"Damn it! You can't sneak in from somewhere else? "

It was Zhuang Qiang's friend Li Hao.

Now some disdainful looking at Chen Ge them.

In fact, this sentence is exactly what Zhao Yifan thought of a group of girls.

You think so.

Hot spring mountain villa, where is this place? Can a person come in if he wants to come in?

Even if Zhuang Qiang and other people exist, they just called his father several times in a row outside just now, then they can get through the relationship and let the security guard let them in.

Rao is so, it can only be on the periphery.

"I'll go. If it's really creeping in, it's a shame!"

"The loss of personnel is small. If the security guards find out that they know us, then we have to be expelled as well?"

A group of girls looked at Chen Ge with disdain, and muttered anxiously.

"Yang Hui, how did you get in?"

Xu Xia did not speak.

She came directly to Yang Hui and asked softly.

On the face, still quite worried for Yang Hui.

"We came in through the main door!" Chen Ge explained directly.

Yang Hui nodded to Xu Xia.

"Hehe? The main door, is the security blind, will let you in through the main door? "

Lin Jiao, who has been scratching her head and posturing, immediately calls to Chen Ge.

She vowed to give Chen Ge ten slaps in the face if she was driven out because of Chen Ge today!


Zhao Yifan is also well aware of the consequences of sneaking in.

Her face grim came to Chen Ge: "Chen Ge, I hope you can tell me the truth. If you are really sneaking in for the sake of face, now tell Zhuang Qiang in advance, maybe Zhuang Qiang will help you find a way!"

"Yes, it won't make everyone look bad!"

Zhuang Qiang added in time.

Xindao: Yifan's friends, what kind of wonderful flowers are they?


Chen Ge, listen to them, you and I are not finished.

A burst of helplessness in my heart.

This special me clearly came in from the front door, and asked me to tell the truth.

Do you have to say you're coming out of a dog hole to be satisfied?

"What I'm telling you is the truth. If you like, let's go to the villa to have fun, have some food, bubble hot spring and so on."

Chen Ge said this sentence, is entirely in the face of Ma Xiaonan.

In fact, Ma Xiaonan is also worried about Chen Ge.

I'm afraid Chen Ge will get into trouble.

But a good intention, the result is that people look at Chen GE's idiotic eyes:

"what? You want to go inside? You don't pee and look at yourself, just your virtue? Don't you see the bodyguards guarding the inner perimeter

Lin Jiao angry way.

"Yes, it's not convenient for even young Zhuang to take so many people in. It's up to you?"

A large number of girls opened up.

"Hehe, if we are 14 people, if we don't talk about eating, we can't afford to go down to 150000. If we eat some food, we'll have to go to two or three hundred thousand! If we have so many people, I can arrange for them! "

Zhuang Qiang looked at Chen Ge with a bitter smile.

Zhao Yifan listen to Zhuang Qiang so good for them, can't help but feel some moved at the same time.

Even more speechless, he looked at Chen Ge:

"forget it, or we'll come back next time. In order to avoid embarrassment later, we'll go out

"No, why should I go out because of this loser?"

"Yes, yes, sister Yifan, we finally came in to have a look!"

For a moment, all glared at Chen Ge.

And Zhao Yifan, for this effect.

Push Chen Ge out.

But Chen Ge just wryly smiles and shakes his head: "if you are willing to follow in, you are welcome!"

Then he looked at Ma Xiaonan: "Xiaonan, do you believe me? If you believe me, come in with me! "

Ma Xiaonan bit his teeth and nodded.

Later, Chen Ge took a few people across the bridge and went towards the inner circle.

"Ha ha, wait for death! If something happens later, don't connect us together. It's a shame! "

Lin Jiao looked speechless.

"This guy is good at playing."

Zhuang Qiang also simply stood aside to watch the good play.

But the next moment, they all opened their eyes.

Because where Chen Ge passed, there was no barrier.

And a group of bodyguards, directly to Chen Ge also slightly bow.

"What's the situation?" His solemn face was full of disbelief.

Lin Jiao covered her mouth.She thought Chen Ge would be beaten, but she was gloating.

As a result, they went straight in.

On the faces of a group of beautiful women, their looks are complicated.

Zhao Yifan, in particular, could not have believed her if she had not seen it with her own eyes.

In her eyes, Chen GE has always been a kind of poor loser who is very despised.

She knows that Xiaonan intends to further their relationship.

However, from Chen GE's purchase of a bag to now, Zhao Yifan feels that he is a tough guy who can't do it.

It's boring to look at it.

Now, he is free to enter and leave the hot spring mountain resort.

Even Zhuang Qiang is not qualified to take so many people into the hot spring resort.

"Sister Yifan, what should we do now?"

Lin Jiao has been staring at Chen Ge, their far away direction, some unwilling feeling.

Zhao Yifan takes a look at Zhuang Qiang and Li Hao on one side, with the meaning of inquiry in their eyes.

You know, since the strong father can let the emperor KTV Li Feihong can kowtow, if his father is willing to hand, it must be no problem!

Zhuang Qiang's face was a little ugly at the moment.

Chen Ge this one hand, can be said to hit two people's face directly one slap.

If he Zhuang Qiang follows Chen Ge in now, these slaps are settled!

What to do?

Call dad again!

He didn't want to fall down in front of Zhao Yifan.

At the moment, he took out his mobile phone and started to call his father to tell him about the situation.

Zhuang's father is a man who wants to know his face.

It's not bad.

He immediately promised that he could support Zhuang Qiang 100000 and earn his face back.

Although very flesh ache, but face matter big!

"Hum, what's the matter? Yifan, let's go in, and today we'll take everyone to the villa to have a look."

Zhuang Qiang's mouth twitched.

"Good! Brother Zhuang Qiang is so handsome! Yes, it's just that we can't let the poor force compete with each other! "

Lin Jiao and others began to cheer.

It's about 10000 yuan per person, not including hot spring service and catering service, let alone golf.

Eight of them spent 80000 at once.

"What if he went in? But I'm just looking inside. Today, I can ask you to play bowling

Zhuang Qiang and Li Hao winked at each other. They spent 80000 yuan, which is also a hot topic.

Today's big deal is going to spend 150000!

Bowling should be the cheapest activity in the villa, at least cheaper than eating!

The crowd followed Zhuang Qiang in.

The inner circle, indeed, is quite different from the periphery, just like entering a new world.

It's no wonder that even the rich in other provinces regard the hot spring mountain entertainment club built in Yishan as a paradise, which is really like paradise.

Zhao Yifan was shocked.

Chen GE's slap on the face just now calmed down.

"Ah! Look, what's that

At this time, Lin Jiao, who is busy making up her make-up and prepares to take a selfie, finds that there is an elegant attic above the most beautiful hot spring waterfall in front of her.

There's someone eating in there.

Around the water mist transpiration, there are rainbow bedding.

Let the people below have a look, it's like eating in the cloud.

It's beautiful.

Zhao Yifan also found that it is indeed beautiful. I really hope that the one who is eating there at the moment is himself and can receive the envious eyes of all people.

"Dining in the micro restaurant? That's the dining room for going to the micro level! "

Zhuang Qiang could not help but also said with envy.

"Brother Zhuang Qiang, what's up in the micro dining room? Sounds like a bad name? Is it expensive? "

Lin Jiao, a group of girls asked.

"No? Very expensive? It's not only expensive. If you don't want to order a meal, you can use this restaurant to eat? Do you know what the cost is? Three hundred thousand! "

Hearing this, everyone was shocked.

Just this place, 300, 000?

Oh, my God!

Zhuang Qiang obviously knows a lot: "and there is no money can eat, must have a good identity, so, can eat there, must be the top tycoons, for a very high-level business magnate dinner, will use there!"

Zhao Yifan was shocked.

"Oh, no! Sister Yifan and brother Zhuang Qiang, look at those people who have dinner. How can they look like Chen Ge and his roommates? "

Lin Jiao looked carefully for a long time, and finally found something wrong.

Xu Xia on one side nodded: "yes, I saw Yang Hui!"

Zhao Yifan's heart cluttered for a moment, and Zhuang Qiang and Li Hao went to see them together.On a closer look, they really look like Chen Ge and their figures.

"No way!"

Zhao Yifan is unbelievable. How can he be in that position?

Absolutely impossible!

Doodle doodle.

Just then, Zhao Yifan's mobile phone rang.

It's Ma Xiaonan.

"Yifan, how did you come in? All the dishes are served. I see you. Come on! What a beautiful view

The phone said, Zhao Yifan also saw the attic, Ma Xiaonan stood up to wave to them below, motioned them to hurry up!

"My God, it's really Chen Ge Xiaonan and their This, this, this... "

Lin Jiao swallowed her saliva. It's not true!

Zhuang Qiang and Li Hao's faces have become eggplant color. Today, they have no face at all!

"Sister Yifan, let's go. Let's go up quickly."

Lin Jiao can't wait. The main thing is that many of the famous people who are playing in the villa now look at them with great admiration.

Vanity is too much to satisfy.

Zhao Yifan bit his lip: "MMM! Go up

She has to ask, Chen Ge, what's going on? Otherwise, she won't want to sleep peacefully in the future.

Li Hao was a little nervous and looked at Zhuang Qiang: "brother Qiang, the poor man is so strong. I think we'd better go. Don't bubble his friend's sister?"

Li Hao was already afraid.

Zhuang Qiang snorted: "shit, you are afraid of a hammer! I don't believe that poor loser can be so powerful. Let's go up and see what's going on! "

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