"OK, I see. You helped me today. I'll give you a merit!"

Chen Ge smiled faintly.

Then he said a sentence, and a light instantly entered the bronze mirror.

It is the secret of Yin Yang and five elements.

Extract the soul from it.

"Ah? Am I really free?"

The little girl stood up and was very excited.

"Well, I'll read you a super Dharma later. You can reincarnate directly..."

With that, Chen Ge recited an array.

When the little girl listened carefully, she saw that her figure gradually dissipated, and finally turned into a smoke and disappeared.

Chen Ge doesn't intend to stay for a long time. In order to avoid complications, he'd better go quickly.

Then I was about to go out, but I heard a clear footsteps coming towards this side.



Chen Ge immediately responded and read a Dharma. The whole person disappeared and hid in a wooden cabinet.

Gold, wood, water, fire and earth. It's not difficult to know the Chen Song of the five elements escape.

At this time, Zhuang Yinuo came in from the outside.

Very skillfully came to the place where Chen Ge checked the books just now, took out the Bodhi Sutra, turned to page 15 and opened the mechanism!

Then he took out the bottle of medicine from the small lattice.

"Recently, I feel full of Qi in my body. I'm afraid my cultivation will be further in a short time!"

Then he carefully took the liquid medicine in his hand and hurried out.

Chen Ge didn't want to create complications, but for these demon repairs, Chen Ge met them for the first time.

So I was curious and decided to follow her and see how to use these liquid medicine.

After leaving, Zhuang Yinuo went directly to the back mountain of the dealer.

At the moment, it is dusk and it is getting dark.

A female Taoist priest, with a dust brush in her hand, was sitting cross legged on a big stone.

"Enoch, have you brought the medicine? OK, let's start practicing. You have collected a lot of Yang Qi recently. These Yang Qi are stored in your body. If you don't follow the master's method to dissolve these Yang Qi one by one and convert them into strength in your body, you will explode and die after a long time!"

Taoist priest Sanyang said.

"I understand, master!"

Zhuang Yinuo sat down cross legged, took out the medicine, and a blue gas directly entered Zhuang Yinuo's body.

"Well, according to my Qi guiding method, use the power of medicine to melt those Yang Qi!"

When the Taoist aunt finished, Zhuang Yinuo was obedient and did it one by one.

Half an hour later, Zhuang Yinuo's face turned white from blue.

Slowly opened his eyes.

"Well, tonight, you practice in this way until the Yang Qi in your body is completely digested. By the way, over the past ten days, you have absorbed the Yang Qi of ten people. Their list? You give it to me. Shifu wants to give them blessings!"

Said the Taoist nun.

"Master, the list is here, and each apprentice gave them a lot of money!"

"Well, Enoch, you should remember that we practitioners must respect life, respect the laws between heaven and earth, do more good deeds, and help these people on the list."

"I'm afraid you don't do enough, so the master always comes to the list and gives them blessings!"

Taoist aunt Sanyang preached seriously.

"Master's great benevolence and righteousness, disciple must learn from master!"

"Yes, you can practice first. Shifu is going to bless you. By the way, in order to avoid your Yang colliding with them, you should not meet them before they completely recover within three years!"

"Apprentice, understand!"

With that, Taoist priest Sanyang's figure flashed, and the whole person turned into a green smoke and left directly.

"Hmm? What does she want? What kind of blessings does she give? And why is this Taoist priest of three Yang so evil?"

Chen Ge was surprised.

But on second thought, Chen Ge is in a hurry.

Now even a fool should understand.

The Taoist priest of Sanyang is a monster at all. She got this list not for the sake of giving blessings, but for the sake of murdering and absorbing all the remaining Yang Qi of others to help her practice!

Chen Ge hasn't heard of the saying that Yang Qi can collide.

"The brothers and sisters are going to be in trouble..."

Chen GE's eyelids jumped.

Although I don't want to create complications, now I find that this evil Taoist wants to commit murder and harm others. If I let myself go, it's not Chen Ge!

At that moment, Chen Ge directly followed the trail of Taoist priest Sanyang.

Sure enough, after Sanyang got the list, he went straight to the sister and brother's house just now.

Now, in the yard.

The younger brother has a high fever, and it doesn't go away.

Their mother was still seriously ill in bed, but she worried the sister badly.

While she goes out to fetch water.

Taoist priest Sanyang came in directly.

"Hum, my good disciple, you are getting more and more powerful. This time, you found me a child who appeared in seven Yin years and months."

"Not only your accomplishments, I'm afraid even my accomplishments have made great progress!"

Sanyang Taoist priest's eyes suddenly turned scarlet.

Two tusks were exposed in his mouth.

Then he leaned towards his brother's face.

A sudden suction.

As a result, it was not his brother's Yang that was sucked away.

But the ashes at the bottom of the cooking pot.

"Cough, how could this happen?"

Taoist priest Sanyang was startled.

"Take another sip. Believe it or not, I'll let you suck in the water in the toilet?"

Chen GE's voice came over at the moment.

"Huh? Asshole!"

Taoist priest Sanyang was alert immediately.

Rushed out of the house.


My sister came back and was startled.

But Sanyang obviously didn't mean to entangle. Looking for his voice, he came to a forest not far away.

"Who on earth is it? Dare to tease Ben Daxian. I think you want to die!"

Sanyang roared.

"Just because you call yourself a great fairy, I think you are a great demon? I don't know how many people have been killed by you for so many years!"

Chen Ge jumped out from one side and said coldly.

"It turned out to be a young man, and it seems that your breath is more pure than that of ordinary children. Although you were not born in Yin years and Yin months, it seems good!"

Sanyang sneered.

And greedily stretched out his tongue.

"What monster are you? It looks like a wolf?"

Chen Ge glanced up and down at her.

"When you enter my stomach, you will know what I am!"

With that, Sanyang smiled coldly and leaped directly towards Chen Ge.

"Don't say yes, I'll beat you out of shape today!"

Chen Ge also moved.

The two slapped each other, and the two air currents collided together in an instant.

One is authentic Daoyuan Zhenqi, and the other is demon yuan Zhenqi.

One gold and one black light collided rapidly.

Let out a loud roar.

With their collision point as the core, the air waves spread rapidly around, just like a bomb explosion.

What a powerful magic!

What thick Qi!

After a contest of real Qi, both of them retreated three steps.

At the same time, including Chen Ge, I'm a little surprised at the moment

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