"Wu ruofeng, from now on, you will stay with Qinglong and be at your disposal!"

Said the old man.

"Yes, sir!"

Wu ruofeng nodded.

Chen Ge didn't know that his old friends hid around and hid in his head.

But they met a strange thing tonight in Liu Xu's manor.

Opposite Liu Xu's manor, there is a super luxurious villa called Fengyue Baozhuang.

It's the villa.

But tonight, the villa, which is rarely visited by people, is brightly lit.

The excitement began.

Many guests poured in.

"Mr. Chen, the Fengyue treasure villa opposite is a super large manor built by the dealer. It's just that it has been inaccessible for so many years, and it has never been open to the outside world."

"Unexpectedly, there seem to be a lot of guests tonight..."

Liu Xu said.

"Well, I've asked Mo Longteng to check. He should be back soon."

Chen Ge guessed whether this group of people would be related to the full moon conference in a few days.

When these people arrived, Chen GE's spiritual consciousness had already noticed a different power.

It's certain that those who enter the villa are absolutely not good at cultivation.

And they are all masters who have entered the cultivation world.

"Mo Longteng is back!"

Said the dark wind Taoist.

"Mr. Chen, as you guessed, I overheard and learned that this group of people came from four sects and three sects, and it seems that the daughter of a mysterious group has also come!"

Mo Longteng said.

"Four schools and three schools?" Chen Ge frowned.

"You're talking about Tianling Taoism, Dique Taoism, xuanjian Taoism, Honghuang Taoism, Huashan Taoism, Songshan Taoism and Tianshan Taoism?"

Taoist Heifeng looked serious.

"Yes, it's them."

Mo Longteng nodded.

"Do you know Heifeng?" Chen Ge asked.

"Well, the four gates of heaven and earth, Xuan and Huang, plus three mountains. They are collectively known as the four gates and three sects. They are the seven great cultivation forces in China. However, they have long disappeared for nearly a thousand years, and there has never been any sign of activity in the secular world. Unexpectedly, they will be invited by Qinglong Sanyang together. It can be seen that the experts behind Qinglong are so powerful!"

Heifeng frowned and said.

"What are their accomplishments?" Chen Ge asked.

"No less than me and Wu ruofeng. Moreover, their appearance was thousands of years ago. Now I don't know their accomplishments!"

Heifeng shook his head.

"Then I don't know. In recent decades, I have been imprisoned underground by Wu ruofeng. By the way, Heifeng, when I was watching over there, I saw people from four gates and three mountains who were very respectful to the daughter of a group."

"I'm afraid her airs are higher than those of Taoist priest Qinglong. The leaders of the four schools and three mountains, as well as many scattered cultivation with good cultivation, are all respectful to the golden lady!"

Mo Longteng remembered a detail he had observed and said quickly.

"Is it the dark moon biological group?"

The dark wind Taoist frowned, "is she coming too?"

"It seems that most of the people in the cultivation world have come this time. Heifeng, you know the eldest lady of the dark moon biological group. According to the name, it doesn't seem to be a cultivation sect. It's a bit like it came into being in modern times. What's the origin?"

This time, Chen Ge really opened her eyes and took a look at the brightly lit Fengyue treasure village on the opposite mountain. Chen Ge asked.

"Mr. Chen is right. The eldest lady, surnamed Zhao, really doesn't come from some Xiuzhen sects. This group is a biological group that sprung up 30 years ago."

"It sounds like a businessman, but it's not. This biological group is not simple. I know only three masters in the Taoist realm. They are willing to work for this group."

"Just because what they developed is a legendary spiritual liquid that can be used for cultivation!"

"In those years, they had a strong momentum and attracted masters of cultivation everywhere. I had been invited by them, but I never believed that an ordinary person, or an ordinary cultivator, could really make spiritual liquid for people to cultivate!"

"So I refused!"

"But later, I slowly found that some rumors about them are not simple rumors. They may really master some resources that we don't know in the cultivation world!"

Said the dark wind Taoist.

"No wonder uncle Zhou told me several times that the cultivation world I met was just the tip of the iceberg. It turned out that even in China, where I had been, I had so many forces in the cultivation world, and my Chen family had strong financial resources. At that time, I had never heard of the dark moon biological group!"

Chen Ge shook his head.

"It's not your fault, Mr. Chen. Don't say that people from four gates and three mountains never set foot in the secular world. Even if they did, you might not find them at that time. As for the dark moon biological group, they are not a commercial group and will never be open to the secular world!"

Heifengdao humanity.

"However, the Zhao family of the dark moon group should not be underestimated, and their cultivation is unpredictable. Even something happened to my people. At that time, I once doubted whether the dark moon biological group was a ghost and investigated them!"

"The evidence shows that they have never participated in anything in the secular world!"

"A Chang'an City, a general's tomb, and a small Sanyang temple can command so many cultivation experts to come at once. It seems that the expert behind us has terrible strength!"

Chen Ge sighed.

At the same time, Chen Ge had a plan in mind.

Then he said to Mo Longteng and Heifeng, "well, you two have a rest tonight. Don't make any more moves to Fengyue treasure villa. Please take it easy!"

"Yes, Mr. Chen!"

Late at night.

Chen Ge is back in the room.

His plan is to act alone tonight and secretly check the biological group and their strength background of four gates and three mountains.

Just then, a dark shadow flashed through his window.

He acted quickly, as if he had deliberately revealed a flaw.

What surprised Chen Ge most was the man's lightness skill. He couldn't even hear himself now. If he hadn't seen it, he wouldn't have found that he had come into contact with himself.

At that moment, Chen Ge frowned and hurried out.

The black figure led Chen Ge to a barren forest.

He was dressed in black with a mask on his face. Chen Ge couldn't see his face at all.

When Chen Ge arrived, he was already carrying his hands and waiting for himself.

"Your Excellency, it's good to cultivate, but you lead me here. What's the matter?"

Chen GE's first reaction was that the old man would be a man of four gates and three mountains?

"Now, don't try to disturb the dark moon biological group. They are powerful, which is not what you can imagine. As you are worried, the strength of the expert hidden behind the green dragon Taoist priest is even higher and unfathomable. Although you have the nine turn yuan God, if you act rashly, I'm afraid you can't escape death!"

It's an old man's voice. It sounds familiar, but strange.

"You... You know me so well?"

Chen Ge was shocked.

"Hum, I know you as well as I know myself. Your accomplishments are still poor! Even if you meet your grandfather Chen DIANCANG, I'm afraid the odds are not good! They are a group of scheming guys!"

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