A loud noise.

I saw smoke billowing from the scene.

The female servants behind the car were hit with seven meat and eight vegetables.

The housekeeper's head hit the steering wheel and his face was covered with blood.

Mo Longteng, however, was completely unharmed.

This made the housekeeper feel that he was not the one who hit him just now, but hit a mountain.

"Hum, it's very cruel. You didn't expect me to be cheated by you for hundreds of years!"

In a flash, Mo Longteng went directly into the car and brought all these people out.

"You... Who are you? Are you a man or a ghost?"

The housekeeper thought he had hit a ghost.

"Boy, you're still acting. You're Liu Xu!"

Mo Longteng grabbed the housekeeper's collar.

"Mr. Liu? Why am I Mr. Liu? Mr. Liu can't find it now. You must have mistaken someone. All seven wives can testify for me!"

Cried the housekeeper.

"Yes, he is really not president Liu!"

The seven women covered their wounds and said.

"Still don't admit it now?" Mo Longteng looked angry.

"Don't think you've used the technique of changing your appearance, we can't see it!"

Chen Ge came over with Professor Heifeng.

"What kind of change? I don't understand what you're talking about?"

The housekeeper said in an old voice.

But at the moment, the housekeeper's eyes looked away with some guilt.

"The ancient ghost witch family was good at resisting animals and planting exotic flowers and plants, because at that time, their cultivation needed to browse the earth and rivers everywhere, and the most important of their witchcraft was to collect people's blood for cultivation, so there were many enemies!"

"Therefore, the ancient ghost witch family had to change their face to walk in the Jianghu. Therefore, the change and face changing technique left behind is very powerful. With the help of drugs, a person's appearance can be changed, even his voice can be changed vividly. No matter your cultivation level, you can't see it!"

Chen Ge went up and said with his hands on his back:

"President Liu, do you think I'm right?"

The housekeeper swallowed a mouthful of saliva and looked at Chen Ge in shock: "this is Yi'er's ancestral secret recipe. No one in the world knows it except her and me. How do you know the secret?"

"I also saw it from a book, but it seems that you only learned one cosmetic surgery. Didn't she teach you the rest?"

Chen Ge asked with a smile.

Look at the housekeeper and take out a bottle of spray.

Directly on his face.


Just look at the smoke on his face.

Before long, Liu Xu's face recovered.

"Feiyang, is it really you?"

Professor Bao recognized at a glance that Liu Xu is not his student Liu Feiyang at that time.

"Teacher, I'm sorry. I have to cheat like this. Please understand my difficulties!"

Liu Xu was ashamed.

"I didn't expect you to know the secret of Yi'er!"

Liu Xu was very curious.

Chen Ge breathed a sigh in his heart, because it showed that the clues he investigated were correct. Wu Fengyi was indeed a remnant of the ancient witch family.

She and Liu Xu's son naturally became a new descendant of the witch family.

Uncle Zhou said very clearly that the descendants of the ancient witch family needed the Holy Spirit to awaken their blood, which was what the ancient witch people needed.

If not, because they often use drugs, the sequelae left in the body and genetic sequelae will attack, and they will never live to be 16 years old.

Wu Fengyi is eager to find the Holy Spirit fruit tree for her son.

But new questions come.

In ancient times, the witch clan perished. I don't know how long it has been. There are no enemies at all. Why should Wu Fengyi be so careful.

And looking at this Liu Xu, he is not a heartless person. Why did he abandon their mother and son?

Chen Ge saw that Liu Xu was about to faint after being hit. Then a real Qi was injected into Liu Xu's body to make Liu Xu recover instantly.

"Thank you, thank you, Mr. Chen!"

Liu Xu nodded politely.

"Feiyang, although Mr. Chen is young, he is an expert. He has something to ask Fengyi for help. As long as Fengyi can take him to find the layout of the witch family Dharma array, Mr. Chen will repay you well!"

Professor Bao said.

"Teacher, if you don't say it, I can see that Mr. Chen seems different from those who used to look for Yi'er, but... I can't say it for the safety of Yi'er's mother and son!"

Liu Xu shook his head as if some terrible past had sounded.

"What happened?" Professor Bao asked eagerly.

Liu Xu pondered for a long time, then looked at Chen Ge and Heilong and others, and then began to tangle;

"It's because of Yi'er's special identity, which has brought great damage to their Wu family. Teacher, you only know that Yi'er's hometown is in Jincheng, but you don't know that their Wu family, once there, is also a famous great family, which has been handed down for thousands of years!"

"Just 40 years ago, when Yi'er was five years old, a big event happened to her family. The Wu family was full of nearly 500 people. They were all killed overnight. Only Yi'er's mother took her out!"


Professor Bao was stunned.

Chen Ge frowned.

What kind of hatred is it to destroy the whole family?

"The reason is the blood disaster caused by a special fruit. Yi'er's life experience is the descendant of the ancient witch family. She fled for her life and settled in Jincheng and changed her surname to Wu. All the time, the Wu family never hurt people by witchcraft and did business in a down-to-earth manner. However, the Wu family has always had a tradition that children need to take a special fruit every time they grow up to the age of five or six Real! "

"If not, these children are likely to die suddenly between the ages of 12 and 16."

"Well, it's the fruit of the Holy Spirit!"

Chen Ge nodded.

"Yes, it's the fruit of the Holy Spirit. On the third day after Yi'er's children ran out of clothes, the Wu family was washed with blood. It was Yi'er's mother who jumped into the well with her that escaped!"

"However, the murderer obviously knew that he had lost a son, so soon he began to track the whereabouts of Yi'er's mother and daughter!"

"This pursuit is six years. The mother and daughter walked through the desert and once lived in the virgin forest. Later, Yi'er's mother couldn't carry it and died of a serious illness!"

"In the mountains, Yi'er lived and studied alone after she skillfully recited some painting scrolls that the Wu family had to understand."

Liu Xu said.

"No wonder Fengyi is familiar with things in the world and herbs. It turns out that she is a descendant of the ancient witch family. No wonder her character is so lonely. When she was a child, she actually encountered such a thing..."

Professor Bao shook his head and sighed.

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