Wang Xiaohua stands up.

Went over to shake hands with Zhao he: "manager Zhao, we passed through the telephone channel yesterday, but we didn't get through to you just now!"

Wang Xiaohua said.

"I'm really sorry, Mr. Wang. I've been calling her to deal with some things about my daughter's school. I'm extremely sorry, I'm so sorry!"

Manager Zhao said repeatedly.

"By the way, Mr. Wang, the office area you want to buy and the shops in the 4D model exhibition hall of the scenic area are all ready for you!"

With that, manager Zhao took out the information.

"Mr. Wang, I'd like to give you a brief introduction. The shops plus the office area of the company. Because you are purchasing directly, I'll help you to avoid some other miscellaneous expenses, totaling 35 million yuan!"

"OK, no problem. Let's sit down and talk."

Wang Xiaohua made a gesture of please.

And Qin Nuan breathed in a moment.

Even my body is no longer my own.

How could this happen?

Why Wang Xiaohua?

When was he so capable?

"Mr. Zhao, you are not cheated by this fat man, are you? Just him? Can you bring out 35 million? "

Li Xiang said in disbelief.

"Yes, Mr. Zhao, we actually know him. He can't get 35 million yuan. It's not worth it!"

And Qin Nuan, the whole heart has been torn out, has been extremely uncomfortable.

Added hastily.

"Ha ha, I think it's your mistake. Mr. Wang's Shudu Feihua tourism company has more than 200 tourism projects under the contract, which are still growing. We have also read the financing information, and have merged nearly 80 million into it."

Zhao he looked at them and couldn't help but smile bitterly.

What do you think of yourself? Three year old.

Can you make a mistake about this?


And watched Wang Xiaohua sign the contract with Zhaohe.

And Zhao River, is extremely respectful to the side of Chen Ge slightly bow salute.

Qin Nuan is more at a loss.

I just want to rent a place. I have no money.

But Wang Xiaohua bought two directly.

Moreover, Wang Xiaohua opened a travel company and signed more than 200 projects.

What kind of concept is this!

After Chen Ge and Wang Xiaohua signed, they were ready to leave.

Li Xiang did not dare to look up at Wang Xiaohua.

But Qin Nuan is extremely unwilling to chase out.

"Xiaohua, you You started a company? How can I not know when it happened

Qin Nuan said with a hot face.

"These two days! It will be put into operation in a few days and is still preparing for the project! "

Wang Xiaohua looked at Qin Nuan, but he knew nothing.

"Then you How did you become so rich? "

Qin Nuan said.

"Don't worry about it!"

Wang Xiaohua turned and left.

It's like I've never been so proud.


Qin Nuan stamped his feet in anger.

The heart is angry and anxious.

Hold one breath in the chest, how can't vomit out.

How could this happen? How could this happen?

Qin Nuan asked himself repeatedly.

Let's talk about Chen Ge. It's already noon when Wang Xiaohua finishes other processes.

After lunch, they went back to school together.

As for Wang Xiaohua and Chen Ge opened the company together.

The whole class already knows.

Many tourism projects have joined the event, also spread.

In a word, it's very powerful.

One class for two.


There was a great noise.

"Chen Ge Xiaohua, what have you done?"

Some beautiful girls came around.

Talk to Chen Ge and Wang Xiaohua.

Chen Ge is more affectionate, eye winking.

In fact, all the students in the class guessed that it was Chen Ge who helped Wang Xiaohua, although the legal person of the company was Wang Xiaohua.

But the main financial resources come from Chen Ge.

Therefore, the girls all have a different mood for Chen Ge.

Of course, Wang Xiaohua's position is also rising.

In the past, there were many girls and boys chatting with Wang Xiaohua.

But Xu Yangyang and Lin Shengnan are not good-looking.

After all, they were all aimed at Chen Ge.

Now, Chen GE has established a high prestige in the class.Xu Yangyang was also very nervous.

And Xu Yangyang looked at Liang Fei.

In the past, after class, I talked to Liang Fei, and many people got close to Liang Fei.

But now, none of them.

Xu Yangyang walked over and patted Liang Fei on the back of his hand to calm him down.

After all, Liang Fei's disgrace at the ceremony has not passed.

"Excuse me, is Liang Fei there?"

At this time, a girl came to look for it.

"What's the matter?" Xu Yangyang asked.

"Well, in the afternoon's competition, director Yang asked me to call Liang Fei over! And let Liang Fei have a performance show

Said the girl.

"Ah? Good! Feige, did you hear that? The school has invited you! "

Xu Yangyang shouts happily.

Liang Fei nodded.

Xu Yangyang patted the table and said, "in the afternoon's Taekwondo competition, Liang Fei of our class will take part in it. Let's all go to watch and cheer for Feige!"

"Oh, yes, Congratulations, Feige!"

The students echoed.

After all, Liang Fei can't compare with Chen Ge in terms of popularity.

But it is also influential, and we all like to see Liang Fei's Taekwondo performance.

At present, they all agreed and went to the school gymnasium together.

"Brother Chen, let's go, too. Several classes go together."


Chen Ge also wants to see it.

After all, from small to large, everyone has a martial arts dream.

For fighting, although Chen Ge grew up with this kind of idea, he also liked it.

I also want to see Liang Fei's performance.

How to say, although Liang Fei is not pleased with Chen Ge, Chen GE has no special emotion for him.

So he followed.

By the time we got to the stadium, there were already a lot of people here.

With the help of Liang Fei's reason, Chen Ge and his two classes can watch and shout for Liang Fei from a close distance.

After all, this kind of big scene needs a master to give a performance show and enliven the atmosphere.

Liang Fei is the provincial runner up.

Chen Ge came in to see, not only many Taekwondo contestants, but also Hu Huimin and Shen Junwen.

It is worth mentioning that Shen Junwen is wearing Taekwondo uniform at the moment.

It has aroused the strong attention of others.

And Li Wentao, standing next to Shen Junwen, is also wearing a track suit.

But obviously, Li Wendao Shen Junwen that class, some girls all hold up Shen Junwen's brand, the voice of Shen Junwen is too high.

Obviously, their own class, is to know the strength of Shen Junwen.

And Liang Fei is warming up, see Shen Junwen, eyes can not help but slightly jump.

"Is it him?"

Liang Fei was surprised.

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