And on the other side.

"Long Shao, I missed it!"

"What? Scorpion, you will miss, even a Chen song can not deal with it

On the phone, long Shaoyun in the bathroom said in dismay.

"No, there is an expert who is helping him. If I hadn't recovered my strength in time just now, my arm would have been useless!"

Inside the car, the scorpion is on the phone with one hand, while the other is flat.

At the moment, on that arm, blood red tendons protruded, just like red earthworms crawling all over his arm.

Even more can't move.

Scorpion's forehead is full of sweating.

"Damn it, this son of a bitch is really lucky. Hum, but it's a good start. When the headlines come out tomorrow, the boy will be infamous. The Ouyang family will not let him go. The two families will work together to kill him every minute!"

"As for scorpion, go back and have a good rest."

With that, long Shaoyun hung up the phone.

I just hung up.

At this time, Wei Mengjiao called again.

"Brother Shaoyun, is this a big deal today? What you said was that you asked me to bang him into the room and not let my cousin Ouyang suffer losses. What happened to you? "

Wei Mengjiao said anxiously.

"It didn't hurt Ouyang Ru. She wasn't insulted, and the effect we wanted was also achieved. Isn't it very good?"

Long Shaoyun advised.

"Well, it's not insulted. I've made my cousin like that! My cousin, after all, is from Ouyang family. We should take care of this matter, or we will not be able to account for it! "

Wei Mengjiao said.

"Oh, I really regret helping you. You don't know. I've been smiling with that Chen Ge from last night to now. I'm afraid he won't let me out. Then I'll have to think of other ways to pit him out!"

"What's more, I have offended a rich man in Jinling for your sake. The financial resources of him and her sister are no worse than those of your dragon family! I've missed the chance to make friends with a gentleman

"Ha ha ha, there's nothing to regret. With the support of our Yanjing dragon family, you will be able to climb a high branch in the future. You can go anywhere in China with the influence of our Yanjing dragon family, and Chen Ge is only in Jinling! In short, I promise you, you help me get Qin Ya this time, and I will let you realize a wish

Long Shaoyun had no choice but to smile bitterly.

This just coax Wei Mengjiao past.

Besides, Chen GE has returned to the hotel.

Unlike in the past, the hotel has been closed.

And Li Zhenguo, Zhao Zixing, tianlongdihu, they all arrived.

Li Zhenguo and his colleagues have heard some news about today's affairs, and they all attach great importance to it.

Originally, we all felt that the dragon family would have some scruples, and did not dare to directly attack Chen Shao.

But now, everyone's judgment is wrong.

"Chen Shao, I've got the president. Damn it, I'm setting the headlines for tomorrow's news at home."

At the moment, the dragon and the tiger walked into the box and said.

"Bring him in!"

Chen Ge sat on the boss's chair and said in a cold voice.

I can't help it. Since long Shaoyun has spent so much time calculating himself.

I'll have to do it myself.

And tomorrow's vilified news can't be sent out.

"What are you doing? What are you doing? Let me out

Soon, a middle-aged man was escorted in by several bodyguards.

The middle-aged man is the president bought by long Shaoyun. His surname is Liu.

"Hello, President Liu. I think you know what I mean when I come to you now. What's your people shooting today?"

Chen Ge asked.

"Chen Shao, I don't know what you're talking about. What's more, you think about what you're doing now. My people are shooting things. It's just and fair! Whatever you do, I won't hand them in! "

Liu said coldly.

"Fair and just? Hehe, as far as I know, your people seem to be waiting in the car downstairs two hours in advance, right? Do you have the ability to predict what will happen two hours later? "

"Although the monitoring of that hotel is broken today, it is not bad elsewhere! What's the matter, director Liu, do you know better than me? "

Chen Ge said.

Yes, this is the first time that Chen GE has been calculated in this way.

My sister used to say that doing business is not only an assessment of you, but also your experience. Chen Ge still thinks it's OK, but now I've learned.

And Chen GE's words came out.

The president did not speak, and turned his cold eyes to one side.

In his eyes, Chen Ge, no matter how powerful Chen Ge is, is also famous for his sister and brother. However, the dragon family in Yanjing is different. It is the whole family.He would rather offend Chen Shao than long Shao of the dragon family.

"Since you are silent, I can almost conclude that you are deliberately playing with me. In that case, I don't need to be polite to you! Come on

Chen Shao said.

"Well, I know what you want to do? But I tell you, before I came, I had already informed my subordinates. If I can't go back within an hour, they will expose the whole incident in advance and report *! "

Liu said.

"Yes? But you think too much. I just want to ask you this time. I'm not going to fight with you. You can go... "

Chen GE has a faint smile.

President Liu was released.

He was wondering to leave.

Chen Ge took out his mobile phone and opened a video with people.

"Dad! dad! Help me! Help me

As soon as the video was opened, a little girl screamed in horror.

President Liu heard the sound and ran back from the door.

"What are you doing? Is this my daughter's voice? "

President Liu is in a hurry.

"Ha ha, director Liu, don't worry. Your daughter is now in her old hometown. Coincidentally, the film and Television Department of our group is going there to shoot a safety education propaganda film. If your daughter is so beautiful, you should ask her to be on camera! She is now playing a little girl who has been kidnapped. The robber wants his father to compromise or he will tear up the ticket! "

Li Zhenguo said with a smile.

Take over the mobile phone from Chen GE's hand and let Liu see it.

At first glance, it was a group of people shooting in the village.

But President Liu swallowed his saliva.

It's clear what that means.

There's no need to be thorough.

What's more, long Shao did arrange this matter deliberately.

The head of Liu society is not reasonable at all.

He couldn't say anything about being revenged.

Now his daughter is OK, but also happy to play with the staff there, Chen Shao has given himself a lot of face.

"Chen Shao, there is a big misunderstanding. At the beginning, I did not believe you forced that woman. I think there is a misunderstanding in this matter, a big misunderstanding!"

Liu's face was pale.

"President Liu, it doesn't care about your business. Besides, we are not long Shaoyun. We can't do this kind of blackmail. What can we do about it? If you want to make a fool of me, I won't like it! "

Chen Ge said.

"Yes, yes, to tell you the truth, long Shaoyun arranged for us to revise the P-map, just to slander you and make enemies with Ouyang family! I know, Chen Shao, you can't do such a dirty thing

President Liu was in a cold sweat.

I've heard from Liu.

Chen Ge looked at Li Zhenguo, and then nodded to let president Liu watch another video.

Seeing this video, President Liu's eyes widened, his face was unbelievable, and then his face turned white with anger

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