With that, Mo Longteng slapped it out.

He did not use the sword technique of thunder subduing demons.

Because in a master duel, there must always be a back.

I saw that the palm power seemed to carry the power of subduing the dragon and subduing the tiger.

True Qi is unmatched and overbearing.

It swept directly towards Chen Ge.

But Chen Ge didn't flash or block it. He even planted melons and grass with his back to Mo Longteng.

The next moment, a scene that shocked Mo Longteng happened.

Originally thought that arrogant Chen Ge would die, but unexpectedly, his palm power disappeared in front of him.

This feeling.

It's as if what he played was not a powerful slap, but a balloon. When the balloon came behind Chen Ge, it was blown away by a gust of wind.


Mo Longteng frowned and looked at his palm. His face was unbelievable.

"You are so familiar with this palm. In the early years, before I went to South Vietnam, I was chased and killed by a family and fled everywhere. This palm power is neither like nor unlike that performed by the secret Dharma family!"

"The difference is that the Mo family is urged by internal force, and you use real Qi!"

As Chen Ge said, he put down his hoe, clapped his hands, went to one side and took a sip of tea.

"Is it my descendant Mo's family?"

Mo Longteng frowned.

"It's really related to you. So, Mo Canglong of Mo family is your offspring?"

A flash of interest flashed in Chen GE's eyes.

At first, the Mo family peeped into the Chen family's assets.

He forced his father to hand over his assets on the grounds of killing himself.

At first, Chen Ge fled all the way in order not to implicate the family.

It was at that time that Qin Bo accepted himself as an apprentice that he gradually learned his inner strength, and it was given by the Mo family that the nine turn yuan God began to play an effective role.

Later, he made great efforts and killed him.

"Yes, have you seen my descendants?"

Mo Longteng was surprised.

"Yes, but I killed most of them! Mo Canglong died in the covenant of holy water!"

Chen Ge smiled and said, "they do too much evil, and they want to kill me everywhere, so they can blame themselves!"

"What are you talking about? How dare you kill my family?"

Mo Longteng was very angry.

He still has big things to do to find the Mo family, but now, he was killed by Chen Ge?


He roared in pain.

"You know what you mo family have done. They are really to blame for today!"

Said Bai Xiaofei.

If the Mo family hadn't pursued him at that time, he wouldn't have gone to the war department to become a soldier.

"I don't care why, you killed my mo family. You all have to be buried with me!"

Mo Longteng clenched his fist.

Release your qi.

Chen Ge looked at it and was even more familiar: "it's strange that there has been no one in the benlei sword sect for a long time. Why would you live with such a high cultivation?"

Because Chen Ge hasn't finished what he said just now, that is mo Longteng's true Qi method, which is very similar to Wu ruofeng's.

All belong to the benlei sword sect.

Chen GE has fought with Wu ruofeng three or four times. Of course, he is very familiar with the Dharma of their benlei sword sect.

"Boy, your knowledge is really extraordinary. You know my benlei sword sect? Well, I'll let you die under the thunder subduing devil I've been practicing hard!"

With that, Mo Longteng's true Qi worked.

Hand pinching sword formula.

The strong momentum scared Bai Xiaofei and rebar back a few steps.

This momentum, as if the contact is close, may cause life danger.

Mo Longteng's momentum is getting stronger and stronger.

But Chen Ge stood with his hands down and shook his head.

"Smelly boy, do you dare to underestimate my thunder ambush?"

The sword Qi in Mo Longteng's hand has formed.

"Although the technique of running thunder sword is exquisite, you have to count the last three moves in terms of power. It seems that you are a disciple of running thunder sword sect. Why, can't you use the last three moves? Otherwise, you can use Yin thunder palm better than this move!"

Chen Ge shook his head and said.

"Bastard! You humiliate me again and again, you die!"

With that, Mo Longteng offered the strongest blow directly.

Boom, boom!

In an instant, the back mountain cracked directly.

The river on the hillside is even more turbulent.

Everywhere the sword Qi passes, it explodes and dust rises everywhere.

Just the next moment, I saw Chen Ge stretch out a hand.

Unexpectedly, he caught the sword Qi directly.

Then bend your fingers.


The sword Qi was directly smashed and turned into nothing.


With a strong force, Mo Longteng bounced out, and he retreated one after another.

His eyes were already full of shock.

"It's impossible. How is it possible? Have you become a Taoist? How is it possible that such a young Taoist has never been in the cultivation world?"

Mo Longteng doubted life.

"What's impossible? By the way, who is Wu ruofeng?"

Instead of killing him, Chen Ge sat down and asked.


Seeing Chen GE's disdain to do it himself, Mo Longteng was very angry, but he didn't dare to say a word.

Because just now, if Chen Ge did it, he would have died.

"Wu ruofeng, he is a traitor and villain of our school. If it weren't for him, I wouldn't get this virtue. The essence of my cultivation and sanctification has been penetrated into the lute bone and disabled by him. Now, he just borrows someone else's body. Otherwise, how could I do no harm to you!"

Mo Longteng clenched his fist.

"You misunderstood. In fact, I see your true Qi cultivation. Even if you use noumenon, you can hardly hurt me!"

Chen gedao.

"You!" Mo Longteng trembled angrily at the corners of his mouth.

"I'm just telling the truth, but here comes the problem. All 72 descendants of the benlei sword sect have been killed. So, you're one of the 72?"

Chen Ge asked curiously.

"Yes, I'm the elder martial brother of benlei sword sect, and I'm also the leader. Wu ruofeng doesn't know where to learn all his accomplishments. Our martial brothers are not opponents at all, and they were killed by him one by one!"

Referring to the past, Mo Longteng was sad.

"Although Wu ruofeng is cruel and cruel, he doesn't dare to bear the charge of killing the leader. Therefore, he locks my true Qi and throws it into the secular world, trapped today!"

Mo Longteng's eyes were filled with tears.

"Over the past few decades, I have been thinking about finding Wu ruofeng, killing him, avenging my younger martial brothers and eliminating the harm for our school!"

"Alas, what a pity!"

Chen Ge sighed.

"What a pity?"

"Even if you find him, he won't be Wu ruofeng's opponent at all, because he has already stepped into the realm of Taoist, almost like me, and is proficient in the last three moves of lightning running sword!"

"If you fight against him, he doesn't need anything else. He can kill you with a thunderbolt! I'm telling the truth!"

Chen gedao.

"What did you say? He became a Taoist? He practiced to the realm of a Taoist?"


Mo Longteng felt that his brain was momentarily blank, and the whole person fell and retreated more than a dozen steps, because this time, his faith collapsed

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