"That's not true, but I can see at a glance with Mr. Chen that she is human, but she cultivates demon source Qi! Her strength should be between Murong family and Wu Zhenhai!"

Said the dark wind Taoist.

"Well, she hasn't been practicing for a long time, but judging from her temperament, it seems that she is not a traitor!"

Mo Longteng said.

"Yes, I'm more worried about the sisters and brothers now. If this woman is really not a good person, the sisters and brothers will suffer!"

Chen Ge shook his head.

"I'll follow?" Mo Longteng stood up.

"No, I've already locked them with spiritual knowledge. The woman has indeed gone towards the sisters and brothers. Well, you stay with Professor Bao and I'll go with Heifeng. What's the matter? You can see at a glance!"

With that, Chen Ge and Heifeng dispersed in a flash.

Outside the suburbs.

There is a dilapidated courtyard here.

Obviously, this is the home of sister and brother.

"Sister, are you okay?"

Said the younger brother.

"I'm fine. Fortunately, someone helped us today. Otherwise, we'll offend Miss Zhuang er. It must be over!"

"But sister, I didn't steal from her at all. She said she wanted to check my ID card. After reading it, she said I stole from her!"

The little boy said.

"Who knows, anyway, we can't afford these people! Go in and see if mother's illness is better..."

With that, the sister and brother entered the yard.

As soon as I entered the door, I saw seven or eight people standing in the house.

Among them, the woman who saved herself just now is sitting in a chair.

On one side, there are people like doctors who treat their mother.

"Miss, you... Why are you here?"

My sister said quickly.

"If I don't come, I'm afraid your mother's illness can't be saved by you two alone. Now, I've invited doctor Xue of Chang'an to see your mother. Don't worry!"

"Also, here is a million yuan. Your family can set up a house and find a job to live a good life!"

The eldest lady smiled.

"Madam, you have given us too much. We dare not ask for it!"

My sister was frightened.

"In fact, I don't want you for nothing. I may let your brother pay some things, but don't worry, it won't hurt your brother's body. Just cultivate for two or three years!"

Said the eldest lady.

"Ah? What are you doing?"

Said the sister.

Just after saying that, a gust of breeze blew, and the two brothers and sisters were shaking. Even the doctor Xue was dizzy, and then he fainted directly on the ground.

The eldest lady put the eight year old boy on the table, then leaned close to his face and sniffed gently.

A white jet of air appeared on the boy's forehead and entered the young lady's body.

The child's face turned pale in an instant.

The eldest lady touched the little boy's face apologetically: "this money must be paid in their account. If I know who dares to stay secretly, I will let you disappear in the world, understand?"

"Miss, we understand!"

The seven bodyguards swallowed their saliva and said in awe.

Zhuang Yinuo, the big and small sister of the dealer, and the seven bodyguards know very well that if they annoy her, none of them can kill enough.

"Eldest lady, in fact, what we think is that we don't have to be so troublesome at all. If you want children born in Yangshi, as long as our makers start, we can find a lot. We don't have to be so troublesome at all, and we have to give them so much money one by one!"

One of the bodyguards said.

"Shut up, what do you know? Miss Ben is practicing, not a devil! In addition, you remind my sister that she doesn't need to take care of my affairs from now on! She doesn't have to bother to help me find the child born at Yangshi!"

Zhuang Yinuo said.

"Yes, miss!"

The crowd nodded.

Then with doctor Xue, several people quickly disappeared in the manor.

"Heifeng, it seems that we guessed well. It's really a demon repair!"

Chen Ge and Heifeng really see it outside.

"Yes, people have three Yang Qi, and children's Yang Qi is the most pure. However, the eldest lady obviously has a bottom line. She only absorbs one Yang Qi and doesn't hurt people's lives!"

The black wind Taoist had entered the house. After checking the child's injury, he didn't understand.

"Well, if we don't have something important to do, we must see who taught her evil skills this time. She doesn't seem to know!"

Chen gedao.

Seeing that the sister and brother are all right now, I am also relieved.

"Well, but there are many such things in the world! Some practitioners are unwilling to leave the secular world for the convenience of demon cultivation!"

Heifeng said, "Mr. Chen, it's urgent. Let's hurry to find Liu Xu!"


Chen Ge nodded and stopped thinking. They returned.

Professor Bao was not idle in the teahouse.

Instead, he kept contacting the students and finally determined Liu Xu's current living location.

There was no waste of time. After their turn, Chen Ge went straight to wolongju villa in Chang'an.

This Grand Manor is the residence of Liu Xu and his seven girlfriends.

Now, in the manor.

"If you are sensible, hand over Liu Xu quickly, otherwise, don't blame us for being impolite!"

More than a dozen Japanese people with samurai swords and Japanese clothes have already kidnapped Liu Xu's family.

A total of seven young women, plus four servants, old women, and an old man in his sixties, like a gardener.

"Mr. Chiba, we really don't know where he is! He hasn't come back for two months. We don't know whether he is dead or alive. We can't contact him!"

Several women were frightened.

"Hmm? If you don't tell me, it seems that there is no blood. You won't tell the truth!"

With that, Mr. Chiba, the leader, chopped directly at the woman's head.


Just then, a white light flashed, directly shook the knife away, inserted it into the wall and shook it.

The tiger's mouth of Mr. Chiba was torn and blood flowed.

"Who? Who is it?"

He roared in Chinese with his feet turned.

"Your grandpa!"


A figure flashed in. These ronins had been slapped in the face more than a dozen times and lay directly on the ground with their mouths full of blood.

Then I saw that the man who came in was an old man.

The old man was followed by three people who approached together.

"Go! Let's go!"

Mr. Chiba, the leader, was terrified. He picked up the knife and ran away in a panic.

Mo Longteng untied these people.

"Thank you, old man, thank you!"

The women were obviously frightened.

"Oh, guys, listen to your conversation just now. Why, Liu Xu has disappeared for two months?"

Chen Ge stepped forward and asked.

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