"These people Is it long Shao's man? "

On the other side of the video, it's in a house in the village.

There are four or five men in black in the room.

Chen GE's people watched all of them.

And this group of people clearly known by President Liu, is the people of long Shaoyun.

"President Liu, the boy long Shaoyun is vicious and vicious. He is afraid that you will make a trick. He will send someone to catch your daughter this afternoon. Hehe, fortunately, we arrived a step earlier."

Li Zhenguo said with a smile.

President Liu suddenly realized.

"Well, you dragon and Shaoyun, I was almost played by you! Chen Shao, I'm sorry for you! "

President Liu bowed and apologized.

Yes, no matter what, Chen shaosuan saved her daughter indirectly. Moreover, long Shaoyun is also clear about his behavior. He will do anything to achieve his goal.

If his daughter falls into his hands and does not follow his instructions, something will happen.

Therefore, at the same time of regret and fear, President Liu is grateful for Chen Shao's guilt.

Moreover, he immediately lowered his voice and said mysteriously, "Chen Shao, I have a recording here. I believe you will be very interested."

Chen Ge and Li Zhenguo looked at each other, nodded and asked President Liu to take out the recording

Chen Ge doesn't have to worry about the hype.

This director Liu also knows how to do it.

As for long Shaoyun, Chen Ge naturally has to deal with it.

And also at this time, Chen Ge suddenly received a phone call, a look, is Zhao Tongtong call.

Zhao Tongya has a good time with her.

I guess it's because of Qin Ya and what happened today.

Qin Ya must have misunderstood herself today.

The next connection.

"Chen Ge, what do you mean? What did you do to Xiaoya? She has been crying all the time since she came back. Originally, today is a very happy day. Xiaoya is the first one in this semester, and she has got the quota of excellent escort students. We are going to hold a celebration banquet for her, and the result is like this! "

"There are some misunderstandings, I didn't have time to explain to her!"

Chen Ge said lightly.

Originally, Chen Ge still cares about Qin Ya's opinion, because Qin Ya is his friend.

Chen Ge also wants to explain clearly to her.

After all, for now, it's not hard to explain.

However, Chen Ge saw Qin Ya eating with her enemies at that time.

There is an unspeakable anger in my heart.

Yes, I take Qin Ya as my friend.

But Qin Ya will be with long Shaoyun in the future, and now, Qin Ya has obviously tried to be with long Shaoyun.

They are a couple.

What can I explain!

"What misunderstanding? I asked her, she did not say, ask you you see you are hesitant, there is a misunderstanding to explain clearly ah, we are all in Xiaoya's home now! "

Although Zhao Tongtong knows the relationship between Chen Ge and Su Muhan, as well as Qin ya.

However, what can make Qin Ya sad now is Chen Ge.

As a good friend, I can't see it any more.

Otherwise, she would not secretly come out to call Chen Ge.

"I won't go."

Chen Ge said lightly.

What else do you keep pestering.

First of all, because of Yang Xue, he and the dragon family on.

Now there is Qin ya.

Especially Qin ya, sandwiched in the middle, makes Chen Ge uncomfortable.

"What does it mean that you don't come? I know you have su Muhan, but please, even if you don't want to be friends with Xiaoya, can you make it clear to Xiaoya! In the final analysis, it's all because of misunderstanding. If you didn't send that jade bracelet blindly, how could Qin Ya be interested in you and fall in love with you? I understand that you are Chen Shao now. You are great. But do you think it's appropriate for you to play with a person's heart like this? "

Zhao Tongtong is in a hurry.

"I didn't play with it!"

Chen Ge said.

But these words also touched Chen GE's heart.

Yes, it was because of some misunderstanding when we started with Qin ya.

I didn't mean to.


Let's go now.

Tell her exactly what kind of person long Shaoyun is!

"Well, I'll be there now!"

Chen Ge said.

It's already six o'clock in the afternoon.

Chen Ge didn't walk alone this time.

It's followed by the dragon and the tiger.At the gate of Qin Ya's house.

Tianlong and Dihu are waiting outside.

Chen Ge walked in.

"Well, Xiaoya, please don't know what happened to you and Chen Ge, but after all, today is the day of successful escorting. You should be happy, right?"

Zhao Tongtong said.

"And Xiaoya, maybe Chen Ge will think of you one day!"

"Hehe, Tongtong, don't persuade me. I didn't talk to him about anything else, but Come on, I don't want to say, I feel sick when I think about him now! "

Qin Ya took a deep breath.

She has been scared of boys now, because even the best looking boy is actually a scum man behind his back.

Like the one I like.

If it wasn't for seeing it with my own eyes, I wouldn't believe it if I killed Qin ya.

"Well, don't say no, but Xiaoya today is your happy day. I'll give you a surprise later."

Zhao Tongtong's eyes moved.

A sip of red wine.

At a time when people are curious about Zhao Tongtong's surprise.

Ding Dong!

There was a ringing of the door outside.

"Coming, coming, my surprise!"

In high spirits, Zhao Tongtong went directly to open the door.

And Qin ya, also no longer give everyone negative emotions, slightly showed a smiling face to look at the door.

But when I see someone coming.

The smile on Qin Ya's face gradually subsided.

It is Chen Ge who came here.

"Ha ha ha, Xiao Ya, you must tie the bell when you untie the bell. I called him here. If there is any unhappy misunderstanding, you two can make it clear!"

Zhao Tongtong said.

"What are you doing here?"

Qin Ya has a cold face.

"I'm here to explain what happened today. You misunderstood me!"

Chen gedao.

"I don't want to hear it. You don't have to explain. Chen Dashao, if there is nothing else, please leave! I don't want to see a dirty man in front of me and dirty my eyes

Qin Ya said coldly.

"I just want to clarify the misunderstanding..."

Chen Ge took a deep breath.

"There's no need for this, Chen Shao. What's the matter if you explain to me or not? If you have the energy, you'd better explain it to others."

"In addition, now it's all night. We are girls. It's inconvenient for you to be here. Moreover, I don't want Shaoyun to know that I have something to do with you!"

Qin Ya said coldly, "so there is nothing else but this one. You can leave!"

After hearing this, Chen Ge understood.

Think about yourself is really ridiculous, but also to explain what, it is simply superfluous.

Now she has called "long Shaoyun Shaoyun".

Maybe she has found what she really likes.

"Well, then I won't disturb you!"

Finish saying that, Chen Ge bitter smile, turned to leave.

"Wait a minute!"

At this time, Qin Ya stopped Chen Ge again.

"I have something to give back to you..."

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