"This is also the main reason why I showed up this time. You are not Chen DIANCANG's opponent. If you rashly find him, you are caught in the net. I can only save you at the critical time, but I have some scruples if I want to appear and fight directly with Chen DIANCANG or Zhu Shengsan!"

Qin Bo didn't avoid it and said directly.

"Are you worried about the sun moon immortal sect?" Chen Ge understands.

"Yes, the sun moon immortal sect has found me, but I don't know my trace. Therefore, before you grow up, I can't expose, or don't expose!"

Uncle Qin nodded.

"Uncle Qin, do you mean that I hope to break through the fairy way and become an immortal? But I should have no fairy root?" Chen Ge said curiously.

"You really don't have immortal roots, but you have the biggest difference from ordinary practitioners. That is, you are the owner of the nine turn yuan God, and you are the congenital nine turn yuan God. This advantage is unmatched by other practitioners. This is also the reason why you make such rapid progress!"

Qin Burton paused and then said, "it is with this point that if you are willing to practice hard, in about 500 years, you will have the opportunity to directly avoid the defects of Xiangen and directly break through to Xiandao."

"Five hundred years, this... Too long!" Although Chen Ge was almost hopeless until he broke through the fairy way, even if Qin Bo said 500 years, Chen Ge was really shocked.

"It's too long. At that time, I'm afraid both our teachers and disciples will have to be destroyed by the sun moon Xianzong. Therefore, I must let you break through the Xiandao as soon as possible."

"You don't have fairy roots, but I can have a chance to plant fairy roots for you!"

Qin Bodao.

"Planting fairy roots?" This is the first time Chen GE has heard this.

I can't help but be in the clouds.

"Well, it's planting immortal roots. Now you know the cultivation world like the back of your hand, but you know little about the immortal way."

"I happen to tell you that there are three conditions for stepping into Xiandao and becoming an immortal."

"The first one can eliminate too many people. That is the congenital owner of Xiangen."

"As for the second one, it's even more difficult to choose one in ten thousand among those who have immortal roots. Your second uncle and your apprentice all fell in the second level."

"That is to accept the calcination of the three spiritual fires of heaven and earth, in order to get rid of the holy body and change the immortal body!"

"If your body can't reach the level of immortal body, you can't stand the immortal force in your body. Even if you forcibly step into the immortal way, you will explode and die instantly!"

Chen Ge was shocked when he listened.

The original requirement of stepping into the fairy way is so difficult!

No wonder, it's been so many generations that I haven't heard of anyone stepping into the fairy way.

Because those who often have immortal roots may not have the opportunity to practice. Those who have the opportunity to practice are like Taoist Heifeng and they do not have immortal roots.

"What about the third level?"

Chen Ge asked.

"As for the third level, it is to get the inheritance of real immortals. Only when you find the real immortals who can match with yourself, commonly known as fairy spirits, can they form a tacit understanding and match each other, they will be passed on to you. Therefore, you will officially step into the fairy way and become an immortal."

"As for the next step, how much time you spend practicing to become a true immortal depends on your own creation!"

Qin Bo said.

"However, the number of real immortals is limited, and the real immortals are almost immortal. The fairy spirits of real immortals are very difficult to find, but this third level is not hopeless. You know, there are great events in the fairy world, and many real immortals have withered. Therefore, we still have a chance to find the fairy spirits!"

Qin Bodao.

"This is the fairyland, but even many immortals don't know. In fact, the way of cultivating immortals is not three steps, but four steps..."

"I see. The real first step is to plant fairy roots?"

Chen Ge hurriedly said.

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