"Are you sick?"

Chen Ge scolded.

"Well, it's Feige who lost. Are you so excited? You don't see what kind of virtue you have. If you have seed, you will go up and compare it

Xu Yangyang scolded.

And it seems that he wants to vent all his anger and anger on Chen Ge.

At the moment, he picked up a bottle of mineral water and poured it directly on Chen Ge.

Chen Ge evades, Chen ge of current gas wants to smoke Xu Yangyang's mouth.

Fortunately, a group of students gathered around and pulled Xu Yangyang apart.

There's no conflict.

Hu Huimin, on the other hand, glanced at Chen Ge, who was despised by others, and then set her eyes on Shen Junwen, who has boundless scenery. Indeed, Shen Junwen will not let people down every time.

And then a referee came on.

He came to Shen Junwen.

He said to Shen Junwen, "I have never seen anyone who is young and can make such standard and aesthetic movements. He is worthy of being the champion of the youth group in Jiangnan province."

The referee looks nearly 40 years old and should be a well-known figure in the industry.

Shen Junwen just shook his head and gave a bitter smile.

"Ha ha, this is also a standard aesthetic action. Some people are afraid that they have not seen what is a standard action?"

And just then, a dissatisfied female voice sounded.

It is also with the sound of the sound, let the whole scene quiet down.

They looked at the girls one after another.

This girl is not someone else. It's Fang Yi.

Originally, after watching the duel between the two, Fang Yi and Fang Danan were preparing to leave.

But did not expect, Fang Yi just heard the referee's compliment to Shen Junwen, as well as the crowd's cry for Shen Junwen.

Originally, when Liang Fei lost, Fang Yi didn't want to dislike Shen Junwen for him.

But, after hearing this, Fang Yi was a little unconvinced.

Even if it's praise, it's obviously too much.

The two goddesses in the school were all silent at the moment.

Quietly looking at the scene.

"Well, don't say it!"

Fang Nan gently pulls Fang Yi's arm and signals her to leave.

"So, have you ever seen a standard action? Some people, sour what? "

The speaker is Hu Huimin.

Seeing someone say Shen Junwen, she is not happy. And she doesn't know what strength these two girls are.

"Of course, what provincial champion, in front of her, is just a pupil!"

Fang Yi pointed to Fang Nan.

Then he said in a low voice, "my daughter, compare with him and let him have a little memory!"

Fang Yi is also angry.

Naturally, Fang Fannan would not come to fight with others. After all, if Fang wanted to take part in this kind of competition, she would have taken part in it.

But she never had the right match.

Then he shook his head.

Ready to leave.

"Don't go. If you have the ability, please compare it."

Hu Huimin is a proud smile.

"Huimin, stop talking. I won't compare with girls. You know, I never beat women!"

Shen Junwen gave a bitter smile.

However, Fang Nan stopped for a moment.

Then he turned to Shen Junwen.

"Well, I can have a fight with you!"

It's all because of Shen Junwen's saying that if you don't beat women, are some boys like this? They think that girls are doomed to be weaker than boys, and nothing is better than boys?

This is why neither she nor Fang Yi is qualified to participate in family affairs.

What's more, from childhood to adulthood, Fang Huanan hated this sentence most. So she agreed.


Fang Yi exclaimed excitedly.

"The goddess is going to do it?"

"Wow, that's the real point."

The atmosphere of the scene revived.

Shen Junwen shrugged helplessly at the audience, indicating that everyone should fight.

Soon, Fang Huanan changed her dress and came back.

There's another style of "Ma Nan Fang".

Many boys are obsessed with bad, even a lot of girls are jealous.

Chen Ge is also motionless looking at Fang Huanan.

I didn't expect Fang Huanan to understand this.

And Shen Junwen's behavior at this time caused a burst of hiss.

Because Shen Junwen found a piece of black cloth and covered his eyes.

How overbearing! That's tough!

At the moment, Shen Junwen waved to Fang Xiaonan, "let's go!"

In the face of this obvious contempt, Fang Huanan did not say anything.A quick dash past, a swift whip leg is a direct kick.


A sound, directly kicked in Shen Junwen's face.

Shen Junwen, however, didn't have time to resist it. He whirled in the air and hit the ground heavily.

It's fast and fierce.

And it is this scene that makes all the people in the audience take a breath.

Shen Junwen got up from the ground and took the cloth from his eyes.

Looking at Fang Nan in horror.

Even Hu Huimin is stupid, because this girl is too strong.

And Fang Huanan, at the moment, beckons Shen Junwen, whose legs are almost unsteady, to indicate his attack.

Shen Junwen's heart is angry, directly rushed up.


However, it was faster, and with Fang's whirl and side kick, Shen Junwen flew back to the field like a kite with a broken string.

Everyone opened their mouths and looked at the scene in disbelief.

Even Chen Ge was shocked.

It's too strong.

Shen Junwen has been very powerful, but in front of Fang Danan, he can't stop any move!

I'm still in such a mess!

"Brother Junwen!"

Li Wentao and they came to help Shen Junwen, who was unable to stand up, and covered his chest.

Shen Junwen's painful forehead was sweating.

A look of admiration.

Even Liang Fei was deeply admired.

"Good fight, you are so good!"

Xu Yangyang a look, beat Liang Fei Shen Junwen turned to be next door class girls humiliated.

Although Shen Junwen and his brother are good friends, but still up to applaud.

The whole scene was also a sensation.

"Hum, the most powerful person is not her opponent. I feel that you boys are just like this! How boring

Fang Yi said triumphantly.

"Who is unconvinced and can challenge her?"

Fang Yi said.

However, the boys lowered their heads one by one, and obviously they were all counselled.

Li Wentao also dare not go up. After all, Shen Junwen is so powerful that he is not an opponent.

"That's right. Isn't Chen Ge quite familiar with it? Why not? "

At this time, Xu Yangyang turned his head to look at Chen Ge behind him and said sarcastically.

"Some people are stupid 13. They just applauded Shen Junwen, but now they dare not even applaud?"

Xu Yangyang said.

Moreover, I don't know if she was intentional. At the moment, she moved her steps and just stepped on Chen GE's feet.

She was wearing shoes with high heels, solid bottom, and Chen Ge showed her teeth in pain.

"Get out of the way!"

Chen Ge a hurry, a kick on Xu Yangyang's PG, Xu Yangyang directly lying in front.

"Chen Ge, you How dare you beat me? "

Xu Yangyang did not expect Chen Ge, and now directly in public to kick himself down, Xu Yangyang of course crazy.

"Brother Tao! He He hit me

Xu Yangyang shouts to Li Wentao.

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