"Hmm? Who is it?"

At this moment, a hundred miles away from here, Wu ruofeng, sitting cross legged and waiting beside the wellhead, opened his eyes.

Such a strong wave.

In the eyes of others, I just think it's a bolt from the blue.

However, Wu ruofeng's accomplishments, what he felt, was the threat of destroying the sky and the earth.

"It's so strong. Is it an array? Who can create such a powerful array? I'm afraid the King Kong subduing the devil array of the Zhou family doesn't have such power!"

He frowned and thought.

"If it's not an array, is it a released martial art? But how can it be? Even my unique skill, sword rain seven robbery, can't play such a powerful energy. It can run through from a distance!"

Wu ruofeng's eyebrows wrinkled deeper.

But more obviously, he is more willing to accept the last guess.

He closed his eyes again and collected his energy.

There are many practitioners working in this area.

They didn't dare to look up at Wu ruofeng.

"Who are you?"

Just then, an angry cry rang out at the scene.

It was the voice of Wu ruofeng's disciple.

"I'm looking for your grandmaster. If you don't want to die, get out of the way!"

Chen Ge carried his hands and came here in a flash.

It is the golden light method of vertical land.

"Huh? Chen, Chen Ge?"

Wu ruofeng opened his eyes and saw Chen Ge. Rao was very strong in his mind. At the moment, he was shocked and his scalp was numb.

"You... You're not dead?"

Wu ruofeng stood up and said in horror.

He knows very well the power of the weak river. No matter who you are or how high your cultivation is, as long as you encounter the weak water, it will disappear in an instant.

Moreover, even the soul will be melted in it, and there will be no transcendence forever.

"Wu ruofeng, thank you for giving me a blessing in disguise!"

Chen Ge smiled coldly.

"Oh, what a blessing in disguise. I understand that it was the power of your nine turn yuan God that saved you. In addition, I can't think of any other possibilities in the world!"

Wu ruofeng was surprised and happy at the moment.

Surprised, Chen Ge unexpectedly appeared in front of him, which changed Wu ruofeng's three views.

Fortunately, he didn't read it wrong. Chen GE's body really contains the jiuzhuan yuan God, and the jiuzhuan yuan God really has the supreme Tao as in the legend.

Originally, Wu ruofeng felt frustrated because he lost the opportunity to enter the flame cave, and regretted that he missed the chance to fight with jiuzhuan Yuanshen.

Unexpectedly, the living nine turn yuan God owner appeared in front of him again.

God don't kill me!

"Hiss, your accomplishments seem to have improved again. It seems that I helped you. However, you made the most wrong decision in your life, that is to reappear in front of me. Jiuzhuan Yuanshen is no small matter. I won't give you another chance to thoroughly understand it!"

Wu ruofeng sneered.

"What? Jiuzhuan Yuanshen? The legendary jiuzhuan Yuanshen?"

A group of practitioners looked at Chen Ge in shock.

"Well, I also want to confirm what level my martial arts are at?"

With that, Chen Ge made a gesture of invitation to Wu ruofeng.

"I don't know the heaven and earth, smelly boy. This time, I see where you're going to commit suicide!"

With that, Wu ruofeng flashed a strong killing opportunity in his eyes.

"A thunderbolt!"

Hit the next sword directly.

The pressure released instantly shrouded Chen Ge.

Vertical golden light!

How can Chen Ge pay attention to this pressure at the moment.

Now the golden light flashed, and the whole person had disappeared.


The sword Qi fell and smoke billowed.

Many practitioners are shocked by one.

"What kind of martial arts is this? How dare you ignore my sword power?"

Wu ruofeng's heart clicked.


Then he turned his head and just saw that Chen Ge had appeared behind him.

"Force splits the sky!"

Singer Chen pinched his sword and chopped it directly at Wu ruofeng from top to bottom.


Wu ruofeng's white hair was fluttering under the powerful pressure.

It frightened him.

He didn't even dare to block, so he jumped sideways and avoided.

Boom, boom!

Chen Ge hit and fell, and the sword Qi dispersed and stirred.

Although Wu ruofeng escaped the fatal blow, he was also hurt by the surging sword Qi.

A burst of chest pain, the whole person went back dozens of steps one after another.

"What a strong sword!"

His eyes were about to pop out.

The rest of the practitioners swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

This is a duel between two powerful leaders. Their unique skills are really eye opening. I haven't seen them before.

"What is this martial art? Where did you learn it?"

Wu ruofeng swallowed his saliva and said.

"Where did you say I learned it?"

Chen Ge was quite satisfied with this blow, sneered.

"Miracles, it turns out that you have entered the miracles and learned all the peerless skills left!"

Wu ruofeng's pupils are getting bigger and bigger.

"I'll kill you, I'll kill you!"

Wu ruofeng is crazy.

Just watch him work his whole body, and finally release it in the form of sword rain seven robberies.

The eyes of the golden people could not open.

"I'll break your sword today!"

Then, Chen Ge ran the second form and went to hell three times.

He saw the three Qi of heaven and earth, gathering madly towards Chen GE's sword finger.

The wind, sand and stones around were swept up by the pressure of the two people.

Two huge eddies formed in the air.

"What kind of swordsmanship are these? Especially the young man's, each copy seems to destroy the sky and the earth. It's terrible. Wu ruofeng is going to lose!"

All practitioners no longer strive to break the cave array.

Instead, they all gathered to one side and watched the duel quietly.

"It's strange. Obviously, the young man's strength has been robbed by Wu ruofeng. Let's say that Wu ruofeng can't resist the sword just now, but why does he attack?"

People were also surprised.

"Good move, three into hell!"

The two forces constantly collide.

The disciples of Wu ruofeng who were close to him couldn't bear it. Their bodies burst and died.

Even if it was Wu ruofeng, Shengsheng resisted at the moment. Blood had flowed from the corners of his mouth.

When Chen Ge gets angry again, he will completely collapse.

Chen Ge was also very surprised by the operation of seeking death.

"I admit you are strong, but it's impossible to beat me like this!"

Wu ruofeng suddenly gave a grim smile.

"The shadow is separated!"

Then he shouted and saw him alone, suddenly turned into two.

The other one directly suffered the fatal blow of Chen Ge.

Instantly smashed by three hell blasts.


And his other part, however, took the opportunity to pounce on Chen Gefei.

"Yin thunder etches bone palm!"

He turned into a ray of thunder and hit Chen GE's chest.

You must sacrifice half of your accomplishments to show your evil shadow.

But still, Wu ruofeng still wants to fight with Chen Ge and lose both sides!


In the blink of an eye, Wu ruofeng's Yin thunder etched bone palm condensed all his true Qi and directly blasted it on Chen GE's chest

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