As soon as Zhou Wanjiang's voice fell, a family disciple behind him came forward.

"Wait!" Chen Feng was afraid. He could clearly feel that these people in front of him really wanted to kill him, and if he didn't say it, he might die here today.

"Then wait a minute." Zhou Wanjiang waved his hand and the family disciple stopped.

"Tell me, what's your identity and what forces are behind it. Since you came to participate in the auction held by my Zhou family, why didn't you honestly go back to rest after the auction, but touched here?" Zhou Wanjiang squinted at Chen Feng. Although his voice was very peaceful, he could not resist.

"I said, I said." Chen Feng swallowed his saliva.

He first looked up at Chen Ge. When he knew he couldn't say it today, he sighed and said, "I'm from the Chen family. I'm here to follow Chen Ge."

"Oh? Do you know the Chen family? " Zhou Wanjiang turned his head and looked at Chen Ge.

"Fix the Chen family?" From listening to him, Chen GE's eyes narrowed. Especially when his voice fell, Chen GE's fist had been tightly clenched.

"That's right." Chen Feng nodded and agreed.

"What's the matter? Aren't you a family?" Chen GE's words confused Zhou Wanjiang.

"Uncle Zhou, can this man stay here first and don't take his life for the time being?" Chen Ge didn't say it directly, but stood up straight and hugged Zhou Wanjiang.

"Of course." Zhou Wanjiang should go down.

"Hoo..." Chen Ge loosened her clenched fist, trembled and breathed out at the corners of her mouth.

Knowing that he could survive for the time being, Chen Feng relaxed.

Leaving the room, Zhou Wanjiang saw that Chen Ge was wrong. He waved to the family disciples who followed him to go down first, and strolled slowly to the back bank with Chen Ge.

"Chen Ge Xiaoyou, do you have any grudges with this Xiuzhen Chen family?" Zhou Wanjiang looked at Chen Ge, whose face was obviously wrong, and asked in a low voice.

"To tell Uncle Zhou, this Xiuzhen Chen family was established by my grandfather." Chen Ge hesitated for a moment and didn't hide it. He knew that there was a nine turn yuan God here. Zhou Wanjiang would not want his life, but would help himself.

But in this case, Miss Zhou may have to help herself.

But anyway, now the people of the Chen family have appeared in front of themselves, and Chen Ge is not so rational.

"Oh? Isn't that your own family? " Zhou Wanjiang doesn't understand.

"Not so." Chen Ge sighed, told Chen DIANCANG about it, and showed that he was close to Yuanshan a few days ago because Yuanshan appeared and disappeared from time to time, which was similar to Youlong island.

Zhou Wanjiang kept nodding. Hearing what Chen Ge had done over the years, he couldn't help frowning. He didn't expect that such a young man should bear such a great responsibility.

"So it is."

"I've heard that Youlong Island, like our qingjiao Island, is an island floating in the Nanyang sea area, and there are boundaries around it, so you can't find it, and your grandfather's cultivation should be the same as me."

"Xiuzhen Chen family, I haven't heard of this family and don't understand it."

Zhou Wanjiang put his hands in his pockets and thought.

"Since uncle Zhou doesn't know, how can Xiuzhen Chen's family get the invitation to the auction?" Chen Ge asked curiously.

"I don't know, but it doesn't mean that people in our family don't know. The auction is only a small part of our family. I won't take care of it at ordinary times. If I didn't know you have nine turn yuan gods, I wouldn't go to qingjiao island." Zhou Wanjiang shook his head and smiled, looking at the Wanli sea area in front of him.

"Yes." Chen Ge nodded.

"Well, I'll inform the elders of the family and let them tell you all the news about the Xiuzhen Chen family. In addition, this Youlong island should be the same as our qingjiao Island, but there is a boundary. I'm afraid it's not easy for you to climb up." Zhou Wanjiang lit a cigarette and threw it to Chen Ge.

"There's one more thing I don't understand." Chen Ge took it.

"What's the matter?" Zhou Wanjiang raised his eyebrows.

"If Youlong island is the same as qingjiao Island, it is because of the boundary, then thousands of years ago, when the sea Dong nationality was still on Youlong Island, the island had these exquisite skills. Can it be said that the sea Dong nationality is also a cultivator, and they can also use the true Qi to form the boundary."

"Still say that Youlong island and qingjiao island are different." Chen Ge frowned and said his doubts.

"I don't know that." Zhou Wanjiang shook his head.

"My parents and sister are trapped on Youlong island. If I don't save them, I won't give up in my life!" Chen Ge clenched his fist.

"Well, once you can find Youlong Island, contact me, and I will personally lead the experts in the family to help you. Surely I can save your relatives." Zhou Wanjiang put his hand on Chen GE's shoulder.

"Thank uncle Zhou for his kindness, but I want to save my relatives with my own strength. Relying on others is not the way." Chen Ge shook his head and refused Zhou Wanjiang's kindness.

"What are you going to do with the man we caught?" Zhou Wanjiang didn't insist, but Chen GE's persistence made him appreciate it very much.

"Stay there first. I feel that he is just a very ordinary person in the Chen family. It is likely that others in the Chen family brought him here this time." Chen Ge took a deep breath.

"You mean he's just following you, trying to find out about you, and there are others who really want to do something to you?" Zhou Wanjiang is very smart. He can analyze it from a few words said by Chen Ge.

"That's right." Chen Ge nodded.

"That's easy to say. I'll ask him and let him take the initiative to explain." After Zhou Wanjiang finished, he was ready to turn around and go back.

"Boy, as an elder, I advise you that being kind is a good character, but it's not a good thing. It may leave you a disaster." Zhou Wanjiang whispered.

"Thanks uncle Zhou for reminding me. I have my own discretion." Chen Ge bows his hand.

"In that case, go back. I'll keep Chen Feng alive for the time being. If I find someone else looking for him or contacting him, I'll inform you again." Zhou Wanjiang threw cigarette butts into the stone pestle.

"Thank uncle Zhou." Chen Ge arched his hands again, and then turned and left., the fastest update of the webnovel!

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