Zhu Shengsan was greatly surprised when he heard the voice of Chen Ge.

He thought that Chen Ge had already died.

"If I die, I'm afraid you'll never get out in your life! Do you have to thank me?"

Chen Ge joked.

Although Chen Ge doesn't have the strength to deal with Zhu Shengsan, he is now in the magic power of heaven and earth in his sleeve. Even if Chen Ge can't control heaven and earth in his sleeve, he has been very skilled in the secret.

Therefore, in this, Zhu Shengsan can't help Chen Ge.

"Where is this? With your accomplishments, how can you talk to me so freely now?" Zhu Shengsan was surprised.

"Smelly boy, it seems that you know the mystery of this place. You are sensible. Take us out quickly, or you will be broken into pieces!"

Black and white raised his eyebrows.

"Two old boys, with small heads and big breath, dare to talk nonsense and break me into pieces when they are in such a field? I was going to take you three out together, but now, my idea has changed. I only take two people out. Zhu Shengsan is one and the other. You two brothers, choose for yourself?"

Chen Ge joked.


Black and white Er Ziqi's whole body trembled.

"Brother, it seems that this boy can really take us out!"

Said the black elder.

"Hurry up, your brothers choose as soon as possible, otherwise, I'll choose one of two. I only have dozens!"

"Ten, nine, eight..."

"Wait a minute, take me out!" Long black road.

"What? Second brother, you!" Bai Changlao is not happy.

"Brother, you scolded him just now, and I didn't scold him. I can go out now, naturally!" Long black road.

"You have no respect!" The white elder roared.

"Three, two!"

"Wait a minute, brother Chen Ge, it was my fault just now. Take me out. My strength is better than the second. If you take me out, I will repay you with death!"

Bai Changlao is also counselled.

"Hiss, I'm really moved. To tell you the truth, I saved you so that you can listen to me in the future!" Chengosi cableway.

"Don't listen to his nonsense. Brother Chen Ge, we two brothers must be together to exert great power. Why don't you take our brothers out?"

Elder black begged for mercy.

"I see. I really have to think about it!"

"Bastard, you two really think I'm not your enemy? Chen Ge, I spared you from death. Speaking of my strength, you must know very well. Let me out. I can consider doing something for you!"

Zhu Shengsan.

"Ha ha... Zhu Shengsan, you also have a time to bow your head? By the way, what monster are you?"

Chen Ge asked.

Zhu Shengsan seems to be very taboo about this question, but he still reluctantly replied: "Millennium pig demon!"

"Ha ha! By the way, it's a pig demon. I said how thick skinned!"

Chen Ge laughed.

"Bastard!" Zhu Shengsan was furious. He vowed to break Chen Ge into pieces.

"Don't tease you. Speaking of it, all three of you can help me and save you. Don't break your promise. Work for me steadily!"

Chen gedao.



The three frowned and all nodded.

Immediately after, they saw that in the dark underground dark sea, three golden apertures fell directly.

And fell on their heads.

"What is this? The fairy weapon that saved us?" The three were astonished.

"Don't ask so much, stand firm, you three!"

With the order of Chen Ge.

The three people felt a flash, and then the surrounding environment passed quickly.

Not long ago, when they opened their eyes, they had completely come to the cave where they had been before.

And not only them, but also Qin Yanran and others who went down before came out at once.

"Scared to death, I finally came back!" Xu Haiying took a long breath.

Zhu Shengsan and them, looking at themselves, sure enough, they have come back.

Chen Ge stood not far from them.

"Chen Ge, it seems that I really underestimate you. You have a way to break the array just now?" Zhu Shengsan thought that he had just fallen into the array.

"Hum, do you know now?" Chen Ge said with a bitter smile.

"Yes, you are really smart, but unfortunately, if you are too smart, you are stupid. Didn't you think that you would die if you let me out?"

Zhu Shengsan smiled coldly.

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