"Yes, so the success of this first step is closely related to the general's tomb!"

Qin Bo said.

"Is there a fairy root in the general's tomb?" Chen Ge asked curiously.

"No, the immortal root either has it for the rest of your life, or you can use a special thing to give birth to the immortal root. How can it exist alone? There is such a special thing in the general's tomb!"

"That's the Dragon Spirit bead! Also known as the spirit dragon inner pill!"

"If you get it, there will be changes in your body. If you rely on your nine turn yuan God to urge, you can realize the sign that the Linglong inner pill will produce immortal roots. If you succeed, you will have the first decisive condition to step into the fairy way!"

Qin Bo said.

"Is it difficult, Zhu Shengsan, they are also for the Dragon Spirit pearl?" Chen Ge asked.

"Yes, this dragon spirit bead is an immortal spirit dragon. After withering, it turns into an internal elixir in the body. The dragon nature is original spirit and has the effect of rebirth!"

"With its inner alchemy, you can not only form spiritual roots, but also strengthen the holy body and enhance mana! It's the supreme treasure!"

"What Zhu Shengsan wants is the Dragon Spirit bead, which has something to do with himself. As I told you, the Zhu Shengsan you met is just a separation, and his accomplishments are greatly reduced."

"His real body has long been destroyed. You need to use the Dragon Spirit bead to obtain the immortal root, and he wants to reshape his real body!"

Qin Bo said.

"I see. No wonder I said my purpose that day. I just wanted to find Yin blood beads. Several of his disciples all relaxed their vigilance against me. It turned out that others had a greater purpose!"

Chen Ge nodded.

"I have one last question, that is, dark moon biology group. Why don't you let me spy? Are they strong?"

Chen Ge asked.

"Yes, not only the strength, but also the background. I have noticed them for some time. Their whereabouts are no worse than Chen DIANCANG. It can be said that the Dragon sees the head but not the tail. However, even so, I have got some clues."

"That's behind them. There may be immortal power, which you can't offend now!"

Qin Bodao.

"Originally, there are extraordinary people in the dark moon biological group!" Chen Ge nodded.

"They inherited the immortal alchemy clan, which can refine elixirs and configure spiritual liquid. Now, it is difficult to supply the spiritual Qi of the secular world to practitioners for practice."

"The lack of aura is also an important reason why no one has stepped into the fairyland for so long. It can be imagined how terrible this dark moon biological group that can be configured for practice is."

"The temptation of those practitioners is so great that they are willing to work for them."

"If you investigate her, I'm afraid you'll be killed by the experts behind you before you get close."

"Alas, originally, I intended to find a chance to meet you when you all entered the general's tomb and help you capture the Dragon Spirit beads, but I didn't expect that your rash behavior tonight disrupted my plan!"

Uncle Qin smiled bitterly.

"Yes, if Uncle Qin didn't show up, I would definitely track the daughter of the dark moon!" Chen Ge is also afraid when he thinks about it.

Then he asked curiously:

"Uncle Qin, what should we do next? Obviously, Zhu Shengsan asked his disciples to invite so many experts to come. It's a game, and my goal now is to capture the Dragon Spirit bead. Do you want to join hands with them?"

"Of course, the general's tomb is extremely dangerous, especially the headless general, who has cultivated for thousands of years and has imperial luck. He has cultivated himself into a corpse demon!"

"Corpse demon? And it has imperial spirit?" Chen Ge was surprised.

"Yes, do you know who this headless general is?"

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