"You said that after I went this time, can I know the secret of your mountain?" Chen Ge smiled and asked faintly.

"I'm afraid not. You'd better ask yourself." Zhou Yuantong then smiled, but his smile was very embarrassing. He said it was neither, nor did he say it, for fear that he would cause trouble because of his one word.

"Come on, it's useless to ask you." Hearing that Zhou Yuantong said the same thing as before, Chen Ge waved his hand and stopped talking.

Following him, nearly half an hour later, Chen Ge saw a row of houses. Although they were not built very well, there were many young people in gray clothes in front of each house.

Seeing this, Chen Ge took a deep breath.

Most of this is where the organizers live, and the reason why they brought themselves here is probably because they broke into the border without permission.

Chen Ge doesn't know whether it's bad or good this time, but he has been watched by the other party and is on this isolated island. I'm afraid he can't escape here even if he runs. Instead of doing these useless struggles, he might as well go and see what the specific situation is.

"Brother Chen Ge, this is where we live." Zhou Yuantong pointed to the houses not far away and said to Chen Ge.

"What is your position in the Zhou family?" Chen Ge asked curiously.

"Just an ordinary disciple." Zhou Yuantong scratched his head and said with some embarrassment.

"Take me." Chen Ge nodded and continued to walk forward.

After Zhou Yuantong revealed his identity, the young people in gray took the initiative to step aside and let Zhou Yuantong take Chen Ge to a room.

The room looks a little shabby, with only a few chairs in it.

"Brother Chen Ge, wait a minute. I'll inform you." When Chen Ge sat down, Zhou Yuantong arched his hands at him, then turned around and walked out.

Chen Ge slightly closed her eyes.

About ten minutes later, the door of the room was suddenly pushed open. Chen Ge opened his eyes and saw a middle-aged man in Chinese clothes walking in, followed by more than a dozen people behind him, but the middle-aged man didn't let them all enter. Only Zhou Yuantong and another old man in gray followed in.


Although he didn't know each other's identity and accomplishments, Chen Ge got up and arched his hands at him.

"Boy, I've noticed you for a long time!" Zhou Wanjiang went directly to Chen Ge and looked up and down for several times. Then he said with a light smile.

"I didn't know that there was a border around the mountain, and I didn't know that it was a place that your family couldn't step on, but I left immediately after knowing that there was a border and never approached it again."

Chen Ge frowned slightly and whispered.

"What mountain, what border?" Chen GE's words confused Zhou Wanjiang. He turned his head and asked the three elders standing behind him.

"Is the cloud mountain not far away?" The three elders whispered.

"It's all right. There's no big secret in Yunshan mountain. If you want to go, I'll send a clansman to take you in for a tour, OK?" Zhou Wanjiang waved his hand and continued to look at Chen Ge.

"No, No." Chen Ge smiled awkwardly. He didn't know how the oppressive middle-aged man in front of him could say such words.

"Don't go if you don't have to."

"By the way, have you had dinner?"

Zhou Wanjiang pointed to the seat behind Chen GE's ass and motioned him to sit down. Then he sat aside. The three elders and Zhou Yuantong stood behind him.

"Not yet. He brought it right after the auction." Chen Ge shook his head.

"Yuantong, why don't you let Chen Ge eat his rice and come again?" Hearing the speech, Zhou Wanjiang was a little unhappy and asked with a frown.

"I'm sorry, brother Chen Ge!" Zhou Yuantong whispered.

"Go and let the kitchen cook some food and prepare a bottle of good wine. I'll have a drink with Chen Ge later!" Zhou Wanjiang waved his hand and said.

Zhou Yuantong nodded and immediately ran out.

"Elder, I won't eat any more." Chen Ge was confused. He didn't know what the man wanted to do, so he asked directly, "if I have anything to offend, just say, I dare."

"Well, of course you have to say, but you have to eat. You can't be hungry. Take it easy to eat first. I'll tell you after dinner." Zhou Wanjiang interrupted Chen Ge with a smile.

It looks like a joke, but it's actually an order.

Seeing this, Chen Ge won't say anything. Anyway, it has fallen into his hands. He can't run away whether to kill or cut. It's better to have a full meal. If he wants to fight later, he still has strength.

"Young man, where are you from China?" Zhou Wanjiang rubbed his hands.

"Chinese southerners." Chen Ge told the truth.

"How many people are there in the family? What do you do? Is that your father or your uncle with you?" After a pause, Zhou Wanjiang continued to ask.

"It's my uncle I met by chance. I'm the only one in my family now."

Chen Ge thought for a moment and said naturally.

When it comes to this, Chen GE's eyes are obviously dim, but on the premise of not sure what the other party wants to do, Chen Ge doesn't dare to tell her parents and sisters, including Su Muhan, for fear that she will implicate them because of herself.

"Good, good." Zhou Wanjiang smashed his mouth and nodded.

In his opinion, a casual practitioner without parents and family can get the nine turn yuan God with his own efforts and talent. He has the current cultivation achievements. Even if there is a certain element of luck, he is better than most young people.

At least in the Zhou family, there are less than three people who can compare with Chen GE's talent and strength.

Moreover, those family disciples only have today's cultivation accomplishments under the premise of his careful teaching, cultivating the top skills of the family and taking the best pill in the whole cultivation world.

If we follow the same starting line, I'm afraid no one in the whole family can be compared with Chen Ge.

"What's good?" Chen Ge is a little confused.

"Nothing. I'd better eat first and then talk after dinner." Zhou Wanjiang waved his hand. He didn't want to tell Chen Ge about the situation. After all, it's about his daughter and must be treated strictly.

"Chen Ge, have some tea." The three elders took the freshly brewed tea from the people, took a cup to Chen Ge and made half a bowl of tea.

"Thank you, elder."

"Hey, you..."

Chen Gegang opened his mouth to thank him, but when the three elders came to him, he suddenly felt familiar and quickly looked up.

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