After subduing the black and white elder and following Zhu Shengsan with the nine robbery rings.

The rest of the leaders in the cultivation world, although they are also very yearning for the immortal tools on Chen Ge.

But how can you make Zhu Shengsan the opponent of black and white elders?

What's the attempt? Isn't it a death attempt?

Therefore, everyone stifled their desires bitterly.

"Chen Ge, you are cruel!"

Zhu Shengsan struggled to get up from the ground. He didn't dare to have any impulse to fight Chen Ge, but secretly hated him:

"Come on, what do you want us to do for you? You have all the immortal tools in your hand. You are the only one who knows the secret of the general's tomb. I'm afraid we're of no use to you?"

"It's certainly useful to keep you, and it's still very useful. Next, we'll go to Beisha to find someone. You three are powerful and are really rare helpers!"

"By the way, you'd better be good. Don't dream of anything and kill me. No one knows the spell of the nine robbery ring. Even if it is worn on your head, it doesn't work. You don't have to be restrained by me everywhere!"

Chen Ge glanced at the white eyed elder and sneered.

Bai Changlao looked guilty.

What Chen Ge said was exactly what he thought.

"Because as long as I die, this immortal instrument will break your yuan God in an instant! Therefore, not only can I not move, but you should also protect my safety!"

Chen Ge said with a smile.


All three of them glared angrily. Chen Ge was really vicious.

Ah ah!

Zhu Shengsan clenched his fists.

"Who are you looking for in Beisha?"

Asked the black elder.

"Find a mother and daughter!"

Chen GE's hand already has Yin blood beads. Relying on it, you don't have to worry about not finding Wu Fengyi!

At that time, Wu Fengyi will help to find the relevant array place of the ancient witch family, so Chen DIANCANG's nest will be exposed in front of him.

What is Chen DIANCANG's current cultivation? Chen Ge doesn't know.

But according to Qin Bo, he has carried out magic cultivation. I'm afraid he is not an enemy now.

This is why Chen Ge coerced Zhu Shengsan and the black and white elder.

With them, no matter what happens.

They can reduce passivity as much as possible.

Afterwards, Chen Ge said goodbye to Qin Yanran and others.

Qin Yanran has experienced so much, and she is very respectful to Chen Ge. In particular, Chen Ge is one of the few young talents she has seen since she grew up.

So I feel good about it.

"Chen Ge, will we meet again?"

Qin Yan Ran asked.

"Of course, if my friend Qin Ya is really there, I will definitely go there. What's more, I can borrow your two personal bodyguards, borrow them and return them. When I'm done, I'll return them to you in person!"

Chen Ge said with a smile.

"Well, although I don't know what important things you have, I don't ask, but I wish you success!"

Qin Yanran nodded heavily.


After saying goodbye, Chen Ge took the three back to the villa.

First, he helped Heifeng and Mo Longteng heal, and then explained to them why these three people would follow behind him.

At the same time, Chen Ge called Liu Xu. He didn't intend to take him on the road. After all, the road was very dangerous. If he really met Chen DIANCANG, it wouldn't be enough to save him.

But as soon as Liu Xu heard that the Yin blood bead was found, he had to follow anyway.

Chen Ge saw that he was sincere and sincere, so he didn't refuse again.

After recuperating for a few days, Heifeng was almost as good as Mo Longteng's injury. The party set off for the land of Beisha

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