The daughter doesn't seem to be relieved.

Now he took the stool from one side and was about to hit them.


I don't know what's going on. She aimed very accurately. As a result, she didn't expect to go down on the stool, but the direction was deviated.

I hit my bodyguard on the head.


The bodyguard covered his bloody head: "second lady, what are you doing?"

"I... I don't know! I must be confused by these two cheap people. I'll kill you!"

Then he picked up a stool and threw it at them.


With a dull noise, another bodyguard on one side suddenly sprayed blood on his head.

Lying on the ground this time, he didn't even howl and fainted directly.

"This... What's going on?"

The second lady was silly.

"I don't believe it!"

She picked up the teapot again and tried to smash it.

"Fall down, if you are not afraid of death, fall down!"

At this time, a joking voice sounded in her ear.

The second young lady was shocked.

Then I followed the sound and saw a young man looking at himself with his hands in his pockets.

The gloating expression made the second young lady angry all over her body.

"Are you kidding? What did you do to me?"

The second young lady scolded angrily.

"I'm afraid God can't see it. I'll teach your dog slave a lesson. I think it'll be you soon!"

Mo Longteng walked down slowly.

"Yes, I've lived so long. I've never seen such a rude and unreasonable woman. I really should fight!"

Heifeng also walked down.

"You two bad old men, and you, you, dare you teach me a lesson? Do you know who Zhuang Xiaofei is? You're looking for death!"

Zhuang Xiaofei clenched her pink fist.

Want to do it, but she was afraid of the strange scene just now.

Just warn Chen Ge to wait.

"Xiao Fei, are you fooling around again?"

Suddenly, a cold voice came.

I saw a tall woman at the door, about 27 years old, very temperament.

Obviously, she is Zhuang Xiaofei's sister.

Chen Ge also looked at the woman and couldn't help but frown slightly. Mo Longteng and Heifeng both looked at each other.

"Elder sister, you came just in time. These two bad old men and this man teased me. Elder sister, you have excellent martial arts and help me destroy them!"

Zhuang Xiaofei hurriedly stood beside the woman.

"You're rude. There's such a big mess at home. You're still in the mood to brush your big miss's temper outside. If you want to clean up, I'll clean up you first. Go home!"

The woman scolded mercilessly.

"This boy stole from me first, and then they teased me!"

Zhuang Xiaofei is unwilling to show weakness.

"You said! Somebody, take the second lady away!"

The woman reprimanded, then helped up the beaten sister and brother from the ground: "sorry, my sister was spoiled by the family and has always been unreasonable. This is a check for 100000 yuan. You take it away and make amends!"

With that, he immediately wrote out a check to his sister and brother.

The sister and brother were obviously frightened. They didn't dare to ask for it.

Then, after bowing to the woman, he said thank you to Chen Ge, and then left with his brother.

The woman shook her head helplessly, "find their residence and give them the check!"

She told her men.

Then he looked at Chen Ge and said, "sorry, my sister didn't hurt you?"

"No, but your sister has to be disciplined!"

Chen Ge said.

The woman smiled and nodded, then left directly with her men.

This is just an episode.

Back upstairs, Professor Bao couldn't help laughing: "the two girls are close sisters at first sight, and their faces are also similar. One is unruly and the other is so dignified! But fortunately, her sister can restrain her, otherwise the sisters and brothers will suffer!"

"I'm afraid her sister is not so simple to restrain her. It's obvious that the unruly girl is afraid of the woman!"

Taoist Heifeng said with a little deep meaning.

"Ah? Mr. Heifeng, what do you say?"

Professor Bao is in a fog.

"Hehe, it's nothing. Professor Bao, you cultivate Qi, but the three of us can see that the woman's rare cultivation is Qi!"

Chen Ge was already very surprised just now.

No wonder uncle Zhou Wanjiang once mentioned to himself that there are many scattered practices in the realm of truth cultivation, which are actually hidden in the secular world.

Even on the surface, they look like normal people. Some even go to work. In fact, they are practitioners.

Chen Ge also thought of watching some news videos in earlier years, such as what happened when someone suddenly disappeared in the street.

At that time, I thought they were all fake. Now it seems that uncle Zhou Wanjiang said a good thing, but I didn't reach that level and couldn't find it.

"It's really a generation of talented people. I thought that in the secular world, there is even strength at most. I didn't expect that someone can cultivate true Qi. It's rare!"

Mo Longteng said.

"I think it's not the same as us!"

Chen Ge said.

"Huh?" Mo Longteng wondered.

"Mr. Chen is right. I can see that, leader Mo, you grew up in the cultivation world since childhood. Later, you grew up as the leader of your benlei sword sect. In the secular world, you haven't really come. I'm afraid you don't know as much as Mr. Chen now!"

The dark wind Taoist smiled bitterly.

"Hehe, you're right, otherwise I won't fall into the treachery of Wu ruofeng's beast. That woman clearly has real Qi. What does different real Qi mean?"

Mo Longteng wondered.

"There are three kinds of true Qi. The first one is the source of true Qi. As the name suggests, just like us, the true Qi in the body comes from the heaven and earth Dharma and Tao, and takes the heaven and earth aura as the foundation of his practice. This is taking the 'Tao' as the source!"

Taoist Heifeng said, "all the cultivators in the realm of cultivation are the source of true Qi."

"The second kind is demon source Qi, which is commonly known as Demon power. Their methods of cultivating Qi are very different from ours. They often cultivate themselves by sucking other people's Yang Qi, adopting the method of Yang tonifying Yin, and finally turn into human form. This is demon! Powerful demon not only absorbs people's Yang Qi, but also absorbs the cultivator's Yang Qi at its peak!"

"Mr. Chen told us that the iron corpse spider demon in the flame cave is a demon source true Qi cultivator who has not fully evolved!"

"As for the third kind, it is called demon source Qi, which is similar to demon source Qi. For example, Chen DIANCANG has harmed so many descendants of the secret Dharma family and absorbed other people's true yuan blood for himself to become a devil and increase his magic!"

Professor Bao has been listening to Chen GE's stories about practice these days. He is also curious:

"Mr. Heifeng, if you say so, is it the woman with outstanding temperament just now? She is not a person, but a demon or devil?", the fastest update of the webnovel!

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