"What? Is it Ouyang Ru's sister? "

Long Shaoyun was stunned.


Then Wei Mengjiao said the cause and effect of the matter, and Ouyang Ru, at the moment, is also sober, looking at Chen Ge with resentment on his face.

Although she was confused just now, she also knew that it was Chen Ge and her cousin who helped her in.

After that, a man came up with his clothes. Who else could he be, not Chen Ge?

Ouyang Ru's eyes were wet red.

"Well, you are too bold. Our dragon family and Nanyang Ouyang family are friends. You dare to act against sister Ouyang. I think you are impatient to live! With my Yanjing dragon home, no matter how powerful you are, you will pay the price! "

Long Shaoyun said coldly.

"What? Yanjing dragon house? I wipe, this matter involves so much, the Ouyang family and the dragon family all come in, then this person, it seems that there are fewer dragons in Yanjing! "

"No mistake. Although Chen Dashao in Jinling is fierce, can he bear the anger of long Shao and Ouyang family? It's really... "

A group of people talked about it.

"Mm-hmm, brother Shaoyun, you want to be fair for my cousin. You didn't know that just now. You were almost insulted by this beast!"

Wei Mengjiao said.

"Don't worry, I won't care about it!"

Long Shaoyun has a gloomy smile.

Then he kicked Chen Ge with a kick.

"Damn it, beat me to death, no matter what he's up to, how dare you insult Ouyang's family like this, and hit me dead!"

Long Shaoyun cried.

A couple of bodyguards went on at once.

Chen Qun Ge is about to fight.

And those young men and women on the side, see with the support of long Shao.

I'm not afraid of Chen Ge.

"Stop it!"

At this time, Qin Ya suddenly called out.

Then came forward with tears.

"Xiaoya, why are you here?"

Chen Ge saw Qin Ya and was stunned.

Qin ya, however, has a disappointed glance at Chen Ge.

Then he looked at long Shaoyun and said:

"master long, can you let him go! Just as I beg you

"Let him go? Hehe, sister qinya, it's not that I don't help you. It's really a hateful person. If I don't give him a lesson, I won't face uncle Ouyang. Don't worry! "

Long Shaoyun is cold.

"Please, let him go!"

But Qin Ya pleaded.

Yes, Qin Ya didn't think of it.

Even at this moment, she felt a little desperate.

You think ah, you always like the person, suddenly one day found that he is so disgusting and dirty.

Of course not.

However, people in front of their own to beat Chen Ge, Qin Ya more can not accept.

Looking at Qin ya, she almost cried.

Long Shaoyun just smiles.

"OK, sister qinya, since you plead for him in this matter, I can not teach him a lesson, but if he has caused such a disaster, I don't care if others teach me!"

Long Shaoyun finished and waved to a group of people.

That group of men is back.

"Xiaoya, I didn't do it. You have to believe me!"

Chen Ge seems to have noticed something.

What a coincidence. Why are there people in the room?

What's more, long Shaoyun came here at this time.

It's like Chen GE's own thing.

But at present, it is really difficult to argue.

"I don't want to hear it!"

And Qin ya, after a fierce glance at Chen Ge, dashed into the crowd and went downstairs.

"Sister qinya!"

And long Shaoyun, standing in the corner at the moment, a long hair, pale face, dressed in a black man made a wink.

He took his bodyguard and chased him down.

Wei Mengjiao called out: "Chen Ge, you can't go, today's affairs, you must give my cousin an account!"

A group of people blocked Chen Ge.

When Chen Ge was at a loss.

I felt a chill on my back.

Turn a head to see, it is a long hair with a woman's man, has come to Chen GE's side.

It gives Chen Ge a great deterrent.

And it was just then.

"Let's go. What are you doing?"

All of a sudden, an old voice rang.

"Shit, where's the old man from? What are you doing here and there?"

The onlookers scolded.

"I'm looking for my grandson, what are you doing?"The old man snorted.

And then they squeeze in.

Some people see that he is not well dressed, so they try to avoid it.

And the hairy young man, at the moment, coldly glanced at the old man, and then took back his palm.

"Why? Let go of my grandson

The old man pushed Wei Mengjiao away.

And Chen Ge a look, this old man is not someone else, it is the old beggar who pestered himself last night.

"What? Is he your grandson

Wei Mengjiao was stunned.

"Well, isn't it? Sun Tzu, I went to see you today, but the group said you were not there. I thought you left me and went to Sichuan alone! Go, go, go, let's go

The old man didn't ask, he took Chen GE's arm and left.

"Can't go!"

At this time, long hair eyes a cold, directly to grasp Chen GE's shoulder.

As for the old man, he raised his hand and lifted it to see that long hair retreated directly to the wall!

In a flash, long hair forehead covered with sweat, surprised to look at the old man.

Chen Ge now, also had to rely on the old man to get away.

Without saying a word, he followed the old man straight away.

"Hey, grandson, are you ok?"

The old man with Chen GE has come to a park river, now smile.

"It's OK. Thank you, old Uncle

If it wasn't for the old man's agitation, he might have to stay there to explain to them, and it seems that he can't leave!

At present, the heart with some thanks said.

At the same time, Chen Ge is also full of doubts.

How come when something happens to him, the old man always appears inadvertently and helps himself indirectly?

Take today as an example, how did the old man get to the top?

Then he asked, "by the way, how did you find me? No, you've been following me

The old man was embarrassed.

"Yes, I did follow you today. Alas, who asked you to help me last time? This time I knew you had to have an accident. How could I help you?"

The old man said with a smile, "so you didn't lose anything by asking me to take a bath and have dinner yesterday."

"I'm in trouble. How do you know that?"

Chen Ge feels more and more mysterious about the old man.

"Well, it wasn't last night, when I was sleeping in the garage, I heard several people talking about harming you today, and then I went to see you. Sure enough, you're really on the hook!"

Said the old man.

Now, I told Chen Ge.

It turned out that when the old man was looking for a place to rest in the underground garage, he just heard long Shaoyun calling, saying that he had framed himself today in association with Wei Mengjiao.

Sure enough, there is no love or hatred for no reason. Wei Mengjiao tries her best to invite herself to the so-called party today, which is a conspiracy with long Shaoyun.

Even every step is calculated by them.

Chen Gegang just thought of this, because it would not be so coincidental.

But Chen Ge just can't understand why Wei Mengjiao hurt herself. She has no injustice or hatred with her!

"Hum, silly boy, although you have more financial resources than them, you are also very kind-hearted. Do you need a reason for someone to attack you?"

The old man looks at Chen Ge and shakes his head and smiles.

"What's more, it's more serious than you think. If the old man hadn't pulled you away, you would have been able to pick your feet and hands, and they would have been famous! The long hair behind you has tried to fight you more than once

The old man told Chen Ge what he had just seen.

And Chen Ge heard at the same time, but also felt the waves of fear.

In the past, most of the troubles I encountered were related to interests. I was not willing to argue with others, so I didn't deal with things ruthlessly.

And now, Chen Ge finally knows what her sister said that people are not cruel and stand unstable.

Whether you are big or little rich or not, as long as you don't have that aura and ruthlessness, someone can easily pull you down!

Chen GeChang breathed a breath, then his eyes were slightly cold

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