Speaking of this, Chen Ge already knows a lot of things.

I once met a Taoist when I was taking Zhentian stone under the Yunding villa in Jinling.

Now I guess that the elder should be comparable to those supreme elders who have just entered the cultivation world.

Many legends about the great power of communication were made up and handed down by the secret Dharma family at that time.

Otherwise, Chen Ge will not encounter real practitioners, such as Wu ruofeng, who have no power to fight back.

Their own martial arts can't do much harm to them.

In this way, Chen Ge thoroughly understood the whole cultivation process, and it was the most authoritative cultivation method left by the cultivation world.

Not later, foolishly take their own flesh and touch other people's holy body.

And in this way, their last life, sister Ziyan, had long been cultivated into a golden body.

He turned into a yuan God, so he left the nine turn yuan God handed down from the nine generations to himself.

"Little song, I know you're going back to China. These are several sets of books. I'll have someone find them for you. You can read them when you're free!"

Zhou Wanjiang road.

"Well, uncle Zhou, I'll stay for a few days to help you heal your wounds thoroughly. By the way, I'll pass on some arrays to you. Unfortunately, you can't practice it. Otherwise, there is a powerful sword technique, which can split the sky, and I can teach it to you!"

Chen Ge sighed.

"Ha ha, I'm not interested in martial arts, but if it's an array, your uncle Zhou won't be polite!"

This is like sending a comb to a bald head. No matter how beautiful the comb is, it's hard to look without hair.

It's not as much as a few arrays.

"Moreover, there are several arrays that are very suitable for you. As long as you work hard and study hard, even if you don't practice, using the array with the help of the potential of heaven and earth can also help you nourish your qi and return to health and prolong your life!"

He stayed on the island for fifteen days.

All the things of the Zhou family, Guo Lintian and Liang Lu were settled.

After the 15th, Chen Ge said goodbye to Zhou Wanjiang and them.

Returned to China.

It is said to be going back to China. If it was in the past, it may take a lot of time.

For the present Chen Ge, the use of vertical golden light will soon arrive.

First, I went to Nanyang Chen's house and saw that the island was already empty.

After something big happened here, my parents, sister LAN, they all disappeared.

In addition, sister LAN ordered Li Zhenguo to transfer the assets to Jinling in advance.

Just returning to his hometown, Chen Ge still has a aftertaste.

After all, this is where I once lived.

In particular, in addition to Mu Han, Chen GE's most sorry girl is sister LAN and Qin ya.

Chen Ge sat in the Chenjiazhuang garden for a long time.

It was a flash and came to Jinling again.

Jinling, where Chen GE has lived for ten or twenty years.

He is full of feelings here.

"Hehe, I don't know how long it has been since I was looking for Muhan to say goodbye. I don't know what happened to those old friends!"

Looking at this prosperous metropolis, Chen Ge sighed in his heart.

Who would have thought that so many things would happen later.

When he came back again, he was no longer a mortal.

When I return to my hometown, I naturally feel a lot.

But Chen Ge also has no time to aftertaste.

Therefore, when he comes back from this trip, he still has an important task to do, that is to find the whereabouts of the Holy Spirit tree, so as to find the location of Youlong island.

"I asked Xiaofei to come back to Li Zhenguo first. I don't know what happened to them?"

Chen Ge thought in her heart.

Then he rushed to the hot spring villa.

At the moment, Jinling hot spring villa, since the Chen family's accident, the Chen family's industry is in turmoil.

Fortunately, Lan Qin secretly deployed all assets to Jinling.

To avoid the Chen family foundation industry, as soon as the Chen family is destroyed.

"Hum, I only give you three days to think about it. Three days later, it's my Murong family's birthday. If you don't sign this agreement, you'll all die!"

Chen Ge came to the hot spring villa with her hands on her back.

Only luxury cars surrounded the villa.

There is no security guard at the door.

Inside, when Chen Ge listened to it, he immediately heard inappropriate words.

Walk in and have a look.

I saw a group of people in black in suits, surrounded by several people who had been lying on the ground, scolding coldly.

The man on the ground is Li Zhenguo.

At the moment, Li Zhenguo's hair is a little gray, and he is seriously injured.

"The foundation of the Chen family is very important. In any case, I won't sign this agreement!"

Li Zhenguo roared.

"Hum, don't sign? If you don't sign, you and your children will have an accident. Moreover, even if you don't sign, do you think the Murong family can't help you?"

A coquettish woman, nestled in Murong's house, in the arms of a leading middle-aged man, smiled coldly.

"Shen Yuee, you bitch, betrayed my son and killed him! I'll fight with you!"

Li Zhenguo pounced angrily.


The middle-aged man raised his hand and swept away, and a strong spirit was released directly. The white smoke behind Li Zhenguo burst, and the whole man rolled out and vomited blood all over the ground.

"Inner strength of secret method?"

Chen GE's eyelids jumped.

"Old man! The Chen family is dead. You dare to guard. I think you're looking for death!"

With that, the middle-aged man raised his hand and hit Li Zhenguo on his forehead.

But the next moment, the middle-aged man suddenly found that his hand could not move.

It seems to be pulled by a force.

The next moment, he was shocked to find that his arm was bursting outward at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Soon, I saw the white bones of my arm.

"What? Ah!!!"

He cried in horror.


The whole arm then exploded directly and turned into nothing.

The whole person flew backwards.


"What? Who?"

His men were all panicked.

Looking back, I don't know when a young man was standing in front of them.


Several people rushed at Chen Ge.

Unfortunately, when they reached the depth of five or six meters, they saw that Chen Ge didn't move anything, just carrying his hands, but they couldn't move at all.

"Terrible, terrible!"

Bang bang!

Then a wave of air exploded directly in their bodies.

The strong energy burst their bodies.



The girl screamed in horror, and the middle-aged man was even more frightened.

Only Li Zhenguo stood up with excitement on his face:

"Chen... Chen Shao? Are you back?"

Li Zhenguo burst into tears.

"Well, I'm back! Zhenguo, you've worked hard in recent years!"

Chen Ge said.

Then he stretched out his hand and a piece of genuine Qi flowed into Li Zhenguo's body. Li Zhenguo felt the great pain of his body, and suddenly disappeared. Moreover, his essence and spirit seemed to be much brighter than before.

"Who are they?"

Chen Ge asked faintly.

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