Shen Junwen also saw Liang Fei.

Eyes are also slightly a pick.

At the moment, the two walked past each other.

"Are you Shen Junwen, the champion of youth group Taekwondo in Jiangnan province? I saw you play in the national games last year

Liang Fei has a look of respect in his eyes.

"I know you too. You are the second runner up in the Sichuan Youth competition. The champion is better than you this year!"

Shen Junwen was also surprised.

Both of them were specially invited by the organizers to perform.

The dialogue between the two obviously attracted the attention of many Taekwondo Players and the audience.

They looked at them one after another.

"Yes, you also got a high ranking in the national competition, but I always hope that I can play with you. Today, it seems to be a good opportunity!"

Liang Fei looked at Shen Junwen with a strong sense of war in his eyes.

Hu Huimin is looking at Shen Junwen with a smile.

There was a glow of satisfaction.

Yes, Shen Junwen is really excellent. Not to mention his fighting ability, but his reputation in Taekwondo is also very strong.

This is why Hu Huimin worships Shen Junwen.

"Well, today is a great opportunity indeed

Shen Junwen shook his head and said with a bitter smile.

And their proposal was soon adopted by the organizers.

The duel between the two masters is also the highlight of this activity.

The champion of Jiangnan province vs the second runner up of Sichuan Province is naturally very interesting.

Even a lot of Taekwondo Players are excited, but also inspired, the current competition, are particularly hard.

"Brother Chen, look, who is that over there?"

When Chen Ge watched the game with great interest, the fat man suddenly rammed Chen GE's arm.

Chen Ge followed the direction of the fat man's fingers.

Is to see, one side of the stand, do not know when more than two beautiful images, also watching the game.

It is Fang Huanan and Fang Yi.

"Are they here, too?"

Chen Ge was surprised.

The two girls are always like this. They sit on the side of the corner and don't communicate with the people around them.

Chen Ge looks at them as if she is aware of them and looks at Chen Ge at the moment.

They looked at each other.

Fang Nan frowned a little, and turned her eyes to one side.

Chen Ge did not continue to watch.

"Brother Chen, I don't know if you found it?"


"The two goddesses have been peeping at you, especially Fang Yi. Although she was secretly talking to Fang Yannan in class two days ago, I can see that the light from the corner of Fang Yi's eyes is glancing at you from time to time!"

"What's more, Xu Yangyang has been looking for you these two days. When you quarrel with her, Fang Yannan and Fang Yi are also looking at you! Even just now, I saw Fang Yannan and Fang Yi watching you. Brother Chen, can't both goddesses like you? "

Fat man analysis.

"Fart, how can it be!"

Chen Ge shook his head and laughed.

And now, fat people don't talk.

Because at the moment, Qin Nuan has been on the stage and started the game.

The fat man stares at Qin Nuan.

Although Qin was cold and warm this morning.

But to tell you the truth, the fat man has a lot of feelings about Qin Nuan.

Just like myself and Yang Xue, although we hate her at the beginning, when she encounters a crisis, they just can't do it.


The fighting lasted about seven or eight minutes.

Qin Nuan is defeated by accident, and is kicked out of the field. He falls not far away from Chen Ge and the fat man.

Qin Nuan covers his chest and bites his lips slightly. He takes a look at Wang Xiaohua. Seeing that Wang Xiaohua doesn't pay attention to himself, Qin Nuan's face is full of disappointment.

It's like I lost something.

Time passes by.

The competition is coming to an end.

But the more this time, we can see that there are more and more students gathering around the competition field. Obviously, the battle between Liang Fei and Shen Junwen starts immediately, and many people come to watch.

Not long ago, the whole scene can not be described too much by the sea of people.

And Shen Junwen and Liang Fei have begun to warm up.

"Shen Junwen and Liang Fei are both very good. Liang Fei needn't say that. Shen Junwen, the second runner up of our province, is said to be the champion of Jiangnan province. He is an old ox!"

"I will go. It will be wonderful, but I still support Liang Fei! I hope Liang Fei can give us a face in Sichuan! "

"I am more optimistic about Shen Junwen. After all, Shen Junwen gives people a very sophisticated feeling!"There was a lot of talk around.

Even Chen GE's classmates started a heated discussion.

"Chen Ge, who do you prefer?"

Several girls did not know when they all gathered around Chen Ge and asked curiously.

"I, they are both very good. It's really hard to say who I'm looking for."

"Tell me, don't you and Shen Junwen know each other?"

The girl shook Chen GE's arm.

In fact, Chen Ge knows the identity of Shen Junwen, and his fierce degree is certainly more than Taekwondo.

I don't think about what he does.

To tell the truth, Shen Junwen must be good.

But Chen Ge certainly won't say that.

"What is he doing? He knows a fart! He doesn't know Taekwondo. Hum, he has a few stinky money. If you look at other people's comments, you can also comment. What are you? "

Xu Yangyang turned his head and said to Chen Ge.

She seems to be sick these two days. She has met Chen GE more than once and twice.

Chen Ge sees her as a little girl, and most of them don't care about her.

Indeed, Chen Ge also knows that during the charity ceremony, he robbed Liang Fei of the limelight, but he always hated himself. Is that too much?

What's more, when the war between Shen Junwen and Liang Fei began.

Xu Yangyang deliberately side body, blocking Chen GE's line of sight.

Chen Ge to the left, she to the left side of the body, Chen Ge to the right, she also to the right.

Frankly speaking, I don't want Chen Ge to watch the game happily.

Chen Ge is full of fire.

But as time went on, the game was also turning white hot.

Liang Fei's attack was very fast at the beginning, and his movement skills were very good.

But Shen Junwen did not make several effective attacks.

It's always been dodging.

But in the late stage, Liang Fei's attack began to become very weak.

Because although the action has been done, it has not been effective in killing Shen Junwen.


On the other side of the grandstand, Fang Huanan said faintly at the moment.

"Ah? Who lost? Shen Junwen? I think Liang Fei's attack is very powerful, and his action is also very handsome! But look at Shen Junwen. His movements are very simple. Is he the champion or not? Water? "

After all, Fang Yi said that although she had never spoken to Liang Fei and had no friendship, Liang Fei was after all a classmate of her own joint class. By contrast, Fang Yi was more inclined to Liang Fei's side.

"Ha ha, the road to Jane, although Liang Fei's action is cool, but the attack idea is also exposed very quickly, in the end is the provincial champion, is really very smart, so, you wait and see!"

Fang said.

Sure enough, it was quick.

When Liang Fei organized another attack, Shen Junwen suddenly turned and kicked back in the air, which was also very cool at the same time.

Liang Fei was directly kicked out of the field.


And it is also this scene, let the whole audience directly into the G tide, sounded the deafening cry.

Only Xu Yangyang's anxious face.

Originally, when Liang Fei attacked before, Xu Yangyang had been shouting, but now, a move failed, Xu Yangyang of course some unhappy ah.


Chen Ge is also very wonderful to see, at the moment can not help but shout good.

But when Xu Yangyang heard this, he suddenly stood up and glared at Chen Ge:

"what's good? Can you understand it?"

It was so loud that almost many people in the hall heard it.

At the moment, all eyes are on Chen GE's side

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