If Chen Feng was afraid to leave, he would try to kill him.

A person who is afraid to carry out his orders because of fear is of no use to stay around, and Chen Feng knows that he has too many things. If he doesn't kill them, keeping them is a disaster.

When Chen Feng left, Chen Wu took a deep breath.

He decided to kill Chen Ge this time and never let Chen Ge continue to threaten his position.


"Mr. Chen Ge, our patriarch invited you to dinner." In the evening, after the auction, the people of the Zhou family came to the door and saw Chen Ge sitting in the living room, so they spoke directly.

"OK." Chen Ge nodded and agreed.

When going out, Chen Ge met Guo Lintian and Bai Xiaofei who came back. After talking to them, he went out with the disciples of the Zhou family.

"Does Chen Ge know anyone else here?" Guo Lintian asked curiously.

"I don't know. Brother Chen and I haven't seen each other for years. I don't know who he knows." Bai Xiaofei shrugged and said.

"Then let's make do with some food. It's estimated that when it gets completely dark, there will be chaos outside." Guo Lintian closed the doors and windows. Last night, at this time, the two families suddenly began to fight.

Chen Ge left with the disciples of the Zhou family and was just seen by Chen Feng passing downstairs.

He looked for it all afternoon. He was exhausted and didn't see Chen Ge at all. When he was ready to go back for a meal and sleep, he just saw a figure flash in front of him and looked at it. It was Chen Ge.

"Brother Wu, I saw Chen Ge coming out of a wooden building and a line of two people walking towards the north." Chen Feng immediately called and told Chen Wu.

"Then what are you doing? Catch up with me quickly. Chen Feng, I tell you, if you lose Chen Ge and let him disappear from under our eyes, you won't want to go back to Youlong island in your life!" Chen Wu yelled on the phone.

Chen Feng looked helpless. After hanging up the phone, he could only raise his feet and follow up.

Chen Ge in front didn't know about it. He was thinking about what Zhou Wanjiang would say to him tonight and how to deal with it if he threatened himself with tough means.

However, to Chen GE's surprise, Zhou Wanjiang didn't mention it and was very enthusiastic.

"Chen Ge, come and sit down quickly!" Seeing Chen Ge come in, Zhou Wanjiang hurriedly said hello, but he was the only one sitting inside today, but the three elders yesterday were not there.

"Uncle Zhou, I don't have to come to you for dinner every day." Chen Ge was embarrassed. Although he knew Zhou Wanjiang's purpose, he was so enthusiastic that he had an illusion.

"What's the matter? You are the Savior of our Zhou family. If you don't dislike it, you can live in our Zhou family." Hearing the speech, Zhou Wanjiang laughed.

"That's not necessary." Hearing the meaning of Zhou Wanjiang's words, Chen GE has decided that he wants to help his daughter get rid of cold poison. Chen Ge is helpless, but there is no way. Who makes the other party's strength far higher than himself? If he refuses directly now, I'm afraid he can't even get out of this door.

"By the way, I forgot to tell you something."

"If you want all the auction items in the auction house, let me know and I'll give them to you directly." Zhou Wanjiang patted his thigh and hurriedly said.

"That's not necessary!" Chen Ge quickly refused. If he agreed, he would have to help.

"Yuantong, go and show Chen Ge the list of our auction!" Zhou Wanjiang ignored Chen GE's words and shouted at the door.

Soon, Zhou Wanjiang came in with a brochure.

"Chen Ge, look at what you are interested in. Just say it if you like it!" Zhou Wanjiang handed the booklet to Chen Ge.

"Uncle Zhou, I really don't need this. If I'm interested, I'll bid by myself. If I use this, it's not a bad rule." Chen Ge repeatedly waved his hand and refused.

"Good boy, I'm a man with a bottom line." Zhou Wanjiang was not angry, but laughed.

"Have you considered clearly all day? As long as you can cure min'er's cold poison, no matter what you ask, I will promise you." Zhou Wanjiang forked his hands and stared at Chen Ge.


"Patriarch, someone broke into us!"

Before Chen Ge could speak, the three elders opened the door and hurried in and said.

"Who dares to break into us?" Zhou Wanjiang frowned, then looked at Chen Ge, "is it the same as Chen GE's little friend who came in by mistake?"

"No, Chen Ge was close to the border of Yuanshan, and this man came straight to us, obviously with a goal." The Third Elder shook his head. If he made a mistake, he didn't have to report at all. He could drive him away directly.

"Interesting. I dare to break into our Zhou family. I want to see who dares to do so!" Zhou Wanjiang burst into laughter.

"Chen Ge, are you interested in seeing it together?" He turned his head and asked Chen Ge.

"OK." Chen Ge didn't refuse.

The two followed the three elders out and soon reached the room where the man was detained. They pushed the door in. The other party had been tied to the chair with hemp rope. There were seven or eight Zhou family disciples watching in the room.

This person is no one else. It is Chen Feng who came here with Chen Ge.

He didn't know where it was. When he saw Chen Ge and the disciples of the Zhou family coming here, he quickly followed up. Later, he saw Chen Ge enter the room. He wanted to come together and listen to what he said.

But before taking a few steps, they were directly pressed to the ground. They didn't even have a chance to respond, so they were directly tied here.

Hearing the sound of opening the door, Chen Feng raised his head and saw Chen Ge at a glance.

"Boy, should I say your courage is commendable, or should I say you are blind and arrogant?" Zhou Wanjiang went directly to Chen Feng and looked down at him.

"Brother, I came here by the wrong way. Just let me go back." Chen Feng wants to cry without tears. He knew it would be like this. He won't follow him at all.

"Put you back?"

"Tell me what you are and what you're doing here." Zhou Wanjiang waved his hand, and several family disciples next to him stepped back. "I heard from the elder that you came straight here. It doesn't seem like you took the wrong way?"

"I, I really went the wrong way..." Chen Feng sighed and begged.

He didn't dare to say his identity. If he did, Chen Ge would kill him, bite his teeth and maybe put him back.

"If not, kill it." Zhou Wanjiang didn't have so much patience. He asked again and didn't say it. His intention to kill appeared in his heart.

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