Yang Xue didn't expect it to happen like this.

Originally, she wanted to take this opportunity to show off.

Even if Chen Ge doesn't show up, she can do the same.

I didn't expect that now, the whole posture is overwhelming.

"Hum, long Shaoyun, it's a shame that you can do such a thing!"

Yang Xue was angry and defeated.


Did not expect, anxious red eye long Shaoyun, go up is a big mouth son hit in Yang Xue's face.

Yang Xue was directly sucked down on the table.

"Cheap woman, your mouth has been saying and saying. I have endured you for a long time. Who do you think you are? You dare to teach me and tell you that I recognize you as my sister-in-law. You are my sister-in-law. I don't recognize you. You are a dog from our dragon family!"

Yang Xue's mouth is bleeding.

"You Do you dare to hit me? "

Yang Xue covered his face and said.

And long Jinnan, seeing this scene, did not say anything.

The family of the dragon family is very large, but similarly, since it is a big family, there are three young princes. In the family, the distribution of power must be very complicated.

Long Jinnan, on the other hand, does not belong to any school of the three little dragons.

On the contrary, the family sent themselves to preside over some affairs. Seeing long Shaoyun like this, long Jinnan was angry, but it was more because long Shaoyun had lost his family members.

And if long Shaoyun is out of favor from now on, this is something long Jinnan hopes for.

As for Yang Xue, she has nothing to do with herself.

Chen Ge looked at the scene in front of him, but he was indifferent.

He and Yang Xue no longer have any affection, and now they have no self blame for her. There is no need to feel guilty for this girl any more.

The most is to hope that she does not enter their own world, still very good.

But obviously, this bowl of rice of the rich family is difficult to carry out.

"Damn it, eat our dragon's, use our dragon's, you cheap woman, if you listen to me, where are the current affairs, all the things, all blame you!"

Yang Xue got another bite.

See no one to help themselves, only their own sister stood by in fear.

Yang Xue covers her face and looks at Chen Ge.

Chen Ge naturally glanced away.

Good! Oh, I see!

Yang Xue nods maliciously.

Then he ran away crying.


At this time, a wine bottle directly blows on the dragon and Shaoyun.

Naturally, it was the rich businessman who rushed up to fight with long Shaoyun.

Chen Ge and Li Zhenguo looked at each other with a smile.

Light shook his head, Chen Ge they simply stood aside to watch the excitement.

"Chen Ge! Thank you for today

Qin Ya came to Chen Ge at this time.

"Thank me, thank me for what?" Chen Ge said with a faint smile.

"Thank you for helping me!"

"You misunderstood me. I didn't help you today. I just wanted to clarify myself."

Chen Ge smiles.

After that, he left with people.

Chen Ge knows that the dragon family is just beginning.

Li Zhenguo also told himself about the old grudges with the dragon family.

Now, my sister is not here. The dragon family must want to avenge the old days.

Buying hot spring villa and long Shaoyun's various frame ups are a signal.

The main purpose of today's visit is to deter them.

Let them know, put the flag here, weigh their own weight.

Now that the goal has been achieved, Chen Ge is leaving.

This time Chen Ge went back by car.

On the road, there is always a car following Chen Ge.

Chen Ge looked through the rearview mirror and knew who it was.

But I still don't want to pay attention.

At the door of the hotel, Chen Ge is about to enter.

The girl came after me.

"Chen Ge! Do you really ignore me? "

This girl is Qin ya.

"There is no need to contact, that long Shaoyun, should not pester you, so much good!"

Chen Ge said.

"Can't we even make friends?"

Qin Ya asked.

With Chen Ge, she felt unwilling, more and more unwilling.

Chen Ge slightly pause, did not speak, turned to go.

In fact, Chen GE's heart is not very strong.

After all, Qin Ya is really good, good for himself.

But it is because of this that Chen GE has to be firm.

We can't be as submissive as before."Son of a bitch, stop!"

Zhao Tongtong angrily ran to Chen Ge.

"Chen Ge, you are too much of a thing. How can you treat Xiaoya like this? Do you know that Xiaoya always talks about you in our mouth. Indeed, this time you have an accident, Xiaoya misunderstood you, but do you know how sad Xiaoya is? Even if it is sad, Xiaoya went to Ouyang Ru, hoping Ouyang Ru can forgive you and stop investigating this matter. Although Ouyang's family didn't promise, you can't do this to Xiaoya

Zhao Tongtong said.

Indeed, when Chen Ge had an accident that day, Qin ya did go to Ouyang Ru, but how could Ouyang's family not investigate this matter casually?

"What's more, you know how the rumors in Jinling City now are that Xiaoya is your girlfriend. Today you went to make a big fuss about long Shaoyun's birthday party for Xiaoya. Yes, these rumors have no impact on you. But have you ever thought about Xiaoya, what will the Qin family think about her and what do you want Qin ya to do?"

"All right, Tongtong, don't say any more! I understand the meaning of Chen Ge! "

Qin Ya said.

Then he wiped his tears, stared at Chen Ge and said, "I know some of my thoughts are selfish, but Chen Ge, I want to ask you for one last favor. I remember when I was kidnapped and hospitalized, you once said to me, that is, you can do one thing for me, as long as you can do it, I want to know whether this sentence still counts?"

Chen Ge nodded: "mm-hmm, of course it counts!"

Chen Ge also remembered that Qin Ya was looking for herself in order to escape marriage. When she returned to Jinling, she was kidnapped because she didn't care about her.

After that, when Qin Ya was in hospital, because Chen Ge Ting blamed himself, he told Qin ya that he could help her and do anything he could for her.

At that time, Qin Ya also said a naughty sentence, which is what you said, I can take it seriously!

Chen Ge, of course, is true.

In fact, Qin Ya and Chen Ge didn't think much about it at that time.

But now

"Tell me, I'll help you as long as I can do it!"

Chen gedao, after all, promised, plus now and Qin Ya some in the heart can not bear, Chen Ge also do not know how to refuse her.

"OK, but don't worry. After this, I won't pester you any more. I'll disappear in front of you!"

Qin Ya bit her lip and said.

"What is it?"

"I want you to be engaged to me!"

"Ah? Betrothal? "

Although Chen Ge some psychological preparation, but listened to this sentence, surprised eyes.

"Ha ha, you don't have to be afraid. I didn't really ask you to marry me. I want you to make a false engagement with me and show it to Qin Jialong's family. Is that ok?"

Qin Ya said.

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