"Li Liang, don't you meet a classmate?"

Hou Xiaoxia waved to Li Liang affectionately. Obviously, this is her boyfriend.

Wang Wen then said, "Xiaoxia, you just said that you still have one more admission ticket in your hand, just take it out to Chen Ge. We haven't seen each other for so many years, and we just sit together and have a good talk about the past!"

"Well..." Hou Xiaoxia's eyes turned: "good, then let Chen Ge go, by the way, also take Chen Ge to see the big scene!"

"I'll give you a piece of Chen Song. You can go with us."

Hou Xiaoxia said.

"Yes, let's go. It's OK again."

Wang Wen pulled Chen GE's arm.

"All right."

Chen Ge nodded and agreed.

If it was Hou Xiaoxia's simple invitation, Chen Ge would not go.

But Wang Wen, the relationship is very good, plus Chen Ge now have to wait for news, really idle is also idle, ready to go to have a look.

Several people took the elevator together and went directly to the third floor of the hotel.

There is a hall inside.

It's for Party parts.

It's a very high class hotel in Hong county.

Everyone showed their tickets and went in.

A lot of people have come.

It's like a development gathering before a big project starts.

According to Hou Xiaoxia's introduction to Chen Ge.

That is, you have no money, no power, you don't even have a chance to show up.

As for Hou Xiaoxia's boyfriend Li Liang, it's obvious that she's quite in touch on this occasion.

I know a lot of people. After I say hello to their friends one by one, I sit down at a table.

"What are you doing?"

Chen Ge also sat next to Wang Wen, Liang Meng.

At this time, Hou Xiaoxia said.

"What for?"

Chen Ge shook his head and said with a bitter smile.

"You! Get me over there and sit down! Is this where you can sit? "

Hou Xiaoxia, like a pervert, has changed her attitude towards Chen Ge since she came into the meeting.

It's a whole thing. You gave the ticket.

Chen Ge glanced at the direction of Hou Xiaoxia's fingers. The table was in the corner. The driver's secretary who came to visit the meeting hall today should be there.

Obviously, Hou Xiaoxia thinks that she is not qualified to sit at the same table with her.

And Hou Xiaoxia's voice, is also to let the people around focus on it, in public was embarrassed, obviously very embarrassed.

Wang Wen is anxious to persuade Hou Xiaoxia.

But Chen Ge, also do not want to see Wang Wen embarrassed, simply smile a, walked in the past.

"Xiaoxia, what's wrong with you? You were very good to Chen Ge before. Now how can you do this to him in public? Don't you let him make a fool of himself in public? "

Wang Wen was a little anxious.

"That's right. I just want him to make a fool of himself in public, so that he can have a good taste of it!"

Hou Xiaoxia suddenly stares at Chen Ge coldly.

"Why? Chen GE has never offended you. Don't tell me it's because of that little thing in high school! "

Wang Wen's head is big, after all, Chen Ge is calling to come by himself. Now, two good friends are uncomfortable, and Wang Wen is certainly worried.

"Little things? Wenwen, do you really think that high school thing is a small matter? "

Hou Xiaoxia seems to be very angry when she thinks about it.

"At the beginning, you also remember that when we finished the competition and won the place, the school invited more than 20 students to have dinner in the provincial capital. When we finished the meal, there were only a few of our students left. We took a big risk of sincere words. I lost and I had to choose a person on the scene to express my feelings! Did you forget that? "

Hou Xiaoxia said.

"Of course I remember. I know you didn't like Chen Ge at that time, but for the sake of safety, you confessed to Chen Ge who just came back from moving things to the teacher. You said, Chen Ge, I like you!"

Wang Wen also recalled the original thing.

"And the result? Chen Ge said in public that we were not suitable. Walter was so drunk that he really thought I would like him. I was angry when I thought of his appearance. That day, all the students in the class pointed at me and laughed, saying that even Chen Ge did not look up to me. At that moment, I was greatly humiliated !!!”

Hou Xiaoxia said.

"Ah, do you know why Chen Ge says it's inappropriate? Chen Ge thinks he's poor and he doesn't deserve you! You think too much! And he also thinks that you are not really interested in him, so a nervous just said so! Don't you think that Chen Ge is poor all the time? You don't want to be next to Chen Ge in the car. Chen Ge is afraid of you

Wang Wen quickly explained.

"What, this D silk, I must let him regret, moreover, not only I think he is poor, Wen Wen, you don't dislike it? Don't think I don't know. You liked Chen Ge at that time, but it was because Chen Ge was so poor that you two couldn't go any further, could you? "Hou Xiaoxia's mouth is really once opened, everything goes out.

This words, let Wang Wen's pretty face red, hit Wang Wen's mind.

And Liang Meng's face is not good-looking, no wonder he pursued Wang Wen at that time, Wang Wen did not agree, originally, at that time, she liked Chen Ge?

Now, let's look at Wang Wen's attitude and concern about Chen Ge.

Liang Meng was jealous.

It's totally different. Before Wang Wen was good to Chen Ge, Liang Meng didn't interfere much. She thought Chen Ge was also a competitor of her own? How can Wang Wen like Chen Ge?

But now, the direct is to let Liang Meng's heart jump.

There's something about emotion.

Liang Meng looked at Wang Wen and saw what she was blushing at the moment, and was more certain.

Hou Xiaoxia's words really poked Wang Wen's mind.

She was right. She really liked Chen Ge at that time.

Also true, because Chen GE has no money, although Wang Wen tried, but think, if with Chen Ge really come together.

How do students see themselves? What would you say about yourself?

Still did not pass this pass, finally gave up with Chen GE's further development.

But this does not prevent Wang Wen from hoping for Chen Ge to get better.

Love is such a thing. Once either side of the two sides has concerns, the relationship will have cracks, isn't it?

When the atmosphere in the end is more subtle.

Chen Ge did not hear the conversation between Hou Xiaoxia and Wang Wen.

However, a driver beside him said, "isn't that Li Liang, the son of general manager Li Liang? My boss said that today Li Liang is here on behalf of Mr. Li. Let's also show that we take the project from Mr. Li after all! After all, it's a class one

"Yes, Mr. Wang of our family has also specially explained that, at least, he has to offer a glass of wine to show that he is!"

Several driver secretaries discussed.

Li Liang's family started the company, and the cooperation alliance between some companies was too normal.

So, Dodo says it's no problem.

"Well, since we've explained everything, let's go together, so that we won't have a chance to serve drinks when the dinner starts later."

Said a female secretary.

Then the group rose straight up.

"Brother, why don't you come with me?"

At this time, a driver beside Chen Ge patted Chen Ge on the shoulder.

Obviously, Chen Ge is regarded as a driver

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