Yang Hui knows that Chen Ge is a very honest man.

Even if it's vanity.

But also won't wait for someone to leave, and then call them to cheat their good brothers in the dormitory.

So people don't understand what's going on?

Does old Chen really have the ability to let everyone go to hot spring mountain villa?

How could it be!

After listening to Yang Hui's questions, Chen Ge just laughed.

That means you'll find out later!

"Excuse me, gentlemen. Would you like to continue your meal, or?"

At this time, a beautiful waiter in the shop came over and asked them politely.

Although polite, but how can not hide her heart that small disdain.

Naturally she knew who was on the table today.

But she saw what happened just now, and knew that the beauties had been pried away by two rich girls.

At the same time, the other people in the lobby are also smiling at Chen Ge and Yang Hui.

It's like being robbed of a girlfriend in public.

Therefore, the beauty of the waiter came to ask them whether they still need to eat. If not, they should go to the front desk to check out!

"No, just pack it for us. We'll go to hot spring mountain villa later!"

How can Chen Ge not see the disdain in their eyes.

Look at Yang Hui. Who has the heart to eat here.

But it's a pity that a table of new food is left here.

And the beauty of the waiters and people close to listen to Chen Ge say such words, almost laugh spray.

"Damn it, isn't it a fool?"

"Who are you? Do you want to go to hot spring mountain villa to have a meal

"Don't you know that every dish of hot spring mountain will serve them a table? Ha ha... "

"It's estimated that the beauty they invited just now has gone with others, looking for a sense of existence here. Now college students are really for the sake of face. They don't even care about shame, so they know how to brag and force!"

There was a low derision from the people around.

Let Yang Hui and they can't help scratching their heads. He bowed his head and dared not speak.

And the waitress rolled her eyes and looked at Chen Ge: "well, in this case, a few gentlemen, who are you going to check out?"

"I'll do it, I'll do it!"

Yang Hui was busy.

Don't underestimate this table. It cost more than 800 yuan.

It's Yang Hui's living expenses for half a month.

Chen Ge, on the other hand, is holding several plastic bags and packing the food there.

As for the taunts of others, he turned a deaf ear to them!

"Hoo Hoo Hoo..."

Just then, three luxury cars roared past.

It just stopped at the door of the store.

"Wow! The phantom of three labors

"Shit, who's that! A car is ten million. "

"It's not just cars. Look at the license plate!"

The license plate number of these three mirages is not a five digit serial number of 689.

The number alone is worth one or two million!

For a moment, the whole dining hall looked out.

Even the waiters were stunned.

If it's the owner of the car who wants to come to dinner, will he receive it by himself?

She hastened to tidy her clothes and trotted to the door.

See if you're in for dinner.

Three people came down from the car.

The three men, dressed in black, straight suits, sunglasses and earphones.

It's like the bodyguards around the big guys on TV.

The atmosphere is strong and solemn.

"Three gentlemen, may I ask you..."

The beautiful waiters were in a hurry.

However, the three did not even look, and went straight to Chen Ge, who was packing.

"Chen Shao

Three people bend down 90 degrees, respectfully shout.

"What? Chen Shao? "

"The fool who just talked big just now, how can they call him Chen Shao?"

Everyone in the lobby was shocked.

Yang Hui and they were even more surprised.

What's going on here?

Is old Chen so fierce?

Chen Ge then packed the rest of the meal.

"Become Huige, let's go to the villa by car?"

"Chen Shao, we'll carry the things!"

Several bodyguards ran over and took Chen GE's packed meal to hand.

And then Yang Hui and them, like a dream, followed Chen Ge out of the door.

"Chen Shao Take your time

Walk to the door, the beauty of the waiter's face has been some pale, hastily and respectfully said a sentence.Chen Ge just nodded.

At the same time, the face is a little red.

It's really embarrassing to be watched in public!

Several people quickly on the phantom, all the way to the villa.

On the way.

Yang Hui couldn't help asking Chen Ge, "Lao Chen, this What's going on here? "

Chen Ge felt that it was too early to show off his cards now. He just said:

"Huige, I'll tell you about this later. Just remember that we are brothers, and your business is my business. I'll give you a face today!"

Yang Hui and they did not ask, or some shocked nodded!

It's not long before we get to the villa.

Originally, these drivers received the task of taking Chen Ge and his friends to the box for dinner, and arranged a lot of entertainment.

But Chen Ge can't let Yang Hui and his bodyguards together.

As a matter of fact, Chen Ge himself can't let go.

When they got to the door, the driver put them down and went back. They said that they would play freely in the villa for a while, and then go to eat!

"Damn it! Mr. Chen, you are too overbearing. The villa is sure to enter as soon as you enter! "

Li Bin was wandering in the villa and could not help admiring him.

"Hey, I know their boss here! What do you want to play today! How happy and how to play

Chen Ge said with a smile.

"Ah! I see, Xiaoge, the boss you know is not the one who saved your daughter. In order to thank you, he gave you the boss with the supreme shopping card... "

"It has something to do with him..."

Because these cards were sent by my sister Li Zhenguo.

Yang Hui and they all know it.

At the moment, play is also solid.

The whole villa is very large, covering half of the mountain.

Although the scenery around the villa is very good, it's really not interesting.

The real hot spring and the dining place of the manor are all located in the core of the inner circle.

Chen Ge was already relatively familiar with some, and said, "let's go directly inside, eat first, and then bubble in the hot spring after dinner!"

"Inside, I read it on the Internet. Isn't it necessary to charge for it and not allow it in?"

Li Bin asked curiously at this time.

In fact, he was satisfied to play outside the villa.

You know, nobody in the periphery can enter by the way.

"It's OK!"

Although his elder sister laughs, it's Chen Shanzhuang's identity card.

It's a little easier now.

From the outside to the inside, we need to go through a simple bridge.

When Chen Ge and they came, they saw Zhao Yifan and they were all taking photos here.

"Look, it's Chen Ge and them! How did they get in? "

Lin Jiao saw the coming Chen Ge and they immediately said in surprise.

Zhao Yifan is chatting with Zhuang Qiang.

Hearing Lin Jiao's words, she frowned and looked in the direction of Chen Ge and them.

Sure enough, it's them.

"How did they get in?" Zhao Yifan some surprised way.

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