Wu ruofeng would rather sacrifice half of his strength than fight with Chen Ge.

Now, fight hard.


Chen Ge got a solid slap.

"Hahaha, Chen Ge, you die!"

Wu ruofeng laughed ferociously.

But soon his laughter solidified, because he found that his Yin thunder palm Qi did not penetrate into Chen GE's body.

"My palm power? How is it possible? Why is there a force dissolving my palm power?"

Wu ruofeng was very frightened.


The next moment, I saw Chen GE's back, and a palm Qi was played directly.

Bang bang!

It is Wu ruofeng's disciples who have the power to reach.

"Ah ah!"

The group screamed and all died under the palm power of Yin Lei palm.

This is the unique skill of Chen's singing training meeting, which transfers flowers and trees.


Wu ruofeng was stunned.

"Moco is boundless!"

Then, the third form of Chen Ge was directly displayed.


Wu ruofeng lost his wife and broke his soldiers. At the moment, the whole man's hair stands upright.

He roared in horror, used all his strength, quickly turned into a thick smoke and fled before Chen GE's sword Qi formed.

The whole process actually takes place between electro-optic flint.

"Run really fast!"

Chen Ge received the credit, mainly because Chen ge used these martial arts against the enemy for the first time. Although he has reached Dacheng, he inevitably lacks some practical experience, which makes Wu ruofeng, like an old fox, drill two loopholes one after another.

First, he slapped himself with his split body.

Then run away before you start.

But fortunately, Chen Ge won't have to be afraid of this guy in the future.

And half of his real yuan has been cut to pieces by himself.

The other side.

Wu ruofeng has fled a hundred miles away.


As soon as he stopped, he suddenly felt his blood surging, and then his blood gushed wildly.

The whole body trembled and shrank to the ground.

"Three into hell, three into hell, even if I use my split body, I'm still hurt by the residual power of sword Qi, and what method is Chen Ge, completely ignoring my attack!"

"Damn, it's so damn. He must have entered the magic skill and obtained the treasure. It must be his nine turn yuan God to make him so strong!"

Wu ruofeng's face was full of pain.

Then he got up, covered his chest and continued to run for his life.

Next, Chen Ge saved everyone.

Then he returned to Zhou's house.

Zhou Wanjiang was seriously injured. After saving Zhou Min with red flame dragon blood, he healed behind closed doors.

Chen Ge also watched Zhou Wanjiang's injury.

First, in World War I, he used that set of palm techniques, which had greatly hurt his Zhenyuan. Later, he was hurt by Wu ruofeng's palm power.

Although Chen GE has melted all his strength to him.

But still hurt the meridians and Dantian.

To tell the truth, it is impossible to practice again.

"Xiaoge, I understand my situation. It's very good to be able to leave my life. How dare I ask for practice again? It's a pity that in my Zhou family, it has been passed down from generation to generation. At least there have been seven or eight Taoists."

"Unfortunately, if you count down when you come to me, I'm afraid there will be no Taoist realm anymore!"

Zhou Wanjiang coughed.

"Taoist realm?"

Chen Ge asked curiously.

"Well, by the way, you've been here for so long. Ha ha, you don't really understand the cultivation world, but I might as well tell you!"

Zhou Wanjiang said.


Chen Ge nodded.

"First of all, there is only one realm for all practitioners in our cultivation world, whether they are casual practitioners, alchemists, and those who believe in machines and equipment, that is, to become saints and become Taoists!"

"This is not only the increase of life, but also the jump of strength!"

"I used to be a quasi Taoist. After decades of cultivation, I may have the hope to become a saint and become a Taoist. I've even thought of my own title, so I'll be called Taoist Wanjiang. Ha ha, unfortunately, I'll never be with the cultivation world again!"

Zhou Wanjiang shook his head and coughed violently.

"Well, when I was in South Vietnam, I met some super elders. Their accomplishments..."

"Hehe, they? What are they? At most, they are exposed to the threshold of cultivation. They have become a cultivator. Their life expectancy has increased, but they are still physical fetuses. Those people are old-fashioned, but they are arrogant. They think they are strong in the cultivation world. Bah! Regular cultivators will not pay attention to them!"

"Even if it is a mortal weapon, if the weapon is extremely powerful, they can't resist it. It's a pile of waste!"

Zhou Wanjiang waved his hand directly and helplessly.

"And Xiaoge, although you have not been weak in cultivation before, you are still a physical foetus. The reason why it is difficult for mortal weapons to threaten you is because of the nine turn yuan God in your body!"

Zhou Wanjiang continued to explain:

"You'd better forget those fools you met before, because now you are not only a real cultivator, but also a saint. Now, I should call you a Taoist elder in turn!"

"Uncle Zhou means that I am a Taoist now!"

Chen Ge is ignorant.

"Of course, otherwise, how can you defeat Wu ruofeng? He is also a Taoist. If you don't believe it, there is a secular fruit knife. Cut yourself!"

Zhou Wanjiang smiled.

Chen Ge really tried.

Instead of a drop of blood flowing, the wound healed directly.

"Well, it seems that your uncle Zhou has a good eye for me. You have really become a Taoist. You ignore worldly things. Unlike us, although I have reached the quasi Taoist level, I can't bear some worldly harm. After all, I can't turn into a saint!"

"I see."

Chen Ge nodded.

"Xiaoge, now that you have reached the next stage, you should give yourself a legal name to facilitate your wandering in the cultivation world in the future!"

Zhou Wanjiang said.

"Just like Wu ruofeng, he has a teacher and is the general wind generation of benlei sword. His legal name is Fenglei. Now he should be a Fenglei Taoist. However, he doesn't like to be contaminated with any taboos of the sect, so he calls himself the God of benlei sword."

"No wonder he can use split body when I fight against him!"

Chen Ge is clear.

"So, after becoming a Taoist, is there a realm of practice?"

Chen Ge seems to have opened the door to a new world.

"Oh, of course, but there are too few. How many people can't break through for thousands of years when they stay in the Taoist period."

Zhou Wanjiang shook his head.

"But I can tell you, from quasi Taoist to incarnate into a saint and become a Taoist, and then from Taoist to start, the pursuit is immortal! Being reborn into an immortal, above the immortal, is the upper immortal, above the upper immortal, is the real immortal, then to the golden immortal, Da Luo golden immortal, until the end, you can refine the golden body and never die!"

"Ha ha, but I know very little about the realm above immortals, and I have very little information."

Zhou Wanjiang said, "so don't be misled by the servants you met before. They all imagined by themselves. It's not the cultivation process of the real world at all!"

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