The seven women looked at each other and then nodded: "yes, we really haven't contacted him for two months. You can see that there are a lot of people."

"I'm afraid he doesn't know whether he is dead or alive!"

"Are we late? Is he really dead?"

Mo Longteng wondered.

"I don't think so. Where did he last appear?"

Chen Ge asked.

"At the base!"

Just then, the old man on one side spoke.

"It was Mr. Liu who called me, told me to transfer some assets to my name, and asked me to send some information to his base!"

Said the old man.

Chen Ge glanced at him: "then he disappeared?"

"Haven't you been to the base?"

A woman said, "of course I did, and I called the police. We've been looking for it many times. The base is empty. Where is there a shadow!"

"Where is the base? And what's the base for?"

Chen Ge asked.

"The base is used by President Liu for research. Our group is a biological group. President Liu is basically the home, the company, the base, three points and one line!"

The old man said.

"It's located in a desolate suburb in the south of the city. However, it's useless to go. The Japanese people who came just now have turned it upside down!"

Said the woman.

"What about Liu Xu's wife and son? Do you understand?"

Asked the dark wind Taoist.

"Ten years ago, they separated. Since then, they haven't appeared again. However, President Liu once asked me to pay the living expenses for my former wife and young master several times, one is millions, but that was five years ago!"

"Later, when I handled the family property for president Liu, I also learned that the former wife's account had long been closed!"

The old man replied.

It seems that he is not a gardener, but a housekeeper.

"Last question, how many people did you say were looking for him? Who are these people? Why?"

Professor Bao came up and asked.

"It seems that it's because of the debt problem, and I really think it's because of the research results. We don't know these. His base never allows us to enter!"

Said the housekeeper.

"All right! That's all right. Goodbye!"

Chen Ge nodded and took people away directly.

"It's a pity that Liu Xu died and our only clue was broken!"

Professor Bao shook his head and sighed.

"It's too early to draw a conclusion now. Let's go to the base first!"

This is Chen GE's last chance. The clue is broken. He is really unwilling.

The party rushed to the base in the housekeeper's mouth.

Here is a steel structure chamber built underground.

But now, the door of the base has long been open.

After several people went in, it was even empty.

"So clean, it seems that Liu Xu is either missing or dead!"

Professor Bao shook his head and sighed.

"Live to see people, die to see corpses!"

Chen Ge frowned.

"What do you mean, Mr. Chen? Aren't we quitting yet?"

Mo Longteng asked in surprise.

"Don't worry, Mo Longteng, open your divine knowledge and have a look. Is there a secret door in here?"

Chen Ge carries his hands.


Immediately, Mo Longteng immediately searched.


Sure enough, the next moment, Mo Longteng opened his eyes directly.

"Mr. Chen is still careful. Sure enough, there is another floor below!"

Mo Longteng said.

"Professor Bao, get out of the way!"

Chen Ge said.

"Yes!" everyone stepped back and went straight to the door.

The next moment, I saw singer Chen pinch his sword finger, directly condense into a sword spirit and chop towards the ground.


With a loud noise, I saw the steel structure, which directly opened a huge hole.

The following layout is at a glance.

Chen Ge and others leap in.

Then I saw that the real research room was inside.

All kinds of research equipment are here.

"Hum, if you hadn't searched with divine sense, you wouldn't have noticed that there was another layer under the ground. Even we old guys were almost cheated by this cover up!"

The dark wind Taoist smiled.

"Otherwise, in fact, someone made us preconceived. We just wanted to come to the base to see what happened. The purpose was to find Liu Xu's clues, so we were very disappointed to see the empty scene here!"

"But I didn't think about it carefully!"

Chen Ge said.

"Mr. Chen is right. Indeed, someone deliberately guided us and let us preconceived!"

Taoist Heifeng nodded.

"Then look again. What else is in it?"

With that, Chen Ge closed his eyes. When he opened them, a purple column of light appeared in his eyes.

Directly envelop the whole area.

Then, Chen Ge locked his eyes in a safe.

Just raise your palm.


The safe fell apart and exploded directly.

And what's inside appears.

Professor Bao was startled.

Because there's a body hidden in the safe!


Taoist Heifeng and Mo Longteng were stunned.

Chen Ge also raised her eyebrows and was surprised.

Because they saw that the body was not someone else, but the steward in the manor just now.

"What's the matter? It seems that this is the real housekeeper and has been dead for at least two months. Who is the one in the manor?"

Mo Longteng frowned.

"Liu Xu, it seems not simple. Even the three of us were cheated by him. We'll know the truth when we go back!"

While Chen Ge was surprised, he also hurried back to the manor.

"Run! These people have a long history. Their skills are not comparable to those of the Chiba family. I don't think we can hide our secrets from them for long!"

In the manor, the old man and these servants have cleaned up the soft.

At the moment, the old man's eyes twinkled and said.

"Master, do you really want to run? But they have believed it. They can't see anything else. They will be disappointed and leave!"

The seven women said in unison.

"No, no, no, they are not simple. To tell the truth, if the Chiba family didn't come in time, even if they didn't beat them away, they would be poisoned by me!"

"But they, smelling my colorless poisonous smoke, didn't feel at all. This is simply abnormal!"

The old man finished.

A bus has come.

"We can't stay here. We'll go to other provinces together!"

With that, the old man jumped to the car and started it. The car hurried away from the manor.

But as soon as I got on the road.

The old man rubbed his eyes and saw an old man standing in the middle of the road with his hands on his back. It was the man called Mo Longteng by the young man just now.

"Don't want to live, run away!"

The driving housekeeper honked his horn.

But Mo Longteng doesn't dodge.

"There's a way to heaven. You don't go. There's no door to hell. Don't blame me for breaking in!"

After roaring, the housekeeper drove directly towards Mo Longteng.

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