Soon, Chen Ge came to the dealer.

Found the location of the chamber of secrets.

There are many mechanisms here. Not only the array is arranged, but also the infrared monitoring equipment is designed with modern technology.

If Chen Ge didn't get the key, he would really have to go through a lot of trouble if he wanted to go in like this by virtue of his technique.

But fortunately, now I have the key.

Chen Ge stepped directly into it.

The secret room is a tunnel set under the dealer.

Only one room.

There are all kinds of valuable things of the dealer.

For example, there is a magic weapon.

Chen Ge also saw the so-called holy medicine.

The secret is to use some elixir condensed from human Yang Qi and with evil spirit, that is, demon elixir.

It seems that the origin of the Taoist priest Sanyang behind the dealer is really not simple.

Isn't it a big demon?

Chen Ge shook her head and smiled bitterly.

Quickly came to the storage place of the dealer's archives and books, and quickly searched for a while.


A simple sheepskin suddenly fell out of the interlayer of a book.

When Chen Ge opened it, he actually talked about the cultivation method of demon law.

According to this demon method, just like Tong Zhuang Yinuo, all the Qi cultivated is demon source Qi.

It's really harmful to others and yourself.

After all, Zhuang Yinuo is just an ordinary person. In the end, she is afraid that she will completely lose her mind and become half human and half demon.

Chen Ge shook her head and put the sheepskin roll back.

Looking for a big circle, Chen Ge was depressed that there was no record of the whereabouts of the general's tomb.

"You are not miss Zhuang!"

Just then, a voice suddenly sounded.

Chen Ge turned around and saw that there was no one at all.

Finally, lock your eyes in front of a bronze mirror.

This is also a magic weapon.

"Are you talking?" Chen Ge went to the bronze mirror.

Immediately, the bronze mirror lit up.

Inside, there appeared a little girl with two ponytails and a colorful cotton padded jacket. She looked only eight years old.

"It's me!"

The little girl replied.

"I thought it was an ancient magic weapon. It seems that it is a bronze mirror made of ghost spirit. Have you been locked in it?"

Chen Ge looked carefully and smiled.

"Yes, I've been locked in it for 500 years!"

Said the little girl.

"For five hundred years, it seems that you know the whole story of many things like the back of your hand. Then, you also know the secret of the dealer like the back of your hand?"

Chen Ge asked.


The little girl nodded.

"Then tell me, where is the general's tomb? Does the dealer have a map of the general's tomb?"

Chen Ge asked.

"I know, but I can't tell you that I belong to the dealer. Only miss Zhuang is my master, and you are not, so I can't answer your questions!"

"Otherwise, Miss Zhuang will destroy me!"

The little girl shook her head violently.

Chen Ge nodded: "well, if you are afraid that Miss Zhuang will destroy you, you are not afraid that I will destroy you?"

With that, Chen Ge pinched out a sword finger.

The mighty sword Qi diffused out.

Chen GE's heaven and earth sword Qi has the righteousness of the world. It can kill demons and ghosts all over the world, not to mention a ghost.

Even as soon as Chen GE's sword Qi appeared, the ghost spirit in the bronze mirror immediately appeared a strong burning feeling all over his body.

"You're great. I'm wrong. Don't kill me!"

The little girl burst into tears.

"Say! Otherwise, if you go on, you will be scared. Don't think you can come back and disappear completely one day. Do you understand?"

Chen Ge shouted.

"I know, I said!" the little girl was afraid.

Immediately pointed to a book on an ancient book and said, "that book, turn it to page 15, and then press your hand on it!"

"Just this Bodhi Sutra?"


Chen ge used to act according to law.


When I heard a sound, a brick suddenly opened on a wall of the secret room.

Look inside and a set of drawings are placed inside.

When Chen Ge opened it, his eyes brightened.

This is the location of the general's tomb and a detailed map of the main tomb.

It's hidden here.

Chen Ge Yixi then recorded all the information on the map one by one before carefully putting it back.

Only at this time, Chen Ge found that there was something inside.

It seems that this is a bottle of liquid medicine.

Chen Ge opened and sniffed, and a strong evil spirit came to his nose.

I think it's used by the dealer to practice

After putting it back in place, Chen Ge came to the bronze mirror.

"Listen, I'll ask you some questions! If you are willing to answer honestly and cooperate with me, I'll let you go and let you reincarnate!"

Chen Ge smiled.

"Really? If you ask, I must know everything!"

"Behind the dealer, what is the background of the master of Sanyang view?"

Chen Ge asked.

"She is a very powerful person with strong magic power. However, she also works for others. The really powerful person is the one who makes my soul into a bronze mirror. He is the real master of Taoist priest Sanyang!"

"As for his mana, let me tell you so. You two are almost the same. Your mana is extremely strong!"

"But unfortunately, I don't know much about them, because he gave me away since I was locked in a bronze mirror by him. Only in this way can I survive!"

The little girl said.

"Even you don't know their details. What are you locked for?"

Chen Ge frowned.

"Because I discovered the man's big secret, that is, to practice Kung Fu with the lives of the whole village. I am the only survivor."

"But these are secrets. I never dare to tell anyone."

Said the little girl.

"I see. By the way, the last thing, there is a headless general in the general's tomb. Is it powerful?"

Chen Ge asked.

I saw the little girl swallow a mouthful of saliva:

"Of course, the expert who blocked me is not an opponent. Although you are powerful, I'm afraid it's difficult to deal with it if you really encounter it! That headless general, like this expert, is actually a goblin!"

The little girl whispered.

"Goblin? I see. You mean that headless general has been trained from a corpse into a corpse demon over the years?"


"What's his name? Where is he now? Can't even deal with the headless general? Do you know what kind of monster he is?"

It's better to know more about Chen Ge.

There is no harm in doing things steadily and carefully.

"I don't know what kind of monster it is, but five hundred years ago, he wanted to enter the general's tomb, but he couldn't deal with the headless general. I don't know his name, but five hundred years ago, I heard a magistrate come home and call him Mr. pig..."

The little girl said.

"OK, I see. It's just that the headless general is so powerful that Zhuang Yunfei can come out alive. It's even more puzzling..."

"Hum, he didn't see the headless general. It's estimated that he was beaten by an ordinary demon in the tomb. If he was a headless general, no one could come out of the cemetery!", the fastest update of the webnovel!

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