"I will not go!"

Chen Ge shook his head.

"Well, if you don't pull it down, what are you going to pretend to be?"

Some female secretary dissatisfied way.

Then everyone went to Li Liang's table to toast.

And watching people come to toast their boyfriends.

Hou Xiaoxia coldly glanced at Chen Ge sitting alone.

It seems that from Chen GE's face, I can see the feeling of shame and shame.

Even dare to refuse me in those years, have a look, you and I in the end the gap is how big!

What's more, how far is the gap between you and Li Liang.

Do you really think that I want you to come to see the world?


Hou Xiaoxia is deliberately trying to humiliate Chen Ge, because the bigger the scene is, the stronger the sense of shame in Chen GE's heart!

This kind of revenge pleasure, but usually does not have.

And Wang Wen saw Chen Ge alone, and Hou Xiaoxia obviously called Chen Ge to make him embarrassed.

So I want to accompany Chen Ge in the past.

"What are you doing?"

As a result, Liang Meng held his arm violently.

Wang Wen did not expect Liang Meng to be like this.

I know what Hou Xiaoxia said just now, which may have affected Liang Meng.

So Wang Wen didn't say anything more!

At this time, there are also many people from the adjacent table, who come to drink to Li Liang and Hou Xiaoxia.

Hou Xiaoxia, who is too busy to answer, looks at Chen Ge.

The more I look at it, the happier I feel.

And this is the time.

"Chen Shao!"

Suddenly someone called.

It was a middle-aged man who was surrounded by a lot of people. He seemed to be a very influential person.

With his cry, the whole scene is also momentarily quiet down.

Everyone looked at him.

"It's really Chen Shao!"

At this time, another middle-aged man beside the middle-aged man also called.

At present, about a dozen well-dressed people ran towards the seat of the mat.

And it was Chen Ge who attacked him.

"Oh, isn't that Mr. Guo?"

"Yes, it's general manager Guo. How did they get there?"

"Yes, and you see, not only Mr. Guo, Mr. Li, Mr. Wang and Mr. Qin have all passed by. It seems that they are very happy!"

Naturally, many people knew Mr. Guo.

To tell you the truth, these bosses are the best in the whole party.

What do you mean?

Just like before, when they speak, everyone has to shut up and listen.

At present, people are looking forward to it.

And Hou Xiaoxia's table is also muddled.

Hou Xiaoxia in particular, because she has been staring at Chen GE's sake, so when people run past, she can see most clearly.

A mouthful of red wine almost choked to death.

"Chen Shao? What's the situation? What is Guo's identity? How can you know Chen GE's D silk? "

Hou Xiaoxia was surprised.

The pleasure of revenge just now is gone.

There is a touch of tension in my heart.

And Wang Wen also saw, inexplicable heart some small excitement.

As for Liang Meng, the jealousy in his eyes became more intense.

The group of toasters also looked at what happened.

"Are you?"

And this group of people standing in front of Chen Ge, Chen Ge a face muddled, do not know!

"Crouch, what's the situation? Mr. Guo went to say hello to him. The boy didn't know who Guo always was?"

"I'm so angry. Are you polite? Who educated them? "

"I wonder, Mr. Guo, did they recognize the wrong person? Or is that guy's driver? How is that possible? Mr. Guo is the most powerful one to come today, isn't he? "

There was a lot of discussion.

"Chen Shao, you forget too much. You may forget that you don't know me, but I know you. Ha ha, this is my business card!"

General manager Guo said with a happy smile.

In the past, Chen shaogen couldn't touch it. Now, it's obviously his home court, and Chen Shao has come to his own home court.

Chen Ge took over his business card and saw that Guo was always engaged in real estate development.

The company name looks familiar.

"Chen Shao, the last time we met was at Miss Lin's birthday party. We also went there! At that time, we won three projects in the development of Ping'an County! Ha ha

Mr. Guo said.

"Ao, I remember. How are you, Mr. Guo!"

Chen Ge still did not remember, but continue to tangle with this issue, it is obviously a little embarrassing.Now I had a ha ha.

"Chen Shao, I'd like to propose a toast to you!"

"Chen Shao, I'd like to propose a toast to you, too!"

At present, this group of bosses have brought a glass of wine to meet Chen Ge.

After Chen Ge finished drinking.

General manager Guo invited Chen Ge to sit at the front seat. Chen Ge said nothing.

It's good to sit here.

Seeing Chen GE's unwillingness, general manager Guo was sorry, but he did not continue to persuade him.

Chen Ge asked general manager Guo to be busy with them first. If there is anything, you can communicate later.

Mr. Guo was naturally willing.

After a round of respect, they left.

And Hou Xiaoxia was silly.

"How could it be? How could that be possible? How did Mr. Guo know Chen Ge? What's more, they are respectful to Chen Ge? "

Today, Hou Xiaoxia wanted to humiliate Chen Ge with such a big scene.

Revenge for Chen GE's humiliation.

But now, Hou Xiaoxia is obviously beaten in the face.

And the stronger the revenge, the harder the face!

What General Guo, Wang Zong, Li Liang at most on behalf of his father to toast their share, and now, they collectively toast to Chen Ge!

This kind of feeling, really is who experiences who knows.

And Wang Wen, is in front of a bright, obviously Chen Ge to her this accident is a little too big.

Even Wang Wen's heart, also produced a kind of somewhat complex mood.

Now hou Xiaoxia did not want to drink, and sat down very depressed.

"What's going on? Wenwen, did you hear what general manager Guo said to Chen Ge just now

Hou Xiaoxia said anxiously.

Wang Wen shook her head.

"I heard something about the Pingan County project. It was the hometown of Chen Ge and we were engaged in large-scale development. Maybe Chen Ge and Mr. Guo knew each other at that time?"

Liang Meng is very uncomfortable to say.

"But there's no need for Guo to propose a toast to Chen Ge?"

Hou Xiaoxia said in a hurry.

It was as if Chen Ge had stolen something from her.

"I don't know. I'll ask our high school classmates if they know anything about it? Let me ask! "

At present, Liang Meng asked in their class group.

Hou Xiaoxia waited anxiously.

"I'll go, and somebody knows it!"

Liang Meng also suddenly came to the spirit.

At the moment, he said, "it turns out that Chen GE has a good growth. His small growth is very powerful in Ping'an County. He has set up a large auto trade and has a wide range of contacts."

"Ah? That is to say, Chen Ge got to know Mr. Guo only when he was young? "

Hou Xiaoxia said.

"It must be so, because some students have heard that Chen GE's hair is really small, which is really awesome!" Liang mengdao.

"Damn it, I'm scared to death. How can Chen Ge be so lucky?"

Hou Xiaoxia is still very angry.

At this time, the host appeared on the stage.

And the big screen on the stage also shows a very magnificent villa.

People don't know what it means to show the villa, but they are obviously shocked by the villa.

Hou Xiaoxia also a cover mouth: "I go, this villa is too handsome, unexpectedly on the top of the mountain!"

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