The demon subduing knife is extremely powerful, and the blade played by Chen Ge is full of strength.


See Fu Magic knife, directly through the spider demon's abdomen.


In an instant, the spider demon's whole body glowed red, and a large number of rich purple smoke kept coming out of the wound.

This is the constant leakage of its true yuan.

This made him very painful. Looking at Chen Ge, he was full of incomparable resentment.


Finally, more and more holes exploded around it until the whole iron body exploded directly!

The iron corpse spider demon is dead!

Smoke billowed around.

Dust everywhere.

"My ancestors once remarked on the map that this demon appeared and disappeared, and there was no trace. So many people who entered the cave had generally heard its description of its appearance, and had never seen what the iron corpse looked like, because all the people who had seen it were dead."

"Hehe, I didn't expect that brother Chen Ge saw the flaw and hit it with one blow!"

Zhou Wanjiang stood up with his chest covered.

He was badly hurt in the battle just now.

"Are you okay?"

Chen Ge asked.

He didn't expect to meet such an animal before he came to the mouth of the cave and entered the hinterland.

And it took a lot of people's lives.

This makes Chen Ge realize how difficult it is to enter the flame hole.

Not to mention the red flame dragon.

"I'm fine. I can't die, but I hurt my strength. I have to find a place to adjust my breath!"

Zhou Wanjiang coughed. Just now, the spider demon regarded him as the most dangerous existence. All the attacks were carried by Zhou Wanjiang alone.

"Well, although my nine turn yuan God has only reached the fourth turn, it can also help you adjust your breath!"

Everyone became more cautious. One after another, they passed more than a dozen holes and arrived at an underground river. The people stopped and the rest were on guard.

Chen Ge helps Zhou Wanjiang regulate qi.

"I once got a clue in a tomb. It said that there was probably a world at the bottom of the earth. Unexpectedly, today, it really gave me insight. It seems that there are really underground creatures!"

While helping Zhou Wanjiang adjust his breath, Chen Ge looked to the underground river and a shore.

A huge strange creature is lying there to rest.

He is as big as a house, with two eyes, more like two gates.

It's just that the whole body is fat and wriggles. It's hard.

Not only it, but also several larvae rest with it.

Along the way, Chen Ge also saw many underground creatures, so he sighed.

"Well, hehe, this has been used to in our cultivation world. Brother Chen Ge, if we can go out alive this time, I can give you several sets of books to take away from the Sutra Pavilion of the Zhou family. First, let you have a good understanding of the world. Second, it will be convenient for you to practice in the cultivation world in the future!"

Zhou Wanjiang nodded with a smile.

"Thank you, uncle Zhou!"

Chen Ge smiled.

After adjusting his breath for two hours, Zhou Wanjiang's face recovered a lot.

The party continued on their way.

Next, when you pass through all the holes, it looks more smooth.

And along the way, Chen Ge also found many human bones.

"Through the ages, in the past thousand years, countless senior practitioners wanted to enter the flame cave, but unfortunately, no matter what kind of master they were, most of them died in the maze like cave, and a small number of them, with extraordinary intelligence, came to the last checkpoint of the flame cave, weak river! However, these people's bones are always good. At least they keep their whole bodies and freedom Decay. "

"More, either fail to fight with monsters, and there are no bones left after being eaten, or enter the weak River, and there are no bones left!"

Zhou Wanjiang worried.

"It turned out that only a few monsters were encountered along the way, because too many people came in and many monsters were killed!"

Chen Ge nodded.

"Yes, so the road we are taking now is paved with blood and meat by our predecessors. If we are lucky to go out, we must transport these bones for burial!"

Zhou Wanjiang looked at the bones lying on the ground and sighed.

Chen Ge nodded approvingly.

Then he asked curiously, "by the way, uncle Zhou, what did you just say about the weak river? Why can't the predecessors who successfully walked out of this maze cross the weak river? Hehe, I've heard about the weak water in some biographies before, which can make people's bones disappear. I think it's the same as the weak river?"


Zhou Wanjiang nodded: "if you want to talk about it in detail, it's too long ago. It has to be traced back to billions of years ago, when the civilization existed."

"According to the records, the extinction of life on earth during that period of civilization was related to the flooding of weak water."

"After the flood of weak water, the earth became a vast ocean. Before long, it gradually depressed. Until the new earth surface was formed, and then it was subverted. After such a long process, the change of civilization passed from generation to generation!"

"So now we are underground, isn't it once the surface?"

Zhou Wanjiang said.

"I understand that a weak river is a river formed by weak water, which was also buried underground at that time."

"Yes, I don't know how long later. It must be the miracle owner who found the weak River and used the supreme Taoist method to turn the weak River into a river with a Dharma array. You can understand it as a magic weapon."

"And it's a powerful and almost unbreakable tomb killing magic weapon."

"My ancestors, after generations of algebra, used at least thousands of people's lives to finally have some experience with the tomb magic tools in this town."

"They drew a map of the experience they tried with blood, that is, how to crack the Dharma gate of the weak River Dharma array! But leave the ancestral training. If future generations cannot understand this dharma gate, they must not go to the flame cave."

Zhou Wanjiang said the whole thing.

"I see. No wonder!"

Chen Ge is clear.

"How hot!"

Just then, a master of the Zhou family behind him couldn't help saying.

Similarly, as Chen Ge moved forward, he also felt a heat coming.

"We have successfully passed dozens of caves, large and small. It is estimated that now we are in the hinterland, and the flame cave is not far from us. The heat should be!"

Zhou Wanjiang also became serious.

The pace is accelerated now.

"I didn't expect this trip. It's really dangerous. It's a pity for my brothers for several weeks!"

Someone sighed.

"Yes, but since we choose to come here, we must take life and death to the outside. Weak river is our real challenge!"

Zhou Wanjiang frowned.

The crowd bypassed the complex corridor, and when they came to an empty place like the cloud top, it suddenly opened up.

Although the sky above blocks out the sun, the clouds are like clouds.

Moreover, the height of the cave here must be at least two or three hundred meters.

It looks like the sky, and it's bright here. There's no light.

The reason is that there is a wide and strong River in front of everyone.

The river is silver. The transpiration of clouds comes from the river, and the light comes from it.

"Weak river! This is the weak river!"

Zhou Wanjiang was surprised, the fastest update of the webnovel!

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