod in the morning, there would be more popular and rare auctions in the afternoon, but to everyone's disappointment, the auctions in the afternoon were very simple and rare.

Although it can cause a great sensation outside, it is not very attractive to the practitioners of some large families. Even if they have money, they should be left to the later auctions, not these "garbage".

It turned dark and the auction was over.

People went out from the auction house one after another. All the faces looked a little lonely, but they were tired after sitting inside all day, so they walked quickly and hurried back to have a rest.

Chen Ge walked among the crowd.

"Tut." Chen Ge frowned slightly.

He felt as if someone was following behind him, almost close to him.

But this time Chen Ge didn't look back, but continued to walk ahead. There was no competition for any auction products. It was almost impossible for someone to stare at him. Most likely, the people of the Zhou family were following him.

But Zhou Yuantong was by his side, and Chen Ge didn't care much.

Just like at noon, when they found something to eat downstairs, they returned to the room, but Zhou Yuantong came together before their ass was hot.

Seeing him stop talking, Chen Ge got up and went back to the room.

Zhou Yuantong hurriedly followed in.

"Come on, what's the matter?" Chen Ge sat on the table by the bed, lit a cigarette and asked faintly.

"Brother Chen Ge, I just got the news that the family wants to meet you and say there is something important to say." Zhou Yuantong was a little embarrassed. He was afraid that Chen Ge would refuse, but he couldn't help saying it, contrary to the meaning of the family.

"Let's go." Chen Ge took a smoke and said.

"Ah? Just go? " Zhou Yuantong was a little unprepared.

"Do you have to change?" Chen Ge smiled and asked.

"No, I just didn't expect you to be so happy." Zhou Yuantong shook his head and said.

"That's easy. I'll think it over and decide whether to go or not." Chen Ge picked her eyebrows and sat back.

"No, I'll be in trouble if you don't go!" Hearing this, Zhou Yuantong was a little worried and hurriedly came forward and grabbed Chen GE's arm.

"Go, go!" Chen Ge said helplessly.

After talking to Guo Lintian and Bai Xiaofei, Chen Ge took him away.

On the way, Chen Ge pretended to be relaxed and asked, "who in your family wants to meet?"

"An elder of the family." After thinking about it, Zhou Yuantong didn't say Zhou Wanjiang's identity. He was worried that he might scare Chen Ge.

"Should you have a good position in your family?" Chen Ge pondered for a moment.

"You'll know when you get there." Zhou Yuantong did not dare to deny or admit it. He could only answer vaguely.

Hearing what he said, Chen Ge did not continue to ask, but followed him and walked in the direction of the mountain.

After walking for nearly half an hour, Chen Ge looked up and saw that the mountain appeared again.

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