After listening to Qin Bo's story, Chen GE has a clear judgment on the whole event.

Fortunately, after I got the map of the general's tomb, I didn't choose to act rashly.

The headless general can't handle it alone.

Now, the demon himself has seen it, and the existing demon, Chen Ge, has never dealt with it.

The headless general is the devil!

"This matter needs to be considered in the long run. Although Zhu Shengsan has no real body, his strength can not be underestimated. As for me, I will help you secretly, but for the sake of insurance, I can't really subdue Zhu Shengsan with magic power. You still have to place your hope on yourself."

Qin Bo finally said.

"How about Uncle Qin?"

"Hehe, don't worry, I won't go. I will hide around you with another identity and help you secretly!"

Qin Bo smiled and then stretched out his palm. With a flash of gold, a scroll had appeared in his hand.

"This is a secret script for cultivating immortality. To be exact, it is a secret script that helps you unite the yuan God and lay a solid foundation for the transformation of the holy body into the immortal body before you officially step into the fairy way!"

"Even if you don't hope to step into the fairy way in the end, with this secret script, you can refine your yuan God on the basis of Yin-Yang and five elements, and you can play your yuan God more than twice!"

With that, uncle Qin threw the script to Chen Ge.

"Franco Chinese Vientiane!"

Chen Ge looked at the name and was secretly happy.

As Qin Bo said, he was concerned about every step of his training.

"Read it first and memorize the key points. Then, I'll help you deduce the Vientiane of France and China."

"Yes, disciple!"

Then they sat cross legged

The other side.

Liu Xu's home.

At the moment, an uninvited guest came.

"Chen Ge, if I hadn't seen the list, I really didn't know where to find you for a while. Ha ha ha, I'm really broken iron shoes. I didn't expect you to be in Chang'an. Get out!"

It was Wu ruofeng who shouted.

He is now under the command of Zhu Shengsan.

From the mouth of Taoist Qinglong, he learned that Chen Ge was also in Chang'an, so he ignored persuasion and came directly to find Chen Ge for revenge.

Now he has a demon attached to him, and his cultivation can't be compared with the past.

So I'm full of confidence. This time, I must fight with Chen Ge to vent my cowardice that Chen Ge defeated me with a sword.

"Wu ruofeng?"

The black wind Taoist who inquired jumped out with Mo Longteng.

See Wu ruofeng.

Especially Mo Longteng, the resentment of the whole person rises.

Killing intent.

"Hmm? Eldest martial brother? I'm also surprised. Who killed my disciple and released you, an old trash. Now it seems that you have followed Chen Ge. Well, in that case, shout Chen Ge out and I'll count with him!"

"Wu ruofeng, you still want to deal with Mr. Chen. You want revenge. I want to revenge for my martial brother and benlei sword clan!"

Mo Longteng's whole body lit up a flame.

"Head Mo, be careful. Wu ruofeng seems to be different from before. There is a strong evil spirit all over his body!"

Taoist Heifeng was on one side, carrying his hands and frowning.

"Hahaha, old black wind thief, you really have good eyesight and have seen the changes in my cultivation. However, I Wu ruofeng don't have time to compete with you today. I just want to clean up Mo Longteng's scum and avenge Chen Ge. It's none of your business. You stand aside first!"

Wu ruofeng sneered.

"Brother Wu, I'm Heifeng. I'm also Mr. Chen's disciple now. If you want to deal with leader Mo, you have to ask me first..."

Heifeng said, and the palm power in his hand had begun to work.

"Hahaha, well, well, since you are stubborn, let's clean up you and me together and kill you two. I don't believe that smelly boy Chen Ge won't come out! Take his life!"


With that, Wu ruofeng offered up his sword Qi.

Mo Longteng was shocked and then used his own sword technique to resist.

However, Mo Longteng has become the most powerful three moves of the benlei sword sect. Decades ago, Mo Longteng was no longer Wu ruofeng's opponent, let alone now.

Just one round.

Mo Longteng was hit hard by a sword Qi, and his mouth was sprayed with blood, and he retreated one after another.

"Yin thunder palm!"

Then, Wu ruofeng sneered, flew quickly, and slapped at Mo Longteng's tianlinggai.

The horror of palm power is appalling.

Mo Longteng could not hide his feelings and simply closed his eyes.

"Master Mo, be careful!"


He saw the black wind flash directly like a gust of wind, pushed Mo Longteng away, and the bone etching remnant wind palm upgraded from the evil wind palm directly played out.


The two forces collided.

There was a violent roar.

Then, Mo Longteng stepped back twelve steps, and broke the floor with one foot. Only then could he barely stabilize his body.

On the arm, the shocked green tendons burst up, just like a dozen earthworms lying on it.

Blood drips down the cuff of the black wind Taoist.

Taoist Heifeng looked pale. Unexpectedly, Wu ruofeng's palm was so powerful.

And Wu ruofeng fought against the bone etching remnant wind palm.

I underestimated the power of this palm technique.

While Mo Longteng retreated, he also retreated five steps to stand firm.

"Hahaha, Heifeng, I didn't expect to see you in such a short time. Your accomplishments have been enhanced again. Moreover, your palm technique is stronger than your unique skill, shafeng palm. What kind of martial art is this?"

Wu ruofeng stroked his beard and asked with interest on his face.

"Thanks to Mr. Chen's patient advice, this is my latest understanding, Yin wind erodes bones and palms!"

Taoist Heifeng's face turned blue and white.

Obviously, at the moment, he has suffered a serious internal injury.

"That's good. Chen Ge is familiar with the array and the changing law of the momentum of heaven and earth. He can help you understand this palm technique. I'm not surprised at all. Moreover, if I hadn't been given powerful advice, I'm afraid I couldn't even deal with you now!"

Wu ruofeng shook his head and sighed, "what a pity, what a pity!"

"Wu ruofeng, what's your pity?" The dark wind Taoist asked coldly.

"Unfortunately, it's not easy for someone to be better than me, but he still wants to die in my hands. I'll kill you first, then Chen Ge, and then torture this coward to death!"

With that, Wu ruofeng's eyes coagulated.


A hurricane roared past.

Seeing his whole body, a strong black awn suddenly appeared. Where the black awn passed, it seemed to carry endless authority.

Let the black wind Taoist priest and Mo Longteng have green veins on their foreheads, which beat fiercely.

"What a powerful demon force!"

They spoke in unison.

"Heifeng, take my hand again!"

After that, Wu ruofeng used Yin thunder palm again, but the palm technique at this time was no less than dozens of times more powerful than before.

This is the second time that Taoist Heifeng has encountered this sense of powerlessness in addition to facing Chen Ge.

"Die!" Wu ruofeng laughed ferociously and had already slapped

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