"Third, what do you mean?"

The elder and Murong Jingtao looked at each other and obviously understood what the three elders meant.

"We can't wait. Just let him out and let him kill Chen Ge. We can't be killed by Chen Ge tonight!"

Murong Jingtao patted the table at last and directly shouted, "if there is any accident at that time, it's a big deal that we Murong family will bear it!"


The elder finally nodded.

There is no room for carelessness in life and death.

After seven people consulted.

That's the key.

Directly came to Murong's underground palace.

The underground palace has a total of 18 thresholds, each of which has many mechanisms.

There are even arrays.

If unknown people break in, I'm afraid there won't be a threshold. Of course, it's difficult for the people inside to come out.

After crossing the eighteen threshold.

It's another underground hole.

Only when you jump into the underground cave can you enter the real prison.

It looks like a Ditan square.

It's a big hemispherical hole.

All around, there are murderous arrays and legendary aura.

In the center of the Ditan is a circular lake.

There is only a square platform interspersed with it.

Thirty six iron ropes came from all directions.

The clavicle and Pipa of the besieged man will be firmly penetrated.

This is a man with gray hair and beard all over.

An old man like a pile of weeds.


Seeing the visitor, the old man raised his head and shouted coldly:

"Who am I? It's you mortals. Why, the beasts of Lei Jianzong asked you to take my name? Hehe, I don't despise you. I can't hurt me with your materials."

"If you want my life, let the three beasts of Lei Jianzong try it themselves!"

The old man laughed.

The seven people who laughed were frightened.

"Master Mo, you need to be angry. We dare not take your life. The seven of us were ordered to take care of you. The situation forced us. Please forgive me!"

Murong Jingtao said.

"Yes, master Mo, we know your cultivation is invincible. How dare you do it!"

The elder bowed.

"Stop talking nonsense, seven ordinary children. What's the matter?"

The old man roared.

Plop, plop!

I saw all seven kneeling down.

"Elder, we really have no way, so we want to ask you to go out of the mountain and help us retreat from the enemy!"

The elder cried.

"Hmm? Ask me to retreat from the enemy? I've been imprisoned for more than 30 years. Is it my ear or your mouth? The three beasts of Lei Jianzong are your masters. If you don't look for them, look for me?"

The old man laughed with sarcasm.

"No, no, no, there's really no way. If you don't do it, we may not survive tonight!"

Murong Jingtao said.

"If the elder is willing to do it, we will be willing to give the elder a short time of freedom!"

Several people looked at each other and said.


The old man's eyes glittered. Of course, he was not for the so-called short-term freedom.

Although, he really wants to get this freedom.

But the most important thing is not to give yourself freedom. Even if the seven little dolls come down in person, it is a serious violation of Lei Jianzong's regulations and is the death penalty.

And they risk not to say, and dare to release themselves for a moment?

Then there is only one answer, that is, they met a strong enemy.

"Is there a master?"

The old man murmured.

"Master, naturally he is a master, and he is not weaker than the three masters of Lei Jianzong! That man is young, but his cultivation is unparalleled. The seven of us have practiced for so many years. First, we can't hurt him at all, and second, we can't stop any of his blows!"

At that moment, Murong Jingtao said how his son Murong Hai died and about Chen Ge.

"What? Is there such a thing? I've been imprisoned for decades. Has the outside changed so much? Even a little doll is so shocking. Moreover, it seems that he is not an expert in the secular world at all, but has entered the realm of cultivation like himself!"

The old man thought.

This news is really a surprise.

If you can get a moment of freedom and have a good fight with an expert in the cultivation realm, you will be released from all your anger and grievances over the years.

Not suffering from mental torture every day.

Qizi knelt on the ground, waiting for the old man to reply.

"OK, I promised you, but are you going to release my Pipa shares?"

Asked the old man.

"Master, don't be angry. We dare not touch these chain arrays, otherwise we will be broken to pieces."

"However, we have a soul moving array. If the elder doesn't dislike it, we are willing to use the soul moving array to know the elder's true yuan and come to the world with the help of an outsider's body!"

"Of course, this soul moving array can only exist for two hours. After two hours, your soul will automatically return to this body!"

Murong Jingtao said.

The elder added, "that is, you can get two hours of freedom, which is the biggest concession made by the younger generation!"

"Well, the reason why Lei Jianzong locked me underground is that he knows that I have a bright personality and freedom to come and go, but they torture me with this. Two hours is enough!"

The old man laughed.

The words fell. The elder had already jumped out and threw an old man down.

"Master, then we'll use the Dharma array!"

Murong Jingtao said.

This soul moving array has a fixed time setting, that is, it will be automatically released in two hours.

Moreover, the seven of them are not worried that this person will retaliate against themselves in two hours, if so.

At that moment, the Dharma array will explode. At that time, he can only be scared.

Therefore, this risk is for both of them.

Qizi also firmly believes that this person will not be stupid enough to drive himself to death in order to kill the seven of them?

That's why I'm so bold and dare to let people go.

In a flash, the soul moving array has been spread.

He saw that the old man's soul yuan melted out of his body, then turned into a streamer and entered the old man who had been killed by seven people.

After waiting for a moment.

The old man opened his eyes.

At the moment of opening their eyes, a fine awn seemed to shoot out, and the shocked seven people couldn't open their eyes.

"Hahaha! The feeling of freedom is really great!"

The old man laughed, then turned into a golden light and disappeared.


Qizi hurried out.

The Murong manor was built on a hillside.

Back mountain.

When Qizi came, he saw the golden light flashing.

"Thunder subdues the devil!"

He saw the old man pinch his sword and shoot out a sword light directly.

The power is appalling.

"Is this the legendary power of the cultivation world?"

Murong Jingtao and other seven people all stood in place in amazement, their mouths wide open

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