Qin Ya's mind is also very simple.

If this is the end of the relationship with Chen Ge.

From the psychological point of view of a girl, it is impossible to say that she is willing.

Even if their own bad, is it really bad to even look at me more than a look at it.

On the contrary, if Chen Ge did something for herself, Qin Ya would feel better.

It's not a conspiracy.

Is simply want to let Chen Ge do something for himself, prove that he still has weight in his heart, maybe satisfied.

That's about it.

But Chen Ge hesitated.

In the past, pretending to be a boyfriend is not enough. As a friend, I am not unable to help.

However, it is very difficult for Chen Ge to assume that he is pro.

But he refused. He had promised Qin Ya before.

After all, he has no grudge against Qin ya. In addition, Chen Ge is grateful and guilty to Qin ya.

"Ha ha, just assuming that I'm pro, I don't ask you anything else. At most, it's just a waste of your time. Can't this satisfy me? I said, just help me, and I won't disturb you from now on! "

Qin Ya has tears in her eyes.

"Good All right

Tangled for a long time, Chen Ge still nodded.

"But I have a condition!" Chen gedao.

Qin Ya bit her lips, "you say!"

"That is, except for the Qin family in Yanjing, don't be too loud!"

Chen Ge naturally has his own consideration when he says so.

This matter can't be widely publicized.

"I promise you!"

Qin Ya took a deep breath. Then he said coldly, "Chen Shao, I won't disturb you. As for the time, let's set it tomorrow. I'll arrange it when I go back."

After that, Qin Ya left with Zhao Tongtong.

After returning to the hotel, Chen Ge was lying in bed. Today, she was very tired and wanted to have a rest.

There was a knock on the door.

Chen Ge gets up and opens the door.


"Uncle Qin, why did you come up again?"

Chen Ge had a helpless smile.

The old man in front of him is not a stranger, but an old beggar.

Because last time, Mr. Zhuang saved himself once.

Therefore, Chen Ge was also very good to him. He not only promised to send him back to his hometown of Sichuan, but also gave him a sum of money to let his subordinates settle him down.

Of course, after knowing him, I also knew his name. He said it himself. His name was Qin Yifan. His name sounds very grand.

But to tell you the truth, Chen Ge thinks that Qin may be old, some vague, sometimes he doesn't know which sentence is true or which is false.

A little pathetic.

But I didn't expect it to go.

And Mr. Qin is really unpredictable. He can find himself accurately every time.

"You said you would take me back with you!"

Old man Qin said with a smile.

"I OK, but I'll go to Shuchuan in a day or two! "

"That's OK. I'm waiting for you. Hey, don't think I'm too burdensome. Maybe I can help you!"

Old man Qin said with a smile.

"OK, OK, I know. Thank you, uncle Qin. By the way, you can go back and have a rest. I'll give you the food expenses these days!"

Chen Ge smiles bitterly and shakes his head.

"Well, I'll wait. Let's go in a few days."

Old man Qin left happily.

Chen Ge certainly won't let uncle Qin go.

He helped himself two or three times, but Chen Ge was very grateful.

For example, he was surrounded by people last time. If he hadn't suddenly rushed to relieve himself and drag himself away, I really didn't know how to end that day.

However, when he is old, he is still a bit confused. If he really follows, he will be cumbersome at that time. This is not rude, but Chen Ge really can't bear to upset him!

The next morning.

Chen Ge received a call from Zhao Tongtong.

Of course, it's the engagement with Qin ya.

For the sake of non-proliferation, Chen Ge even Yonghao Xiaofei Li Zhenguo, they did not say.

Chen Ge also understood Qin Ya and wanted to tell the Qin family and the dragon family in Yanjing.

"Chen Ge, I picked you up downstairs!" Zhao Tongtong said.

This form is also very simple, we just go to the hotel to have a meal, so that the people in qinya can also settle down.

"Yes, I'll be down in a minute!"

Chen Ge said with a bitter smile.

When Chen Ge arrives downstairs, Zhao Tongtong has already been waiting.

Then Chen Ge is ready to go together.At this time, Chen Gecai saw a car parked beside the hotel.

In front of the car, Yang Lu is standing.

Seeing Chen Ge, Yang Lu trotted over.

"Chen Ge! I came to see you, but your bodyguard won't let me in, huh

Yang Lu said.

Of course, Chen GE's bodyguards also know the Yang Xue sisters.

So when Yang Lu comes, she won't let them in, as you say.

The bodyguards didn't even have a report.

"You want me? What are you doing? "

"Please help my sister. My sister wants to commit suicide by swallowing medicine! Since last night, I can't persuade her. Now you are the only one who can help her! "

Yang Lu said anxiously.

"O'ao, let her do what she wants. How can I persuade her?"

Chen Ge said with a bitter smile.

"Hum, you really have no conscience. What's my sister doing so much for? Is it to let you face her squarely? Besides, do you know why long Shaoyun beat my sister at the Dragon Shaoyun banquet yesterday?"

"Because long Shaoyun once asked her sister to cheat you out, and then wanted to do you harm. My sister didn't promise him. Now you're OK. My sister is stimulated and will have an accident. You don't even care about it!"

Yang Lu said.

"I said, she has nothing to do with me. In addition, you can send her a message for me. If you want to make trouble, please don't have an accident in my villa!"

Chen Ge finished with a sneer and was ready to go.

"You, you, you! What a jerk! You, Chen Ge, you are a beast. Now you have to rush to make a date with someone else, regardless of my sister's life or death. "

yelled Yang Lu.

"Hehe, who told you I was going to be engaged?"

"Don't pretend, the dragon family has already known. It's like swallowing evil spirit. You still want to cheat me!"

Yang Ludao.

"Do you want to know? I don't have time!"

Yesterday, Yang Xue was really disgraced. He was beaten and abused by long Shaoyun.

But in the past, Chen Ge might have loved her.

Not now.

Then, he left directly with Zhao Tongtong.

Yang Lu stamped her feet angrily and left.

Yunding villa.

"First lady, second lady, she's back!"

Said a maid.

Yang Xue, who was lying on the sofa, stood up: "ah? Is Chen Ge here? "

"What I see is only the second miss. I don't see Chen Shao?"

"Well, how could it be?"

Yang Xue hastily said, and then pushed aside the maid. He went to the door and looked at it. Sure enough, he saw Yang Lu himself coming up. Where is the shadow of Chen Ge.

"This son of a bitch, is he really so cruel?"

Yang Xue's face was full of decadence.

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