"Who is it?"

Chen Ge was surprised.

"He is Bai Zhi, the youngest son of Bai Qi, the God of war of the Qin Dynasty at the end of the Warring States period!"

Qin Bo said.

"I haven't heard of Bai Zhi. I know that Bai Qi's eldest son is Bai Zhong. Bai Zhong's family has been in Taiyuan since his father Bai Qi was killed by the king of Qin. Most of Bai Qi's descendants are Taiyuan people!"

Chen ge used to be a student in the Department of literature. He still knows something about the basic history.

"Yes, but after Bai Qi's death, Bai's family has withered, and Bai Zhong is more moderate! And it is Bai Zhi, the youngest son, who has inherited almost all of Bai Qi."

"He not only inherited Bai Qi's courage, but also Bai Qi's killing intention."

"The murderous God Bai qimeteor fell behind. Bai Zhi used his side name to fight for the state of Wei at the end of the Warring States period. Where he passed, there was no grass. He was better than his father."

Qin Bo said simply.

"No wonder, after his death, he turned into a corpse devil! It turned out that his hostility was so heavy!"

Chen Ge suddenly realized the Tao.

"You're only right about a small part. His hostility and murderous spirit, coupled with his resentment after being cut to death, can't go away. It's almost the same to make him a corpse demon, but it's still far away to step into a corpse demon!"

Qin Bo said:

"Because Bai Zhi has another identity, that is, he was a great power at the level of true immortals in his last life. If he wants to break through at the level of true immortals, he can almost be described in three words."

"But the immortal is very ambitious. He feels that he is living to pursue the supreme realm."

"You should know that a normal practitioner, starting from stepping into the immortal path and becoming an immortal, is working hard to become an immortal. This can be achieved as long as you spend enough time and sweat."

"However, from the immortal to the real immortal, just like you now, it's even more difficult to step into the fairy way. In addition to great fortune, it's indispensable for heaven, earth and people!"

"And it takes hundreds of natural disasters to succeed. Hehe, even if it's an immortal, it's difficult for someone to avoid three natural disasters. To become a real immortal, it takes hundreds of times. It's hard to imagine the difficulty during this period!"

"Therefore, the real immortal was once regarded as the ceiling of Xiandao!"

Chen Ge was also shocked. Now he has survived a natural disaster at most! You have to use Yin Yang and five elements.

"But he is not satisfied with this? Do he have to continue to take risks and practice?" Chen Ge can't imagine how crazy these great powers are for cultivation.

"Yes, you also understand now. Every step forward in the process of cultivating immortality is a huge risk. If you are careless, don't say that all your previous efforts will be wasted, or even disappear."

"The price paid is not directly proportional to the harvest!"

"But his wind is here. He is already a real immortal unmatched by everyone, but he is willing to give everything and work hard towards the golden immortal!"

"If you want to step into the true immortal, you have to change the world and come to the secular world to experience again, but one thing is that your inner alchemy is yours. Inner alchemy must not be damaged."

"Otherwise, you will die with the body, and all your achievements in cultivating immortality over the years will be wasted!"

Qin Bo said.

"Hiss..." Chen Ge is unbelievable. If it were him, Chen Ge would not pay such a price. After all, if he took the wrong step, his previous achievements would be wasted.

"His inner alchemy has been damaged in the secular world?"

Chen Ge asked.

"It's more than damage. Before Huafan was reincarnated, he saved his inner alchemy in his head. As a result... Bai Zhi was directly cut off by his subordinates who betrayed the enemy during a military trip, and the enemy fed his head to the dog together with his inner alchemy in order to humiliate Bai Zhi!"

"You say, this headless general, how great is his resentment?"

Uncle Qin smiled bitterly.

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