"But Chen Ge, I think this is also an opportunity, because Chen DIANCANG's nest Youlong island has narrowed our search scope!"

Zhou Wanjiang smiled.

"Uncle Zhou, what do you mean?" Chen Ge frowned.

"Ha ha, Chen Ge, you don't know. Their ancient ghost witch family had a special cultivation method, which is very different from the cultivation world!"

"We cultivate truth, pay attention to the aura of heaven and earth, the operation of meridians, condensing yuan and transforming truth, and they rely more on the cultivation of foreign objects, such as insects, grass and even human blood!"

"It is clearly recorded in that ancient book that the ancient ghost witch clan caused public anger because it used boys and girls to practice the witch method of picking Yin and tonifying yang and slaughtered creatures. It was united by the cultivation world at that time."

"Their method is called the" refining method ", which, as the name suggests, is the essence of the long time nurturing and training, so as to achieve the effect of advancing or strengthening the witchcraft. They will plant many exotic flowers and fruits, and they will also cultivate many powerful insects. "

Zhou Wanjiang said.

"I see. What you mean is that the establishment of Youlong island was established by the methods of the ancient ghost witch family, so there are only two results. One is that Chen DIANCANG found the relics left by the ghost witch family, or found the site where the ghost witch family once operated, planted and cultivated, and based on this, built the witch world of Youlong Island nearby with the cave art of the witch family!"

Chen Ge suddenly realized.

"Smart, ha ha, it is by taking advantage of this that he can shuttle back and forth around the world, and you try your best to find out where he is, but it's useless!"

"Because the real Youlong island is not in the southeast sea, probably in the North Sea near Beisha!"

Zhou Wanjiang said.

"Moreover, there must be the place with the most exotic flowers and plants left by the ancient ghost and witch family around, so as to support the operation of the witchcraft cave art all the time!"

Zhou Wanjiang explained.

"Is there a clue to find Youlong island as long as you find these strange flowers and plants in Beisha?"

Chen Ge was overjoyed.

It's no wonder that I can't find the whereabouts of Youlong island after wasting such a big trick.

I thought the clues of the sea Dong nationality were very clear. Now Chen Ge understands that those are just the transmission points of Chen DIANCANG Youlong island. Even if they are found, they can't touch Youlong island at all.

Because it is in the opposite direction.

"It's not so simple. All the things of the ghost witch family are strange flowers and plants. Each plant seems as difficult as looking for a needle in a haystack. Moreover, there are few strange flowers and plants mentioned in that biography. Even if you see them, you don't know them, so it's hard to find them!"

"But you can start with the descendants of the ancient ghost witch clan." Zhou Wanjiang thought cableway.

"Ghost witch clan and descendants?" Chen Ge was surprised.

"I don't know now. It's just recorded in the biography that after the ghost witch family destroyed the family, Changfang escaped a lot. Those are the direct lineages of the ghost witch family. It's a big time now. I haven't heard of whether their descendants are here or not. Anyway, my grandparents haven't mentioned or seen the people of the ancient ghost witch clan! "

Zhou Wanjiang shook his head: "I can tell you a way. As for whether you can find clues, it depends on you. Maybe this may be your only chance! Or, this is your last hope. "

"What is it?"

"Holy Spirit fruit!" Zhou Wanjiang said: "this is the only rare grass mentioned in the biography for cultivation by the ghost witch family, because it is different from others and needs special cultivation by the ghost witch family, but a congenital spiritual fruit!"

"The ghost witch family is very fond of using this fruit to nourish their own ghost witch blood!"

"Where it exists, it should be in the land of north sand."

Zhou Wanjiang road.

"As long as we can find the Holy Spirit fruit tree and wait for the rabbit, if there are still descendants of the ghost witch family, then I can learn the information of the rare and strange grass of the ghost witch family from him. At that time, it will not be difficult to find Youlong island!"

Chen Ge nodded.

"That said, you should also be prepared. The ghost and witch clan may be completely destroyed. After all, I have been practicing for so many years, and I really don't have any information about them!"

Zhou Wanjiang sighed.

"Hope is good!"

Chen Ge said with a smile.

"Alas, I know you will return to China soon, but Chen Ge, my girl's cold poison? How are you thinking? This is my biggest worry! "

"I'll just give you an answer today. If that method is feasible, I won't ask you so!"

Zhou Wanjiang said bitterly.

"Huh? Is there another way? "

Chen Ge was surprised.

"Hehe, it's not a way to say, because we, Zhou Shi, pay too much to implement this method. Min'er, if you can get the dragon blood of the red flame dragon, you can also expel the cold poison, but..."

Zhou Wanjiang seemed to talk about something terrible and said:

"From my ancestors, people in all dynasties wanted to kill the red flame dragon, but the price paid by the major clans was also extremely huge. Since my grandfather's generation, they have established ancestral training. All Zhou family members are not allowed to inquire about any news about the red flame dragon. Violators are expelled from the family!"

Zhou Wanjiang smiled bitterly: "therefore, I have difficulties to hide!"

"Red flame dragon, this is the first time I've heard of it."

Chen Ge is a little interested.

"This is a kind of creature hidden deep in the ground. Since ancient times, major practitioners have flocked to it, because the red flame dragon is a creature in ancient times. Its blood can enhance its cultivation. At the same time, it is said that there are miracles hidden in the underground cave where it lives, and there are magic skills that startle the world and cry ghosts and gods."

Zhou Wanjiang said.

"This is very similar to the saying of a tomb beast in China!"

Chen Ge nodded.

"Well, that's understandable!"

"But it's too difficult to get it. Many people have died!" Zhou Wanjiang shook his head and said.

"Uncle Zhou, why don't we try together?"

Chen Ge said: "Mu Han, her whereabouts are still unknown. I have vowed that I will not marry her for life if I can't find her trace. And you have helped me too much. I can't watch Zhou Min die of cold poison. Since we have this method, we might as well take a risk and try it. If not, we'll discuss it again! "

Chen GE has nine turn yuan God to protect his body. Although he can't give full play to the full power of nine turn yuan God, it shouldn't be a big problem to protect his life in a critical moment.

Moreover, as Chen Ge said, today, he can't be indifferent to Zhou Min's death.

"Do you really want to try?"

Zhou Wanjiang looked at Chen Ge with admiration: "to tell you the truth, over the years, I have been making preparations in this regard, but I was stopped by my subordinates. This time, you gave me confidence!"

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