"A small Sanyang Temple dares to underestimate me. Today, I, Wu ruofeng, demolished your Taoist temple to vent my hatred during this period of time!"

Just then, an old voice came, and then, bang bang.

A few loud noises.

I saw that the Taoist priest of the Taoist school was beaten in like a dead dog, and the door of the Taoist school was broken.

"I can't imagine that I haven't been out of the mountain for nearly a thousand years. There are a lot of talents in the world. It's also a Taoist realm of Taoism!"

The old man smiled and stood with his hands down.

His voice fell.

I saw a hurricane coming, and Wu ruofeng came straight over.

However, when the hurricane reached a few meters in front of the old man, it dissipated directly and automatically.

"What a thunder running sword God Wu ruofeng, how dare you break into my Sanyang temple?"

Taoist aunt Sanyang was very angry.

Now we need to use immortal tools.

"Wait a minute!"

The old man raised his hand and stopped Taoist aunt Sanyang.

"Hehe, the name of thunder running sword God is good, but how can you call yourself the title of sword God?"

The old man shook his head and smiled bitterly.

"Who are you?"

Wu ruofeng frowned. He was a smart man. From the old man's speech and his illusory figure, he felt that the person in front of him was extraordinary.

And gave him a powerful deterrent out of thin air.

All the people beside Taoist aunt Sanyang seem not ordinary.

This made Wu ruofeng's heart thump.

In the secular world, a small Taoist temple has hidden dragons and crouching tigers.

Is it because I have been in the flame cave for a long time to understand the Seven Star Dharma array and really don't understand the secular world?

"Bastard, master, ask you something!"

Taoist priest Qinglong snorted coldly and then slapped.

A big handprint hit Wu ruofeng directly.

He has a strong momentum and looks at his accomplishments. He will never be under himself.

In a panic, Wu ruofeng dodged again and again.


The fingerprints fell heavily.

The wall behind him was in the shape of a handprint.

"Our Sanyang temple has invited many friends from the cultivation world. Your Excellency, it seems that we won't invite them any more?"

Taoist aunt Sanyang said coldly.

"Yes, I learned about this full moon festival from the population of Huashan Taoist school!"

Wu ruofeng spoke politely.

"Hehe, your accomplishments are quite good. According to your internal mental skills, you are a disciple of the benlei sword sect. However, your understanding is obviously good. You have touched some heavenly spirits, which has greatly increased your accomplishments and become a Taoist realm!"

The old man carried his hands and couldn't help nodding and smiling.

"You have eyes. Today, I'm Wu ruofeng. I'll make amends later. I'm sorry. I'll leave!"

With that, Wu ruofeng turned and wanted to go.


Mr. Qidu chased out.

"A thunderbolt!"

Unexpectedly, Wu ruofeng didn't want to leave at all. He pretended to leave. In fact, he was angry and lucky. When he turned back, he hit the people with a powerful blow.

The action was so fast that people had no time to react.


But the next moment, the old man's speed is faster.

He gently waved his sleeve.

When I saw the thunder blow just released, the sword was just formed, but it dissipated directly.


Wu ruofeng was surprised.

Is there someone who is more abnormal than that person?

"Since you're here, I'm afraid you want to go. It's not so easy!"

The old man smiled.

"The shadow is separated!"

Wu ruofeng wanted to escape at that time, and used the art of separation.

He saw his whole body and suddenly flashed a black light.

Just merged their own parts in one place.

Then, with a huge force, he hit himself directly on the ground.

The veins on Wu ruofeng's forehead are getting up.

He looked at the old man nervously with fear on his face: "elder, I didn't expect that your cultivation has reached this level. I, Wu ruofeng, surrender!"

"Hehe, you are very smart, and it seems that your bones are very good. You are a rare talent for cultivation. Well, stay with me and listen to orders. I will give you a blessing to help you further!"

Said the old man.

"You... What you said is true?" Wu ruofeng seemed to be dreaming.

In particular, I wish myself further strength, which is full of temptation to Wu ruofeng.

"When the body becomes holy, you can become a cultivator of truth. Cultivating the yuan God is the realm of Taoism. However, the yuan God can also be divided into true and false!"

The old man stroked his beard and smiled.

Taoist Qinglong and others immediately listened.

"What's true or false? The yuan God still has true or false?" Wu ruofeng felt helpless.

"Of course, my great disciple, speaking of cultivation, is above you. If you want to say the realm, it is also above the Taoist, and it is the true yuan God."

"And you, although you are also a Taoist, are a false yuan God!"

The old man said.

"I see! I said, how can I have so much difference with that man's cultivation!" Wu ruofeng said strangely.

In fact, no wonder Wu ruofeng and others don't understand these.

After all, there are few Taoist realm, and there is almost no such legend from Taoist realm to Xiandao.

In the eyes of Wu ruofeng and others, the highest state of cultivation is Taoism.

I don't know. There are real yuan Taoist and false yuan Taoist in the Taoist realm.

"Do you have a way to make me further?" this is what Wu ruofeng is most concerned about.

"Oh, that's nature!"

Then he saw the old man raise his hand and draw a picture of the void.

Suddenly a black light appeared in front of the old man.

Then a sudden push.

The black light swished directly into Wu ruofeng's body.


Wu ruofeng felt that his eight meridians were rapidly opening up, as if welcoming the arrival of this force.

Bang bang!

Wu ruofeng's muscles and bones burst, full of terrible power.

Then he flew quickly into the air.

"Master, you gave him a demon Luo soul power! Help him shape the real yuan!"

Taoist green dragon was jealous.

"Hehe, don't worry, we are now in the moment of employing people, especially experts in the cultivation world such as Wu ruofeng and Chen Ge, who are the object of our solicitation!"

"The demon Luo soul power, speaking of it, is just a magic weapon. Qinglong, you are the demon Xiu. If the demon Luo soul power is given to you, it will be rejected by the same sex. For Taoists like Wu ruofeng, the two sides complement each other. At the same time, the demon Luo soul power can play its role in Taoists with evil thoughts and let them obey us!"

"Otherwise, I will peel off the pain of demon Luo's soul power, which this person can't bear!"

The old man smiled coldly.

"Master, I understand!"

Taoist Qinglong nodded.

After a while, Wu ruofeng flew around like crazy in the air. Finally, he landed in the courtyard of the Taoist temple.

The difference is that his hair was white, but now it has turned black and purple.

Between the eyebrows, there is a black vertical line.

It seems that it is particularly scary and strange.

"I feel that my strength is twice as strong as before!"

Wu ruofeng looks at his changes. He doesn't care whether he is a human or a demon. The enhancement of his power has made him lose his nature. I'm afraid he won't be afraid of Chen Ge anymore?

He laughed heartily

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