On the other side, Chen Wu is resting in a guest room.

But now he was walking back and forth in the room with his hands on his back.

Because Chen Feng hasn't come back yet.

He just sent Chen Feng to inquire about Chen Ge, not to kill Chen Ge, because Chen Wu knew that Chen Feng was not the opponent of Chen Ge at all.

Will it take so long to find out?

Chen Wu couldn't sit still any more.

If it hadn't been for him, he would have rushed out.

Now, Chen Wu opens the door.

But when he opened the door, Chen Wu was stunned.

Because there were several rows of people standing in front of him, and looking at the breath of these people, they were all good masters of cultivation.

"Who are you?"

Chen Wu said coldly.

"Hum, who are we? Instead, I want to ask you, Mr. Chen Wu. "

The first one sneered.

"How do you know my name? Did you... Catch Chen Feng? "

Chen Wu reacted instantly and turned around to run.

As a result, Chen Wu was shrouded in a big net without running a few steps.

Chen Wudang released his strength, but what he didn't expect was that this big net seemed to have spiritual power and directly removed all his strength.

It's useless.

"What?" Chen Wu was stunned.

"Chen Wu, don't struggle. It's called the demon subduing King Kong net. It's a special spirit tool of our Zhou family. No matter how high your cultivation is, you have to lie down!"

The leader waved: "take him away and inform Mr. Chen Ge immediately!"


Chen Ge didn't expect that Zhou Wanjiang had caught the man behind him in less than half a day.

"Chen Ge, these two people will be interrogated by you. What to do is your business!" In the dungeon.

Zhou Wanjiang smiled.

"Chen Ge, you dare. You don't want to live. Your parents and family are still in our hands. If you dare to kill the Chen family, the master of the family, you will be broken into pieces!"

Chen Wu roared.


Chen Ge smiled coldly.

Then a palm was printed directly on Chen Wu's chest.


Chen Wu gushed blood.

"I've never been threatened, let alone you. Tell me, where is Youlong island?"

Chen Ge frowned deeply.

"I don't know! Don't be delusional! "

Chen Wu said fiercely.

"Chen Ge, it seems that this is not the way to ask. You stay away. I directly urge the demon subduing King Kong net. In an instant, his body and even his internal organs will feel thousands of insects biting. I'm not afraid he won't say!"

Zhou Wanjiang sneered.

Then he read a spell and saw the golden flash of the demon subduing net.


Chen Wu screamed ferociously and painfully.

"Chen Wu, if you want to die a little happier, tell us the location of Youlong Island honestly! And I remind you, do not use your true Qi to resist, otherwise, it will only be more painful! "

Zhou Wanjiang approaches Chen Wu.

"I don't know. I don't know where Youlong island is. I really don't know. Kill me!"

The veins on Chen Wu's forehead burst.

Blood flowed out of the eyes directly. It was as ferocious as it was.

Zhou Wanjiang and Chen Ge looked at each other.

Chen Feng on one side had already been unable to withstand the coma. The demon subduing net punished people, even the gods could not bear it.

The feeling that you can't survive or die is terrible.

But even so, the two kept their mouths shut.

It makes no sense!

That only means that they really don't know where Youlong island is.

As soon as Zhou Wanjiang waved, the golden light of the demon subduing net immediately retracted.

Chen Wu's skin cracked and his whole body trembled on the ground.

"You said you didn't know Youlong Island, didn't you come from Youlong island?" Zhou Wanjiang asked.

"Lord Zhou, we really come from Youlong Island, but we really don't know where Youlong island is. From small to large, we enter and leave the island with the help of the same magic weapon. We haven't observed it around the island!"

Chen Wu doesn't want to try the taste just now.

"I see, Jieyuan stone?"

Zhou Wanjiang suddenly realized.

At that moment, as soon as he reached out to Chen Wu, he saw the light shining on his palm.

Then, a green crystal stone and a map appeared in Zhou Wanjiang's hand.

"Uncle Zhou, what is Jieyuan stone?"

Chen Ge stared.

"Hehe, Jieyuan stone is a special magic weapon refined according to the regional boundary. In addition, there is a spatial law array in this boundary. With the help of Jieyuan stone, you can instantly come to a certain region through the law array! Of course, to build this kind of spatial array, another spatial array is needed. The two are facing each other from a distance, and the Jieyuan stone is the medium! "

"But it seems that Chen DIANCANG is crafty and cunning. Even his own people don't believe it. I guess he has set up more than one reception space array!"

Zhou Wanjiang explained.

"Yes, there are tens of thousands of receiving space arrays in the whole world!" The weak Chen Wu said.

"Awesome, this kind of Dharma array has long been lost. Chen DIANCANG can actually this ancient Dharma. It's not simple!"

Zhou Wanjiang said in a deep voice.

Then he opened the map he got from Chen Wu.

This is a map of the island. There are many palaces on it, but the layout between houses is extremely complex. It seems that it is full of secret doors.

"This should be the layout of the Chen family on Youlong island?"

Chen Ge asked coldly.

"Chen Ge, you have an eye, but it's useless. If you catch us and get this map, you can't find Youlong island at all!"

Chen Wu smiled bitterly.


The next moment, Chen Ge slapped it out and printed it directly on Chen Wu's Tianling cover.


The golden light penetrated Chen Wu's whole body, and the whole person was directly broken. It was obvious that he was dead.

Chen GE's eyelids beat hard.

Where is Youlong island?

I've been checking for so long. Now, is the clue still broken?

Chen Ge was filled with resentment.

"Chen Ge, don't worry. I think I understand why you can't find the location of Youlong island after checking for so long. What's the reason!"

Just then, Shen Shen looked at Zhou Wanjiang on the map and suddenly said.

"What is it?"

Chen Ge said anxiously.

"Hum, resourceful, because this island doesn't exist in the South and Southeast, and they don't use the space law array set by the border!"

Zhou Wanjiang suddenly realized the Tao.

"Because I look carefully, the arrangement style of them on this map does not belong to the cultivation of truth and Taoism at all! It's not Qimen gossip! It's a vein of witchcraft! You see, the most central position seems to be the sacrificial things. And the strange ox head on it looks like a sacrificial totem of witchcraft! "

"A vein of witchcraft?" Chen Ge was surprised.

"Well, to be exact, it's the Wumen cave art handed down by the ancient ghost witch family in the territory of Beisha! I have seen similar arrangements in some biographies handed down by our Zhou family! "

"However, the ghost and witch clan became extinct in ancient times, and the witchcraft has long been lost. What is the origin of Chen DIANCANG?"

Zhou Wanjiang was shocked

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