"Comfortable! I'm Mo Longteng. I haven't been so happy for a long time! You seven children, come here!"

The old man snorted coldly.

"Elder, what's the matter?"

The seven people came carefully.

"Tell me the man's address. I'll come to him in person. At the same time, I want you seven to do something for me! Otherwise, I can't do things for you!"

Mo Longteng sneered.

"Elder, you!"

Murong Jingtao panicked one by one, but on second thought, he nodded: "well, sir, you say!"

"I know you are ordered to guard me. I won't ask you to let me go. What I want you to do is very simple. When I went out to practice in my youth, I left a pulse in the secular world. There is the secret magic Mo family. I think they should be handed down from generation to generation. I want you to help me find out. If there are future generations, I will rely on this stone tablet , let them come to see me. I have a set of swordsmanship to teach! "

Mo Longteng said.

Then he pinched his sword finger and engraved a few words in front of a stone.

If the descendants of the Mo family really see the handwriting of these words, they will come.

"OK, sir, it's not a big deal. We promised!"

"Well, when it's done, I'll give you seven people a set of cultivation skills to give you a chance to see the path of truth cultivation!"

Mo Longteng said.

When the seven heard the speech, they were shocked. After looking at each other, they knelt down directly to thank each other.

At the same time, tell Mo Longteng where Chen Ge is.

"What a child of the Chen family, I want to see what strength you are..."

With that, Mo Longteng turned into a white smoke and dissipated directly.

At that time.

In the hot spring villa.

Bai Xiaofei and Liba have been practicing the skills given by Chen Ge for less than two hours, but they have seen a great change in their looks.

"This is wonderful!"

Bai Xiaofei exclaimed.

"Hey, hey, Shifu is very kind to us!"

Liba also feels his head and giggles.

"Hmm? What a familiar smell!"

At this time, Bai Xiaofei and rebar saw an old man with his hands on his back.

"Who are you?"

Seeing the old man's extraordinary, Bai Xiaofei said coldly.

"Look at your breathing and breathing. It looks like the King Kong subduing demons internal skill of the Zhou family. It should be. What does Zhou Wanjiang of the Zhou family have to do with you? Are you both from the Zhou family?"

The old man was greatly surprised.

Bai Xiaofei was also startled.

Yes, what they practice is the family secret given by Mr. Zhou to Chen Ge.

It is an authentic method that can peep into the cultivation world.

Unexpectedly, he was recognized by the old man at a glance.

"We are not from the Zhou family, but my eldest brother has a long history with Mr. Zhou. Sir, you come directly to Houshan. What can I do for you?"

Bai Xiaofei said with some fear.

"Oh, sure enough, I said who could scare the seven boys like this. It turns out that Chen GE's cultivation is also the authentic method of the cultivation family. That's right. The seven children are naturally not enemies, ha ha!"

Mo Longteng laughed.

A direct answer is irrelevant.

"Let me ask you something. It seems that the old gentleman is rude to come to our back mountain?"

Bai Xiaofei shouted.

"You two don't deserve to talk to me. Go and shout Chen Ge out to see me!"

Mo Longteng said.

"You have such a big breath. What do you think of the hot spring villa? If you don't go, don't blame us for being rude to you!"

Bai Xiaofei now feels that he has sufficient strength and has the confidence to speak.

"Hahaha, you're welcome? I think you're so arrogant after just cultivating your internal skills. In your eyes, this cultivation method may be superior, but in my eyes, their Zhou family's method is just ordinary!"

Mo Longteng shook his head and smiled bitterly.

"Old man, you want to die!"

After that, Bai Xiaofei and Liba rushed over directly.


However, Mo Longteng just waved his hand.

I saw a strong Qi released.

The two men were not opponents at all. They were shot out in an instant, hit the ground heavily and sprayed blood.

"I'd better not make unnecessary sacrifices. I've always had a clear line of gratitude and resentment and never indiscriminately killed innocent people. Otherwise, you'll be dead just now!"

Mo Longteng drank.

"Xiaofei, bully, if you're okay, come and help me water the flowers!"

At this time, a voice suddenly came from an open space not far from the back mountain.

In fact, the sound is not big, but it seems to have magic and clearly spread to everyone's ears.

In particular, Bai Xiaofei and rebar heard the sound.

I felt a force released from the Dantian.

The internal injury that was hit healed in an instant.

I also feel a clear current circulating in my body, which is very comfortable.

"I see!"

Bai Xiaofei and rebar got up immediately.


When Mo Longteng saw this operation, his jaw was shocked and almost fell off.

He knew the damage he had caused to Bai Xiaofei and rebar. Although he didn't kill them, he also broke their meridians.

But this man used the sound wave method to heal their wounds in an instant, which is unheard of.

In particular, it was obvious that the young man had stayed in Houshan for a long time, and he didn't find his existence.

At the moment, I was also very curious to look over there.

He saw that Chen Ge was carrying a hoe and planting flowers and grass in the back mountain.

In fact, Chen Ge is building a condensing yuan array for Liba and Bai Xiaofei, which is just basic work.

"Are you Chen Ge?"

Mo Longteng asked.

"Well, I am!"

Without answering, Chen Ge took a bucket of water from rebar and poured it carefully on the seeds.

"Do you know that I'm here to kill you!"

Mo Longteng's eyes narrowed slightly.


Chen Ge made a silent gesture: "wait a minute. I'm making an array and laying down plants that can absorb aura. Don't distract me. Go and sit down!"

Chen Ge looked serious.

Mo Longteng's whole body trembled when he heard the speech.

Yes, he was ignored by a suckling boy.

"Young man, it seems that your accomplishments are not low. It's a pity to kill you. Just now, I saw you use sound wave skill to heal both of them. I really admire such means. Let me change my mind and only intend to abolish your accomplishments!"

"But unexpectedly, there is a way in heaven. If you don't go, there is no door in hell. You break in! I'll let you die!"

Mo Longteng clenched his fists, and the murderous spirit in his eyes filled the air in an instant.


Chen Ge put down another seed, carefully turned the soil, wiped the sweat on his forehead and said to Mo Longteng:

"When you're finished, you can go there and wait for me. I'll be finished in half an hour!"

"Son of a bitch, I'll tear you into eight pieces!"


Mo Longteng was completely angry and just hit Chen Ge directly

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