Soon, a huge dragon roared and rushed directly towards Wu ruofeng with the potential of heaven and earth.

"A thunderbolt!"

Wu ruofeng pinched his sword to resist.


The two lights collided in an instant.

The whole space seems to be distorted, and it makes a thunderous sound.

At the next moment, a dragon breaks.

And Wu ruofeng went backwards one after another, spraying a mouthful of blood.

Now his face has changed greatly.

"What a Vajra subduing the devil array. The ancestors of the Zhou family left a good array!"

He laughed up to the sky for three times. Then he saw Wu ruofeng blowing his long sleeves and the whole person dissipated into a thick smoke.

"Zhou wanjiang, don't think you can get rid of me like this. I won't let you go!"

The sound of Wu ruofeng came from the air.

Zhou Wanjiang manipulates Qi and the array subsides.


Then he sprayed blood at his mouth and knelt pale on the ground.


The subordinates of the Zhou family came to help one after another.

"I'm fine. If I don't die, I can't imagine that I haven't seen Wu ruofeng for 30 years. Wu ruofeng's cultivation has reached this level. I'm afraid if it goes on like this, it won't take a armour. Wu ruofeng can break my King Kong subduing the devil array!"

Zhou Wanjiang sat down cross legged.

"Who is this old man?"

Chen Ge is also greatly afraid.

This is the real super master he saw in addition to Chen DIANCANG and his master Qin Bo.

The shock brought to Chen Ge is unspeakable.

"He is a casual practitioner. There were 72 descendants of the benlei sword sect in those years. However, 30 years ago, he was the only one left. He was evil and cruel, but he was gifted. Thirty years ago, I peeped into the flame cave map of our Zhou family! You're going to enter the flame cave and capture the anti heaven skill! He's a big Wuchi! "

Zhou Wanjiang sat cross legged, saying that he was breathing a few times to adjust his internal injury.

After some exercise, his face has recovered a little ruddy.

"There are seventy-two people in the benlei sword clan. He is so strong alone. How can he be destroyed by others? Is there a stronger expert than him?"

Chen Ge asked curiously.

As Chen Ge entered the cultivation world, he found that he was really sitting on the sidelines.

Zhou Wanjiang shook his head with a bitter smile: "the 72 descendants of the benlei sword sect, in fact, just pull out one, they are the top experts who can shock the cultivation world, but they were not killed by others, but killed by Wu ruofeng alone!"

"What?" Chen Ge really shocked.

"No wonder you swore to the death not to give him the map of the flame cave, and also firmly refused to make any deal with him. It seems that this man is not only a martial fool, but also very selfish! Never share anything beneficial with others! "

"Yes, after killing his martial brother, no one in the world knows how to crack the thunder running sword. That's why Wu ruofeng can achieve the title of sword God in the cultivation world in just a few decades!"

Zhou Wanjiang sighed.

"Master, shall we go to the flame cave?" At this time, the subordinates of the Zhou family asked.

"Before going, you can delay, but now, Wu ruofeng knows our goal. He not only wants to go, but also wants to go as soon as possible. He was hurt by our King Kong subduing the devil array and hurt his yuan God. At least, he needs seven days to recover his strength!"

"And this is our only chance. Otherwise, not only will the ChiYan dragon's blood not be available, it will bring disaster to our Zhou family!"

Zhou Wanjiang worried.

"But your injury?" Chen Ge worried.

"Never mind, I was just hurt by him. I brought enough good medicine and there would be no big problems. Moreover, to enter the flame cave, it would take at least three days to really touch it. In the middle, I had to go through 72 large and small holes. I have time to recuperate! "

Zhou Wanjiang waved his hand.

"So many caves?" Chen Ge was surprised.

"Hehe, the design of these holes is even more ingenious. They use five elements and eight trigrams, plus various boundaries. Therefore, they are called mazes. Why do many experts die in the holes? In fact, it's not that ChiYan dragons are so dangerous, but that they are trapped in a maze! "

"That's why Wu ruofeng wants to get the map of our Zhou family so much!"

Zhou Wanjiang coughed and stood up slowly.

"Well, I don't think it's too late. Let's start now!"

Chen Ge said.

In this way, he really wanted to go in and see it.

"Chen Ge, are you leaving now?"

Bai Xiaofei came over at this time and said with worry.

"Well, by the way, Xiaofei, this is not a place to stay for a long time. Please give you one thing. You can return to China immediately! Decorate it for me! "

Chen Ge said.

At that moment, Chen Ge told Bai Xiaofei about looking for the Holy Spirit fruit tree.

You know, in China, Chen Ge still has many industries, countless and inexhaustible. This is the biggest advantage of Chen Ge in looking for fruit trees in Beisha.

"When will you be back? And where are we going? "

Bai Xiaofei asked.

Chen Ge thought and said, "go back to Jinling! I haven't been back there for a long time! "

In doing so, Chen Ge is actually leaving a way back for himself.

At least, someone can pass on the news, so that many people will not be deceived by Chen DIANCANG.


That night, Zhou Wanjiang selected 36 top experts of the family.

Plus Zhou Wanjiang and Chen Ge, a total of 38 people came to the entrance of the flame cave.

Located in the center of the island, it is a desolate and densely populated forest.

Moreover, this hole is very much like a wellhead.

"Be vigilant when you go in. There are many caves here. If you are careless, you will be dragged in by some underground creatures. Don't be careless, okay?"

Zhou Wanjiang commanded.

Then he waved his hand: "go, let's go down!"

This well must be at least seven or eight hundred meters deep.

Chen Ge and others used the lightness skill and the Kung Fu of a cup of tea before they all came to the bottom of the well.

In front of us is a long corridor.

The crowd entered lightly.

Flame cave, 72 caves, 108 caves.

It's like being connected by this corridor.

And crisscross, each cave, each cave, close look is different, but turn around and look at the back, but you find the same.

Chen Ge Rao felt a little dizzy when he reached this stage of cultivation.

"Brother Chen Ge, don't look around. Be careful of their maze illusion!"

Zhou Wanjiang said in a deep voice.

Then he took the lead to walk forward. The first seven holes came almost peacefully.

As for where he went, Chen Ge didn't know. Anyway, looking back, he could hardly see the way back.

If it weren't for the maps accumulated by our ancestors this week, there would be no way for the gods to come.


Just then, a sound came.

Just ahead, there is a cave with a space of 500 square meters.

It's dark around.

However, they heard a sound of rapid breathing. Then they saw that it was like an old woman holding a Firestone to light something, which was very strange.


As soon as Zhou Wanjiang raised his hand, he began to step back gently. With the light of the torch, Chen Ge saw that there was a layer of sweat on his forehead.

Obviously scared, the fastest update of the webnovel!

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